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Posts posted by decker_cky

  1. I don't think a starter without models does the job.


    I like some of the simpler starters here, but I'd add one thing - recent Wyrd models have had a real barrier for new players in their difficult construction. I think the starter should have simpler plastics, and not necessarily follow the starter sets. I think the models should be designed for easy assembly - as much as possible being 1-2 parts (see witchling stalkers). You could have lady justice, 3 guild guard and a sergeant or something in one crew, against a similar resser crew. It keeps the crews slightly simpler in terms of abilities (masters will still be complex), it keeps a reason to pick up the main box set later, it adds models that could stand to have alt sculpts to the wyrd range, and it gets the player started easier.


    Some posts talk about showing off all the mechanics....this isn't really needed. What the starter needs to do is show the flow of the gameplay, then next it needs to show the interesting scheme mechanics. If you try to teach everything, you'll just confuse players who may have to teach themselves to play.


    edit: I also think that Marcus and 3 slate ridge maulers against justice, a sergeant and 3 guild guard would be ridiculously fun. 

  2. You need a good 3d printer for the master from what I understand, as some of the cheaper ones won't be quite as crisp as a good printer (and the most detailed level of material).


    A 3D printer may be useful regardless just to see how some things come together when cast.


    Also, with plastics, you have to spend a lot more time at the design phase to ensure that there's no undercuts.

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  3. I think the Hoarcats may now be 1 per base, which is disappointing. I'd much prefer a smaller 3 per base miniatures like the current ones. I may have to order a few more old ones rather than get the new ones.


    Waldgeists look great.


    Dreamer is a slam dunk kit in my opinion. 


    I still haven't seen a Zoraida model that I like. 


    Electrical creation and essence of power are great. Almost wish EC was a 3 for 21 kit, but I already have an old one so it's not really an issue. 


    Lucius box set is nice too, though I find the guild guard to be a bit generic (could use any appropriately scaled wild west minis and they'd fit right in).

  4. Well you are quoting something from before M2E was even announced, that is why that statement exists. The Hannah we are getting is the same as the one everyone else is getting we just get it early. The rules will be EXACTLY the same.


    Not that I care, but I seem to remember Wyrd being very clear that it was a different sculpt of Hannah than would get general release. Some will care and cause a ruckus if it goes for general release.

  5. Yeah...in a way, you can easily justify a 100ss pool for Marcus alone when playing 50ss games. 


    On the other side of that coin, I think you could make for a hugely flexible 100ss pool using Ramos and Mei. Ramos of course needs extra spiders on top of the pool.


    Rasputina falls closer to to Marcus on that scale and even has some decent overlap. 

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