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Posts posted by decker_cky

  1. As soon as you add as if it were a :ranged Attack Action. By normal language it becomes a :ranged action and would suffer from randomize.

    Disagree strongly. Randomization is not involved in the cover rules. Taking away the extra qualifications, the proposed wording provides cover as if the Attack were a  :ranged Attack Action. It doesn't generally add a  :ranged  to the attack. 


    So yes STRICTLY speaking you are correct and bayou Bushwackers and mctavish have useless abilitys. This is one of those times I won't argue RAW. But rather it is quite intended that the attacker gets a  :-fate to either the Attack flip (soft cover) or the Attack and Damage flip (hard cover)


    Malifaux, to me, is designed around tight rules where you should be able to use RAW. Where RAW doesn't work, the rule is broken and should be fixed. Obviously you don't need to ignore the rule in the meantime, but that doesn't mean there isn't an issue. 


    How this came up is when I looked at the rule, on the face of it, if nothing else, it was confusing wording. "While in cover, this model receives cover [...]" That's what the rule says. So you need cover already to benefit from the rule, which provides cover. 


    To revise my earlier suggested wording, I think that part should be cleaned up with something like:


    "This model may benefit from cover against all non   :melee  Attack Actions as if they were :ranged Attack Actions."

    • Like 1
  2. I think it wants to do something, but lacks a strong enough wording to cause an actual consequence. The ability should say something like this: 

    "While in cover, this model receives cover from all non  :melee  Attack Actions as if it were a :ranged Attack Action."


    The proposed wording doesn't add an extra  :-fate, doesn't affect randomization, etc.., but it does provide the benefit that seems to be intended. It just treats all non- :melee Attack actions as if they were  :ranged attacks for the purpose of cover.

    • Like 1
  3. The ability:


     The Swamp Is Our Home: Friendly Swampfiend models gain the following Ability while they remain within :aura 6: "Lay of the Land: While in cover, this model receives cover from all non :melee  Attack Actions."
    The cover section:
    A model will gain the benefits of cover from a Projectile Attack when any LoS between the Attacking model and the target can be drawn through any terrain with the soft or hard cover traits that is within 1" of the target model.
    Terrain with the soft cover trait will grant soft cover which imposes a  :-fate  to the Attack flip of any ( :ranged) Attack Actions.
    Terrain with the hard cover trait will grant hard cover which imposes a  :-fate  to the Attack and damage flip of any ( :ranged) Attack Actions.
    I believe the intent is to have the ability grant cover to things like lure. However, I don't think the words in the rule properly express that ability. It seems to me like cover only does anything for  :ranged, so the ability in effect does nothing (when you are in cover, it gives you cover). To grant cover to non- :ranged attacks, I think it is missing a clause at the end of lay of the land saying "as if it were an  :ranged Attack Action."
    How do others interpret it?


  4. So if the lead designer doesn't know what scale the models are intended to be, who does? 


    Lead designer = lead rules writer. 


    And Nekima had her rules updated from Ht4 down to Ht3, which the new model is in scale with. I don't think there's any issue with her scale, ruleswise (eg, the model is consistent with the rules). 


    The other scale issues seem to be what Justin was talking about (such as crouching models being huge) more than this particular model. 

  5. Soulstone miners don't seem like they're a particularly synergistic unit to take. Don't they generally just tend to do their thing regardless of the crew? Sure, they CAN be rail points turn two wherever you need (aside from overexposing Mei), but I've never found Mei to have any difficulty getting her rail points in position (even if they die, you have a scrap marker in place that most crews can't remove). 

  6. Unsuited lure with a high Ca can also force opponents to either burn cards when you haven't got the suit (your opponent doesn't know if you're going to cheat), or let you get off Lures by cheating down after they don't cheat when you haven't yet got the suit. Not great, but it's definitely a decent tool to have for when it makes sense. 


    With both smoke and mirrors and hidden agenda, Oiran are actually pretty great value generalists. It definitely dictates a lot of your crew choices (Misaki lead, or including Yamaziko or Ototo for smoke and mirrors, and likely something shooty for hidden agenda). 


    I actually just picked up a box of Oiran, and I'm considering testing out Oiran based Yan Lo and Mei Feng crews. 

    • Like 1
  7. Same here.  There was some fluff in twisting fates where an archanist raiding party rides some.  Must have been a tall tale!


    So long as the suspension and motors on the legs was strong enough, there's no reason you couldn't ride those (eg, the metal spine can handle it). Much more realistic to ride a robot dog than many of the live animal mounts used in a number of games.

    • Like 2
  8. Generally, it's also worth looking at her crew selection not in terms of showgirls, but in terms of things that make great use of (0) interacts (showgirls just happen to work well for that). In a lot of schemes and strategies, that passive bonus is a huge boost to the crew overall. Lots of showgirls have additional bonuses for exploding scheme markers.


    The other major thing she does is pass AP and movement to other models in the crew. There's some nasty tricks available, and you don't need to have a 14SS duet to get the most out of it (not that the duet is a bad choice, just the duet is so fast that a lot of time it won't be anywhere near Colette). 


    Cassandra is such a great model that she'll be amazing in any crew.

  9. Hey, they want the transplants, and who says it works if he uses anesthetic?  Besides, they get the skin transplanted in a desperate attempt to stay young and beautiful, I'd say they would have had problems before the whole transplanting skin thing.


    Yeah....I'd say they're tormented more by their desperation to stay young and beautiful. That they regularly have dead skin transplanted to them can't help things obviously.


    Really, the Nurses should be heading to the woods to hang out with Marcus for eternal youth. Either that or hang out with Leveticus (though that attempt may ring hollow in the end).

  10. Arcanists don't really have that basic solid core. I think they're more of very toolsy core, and they have a lot more synergistic crews (it's only in the armour crews that you have a ton of overlap).


    Where there's overlap for everyone is generally on big stuff:


    1. Metal Gamin (14)
    1. Mechanical Rider (14)
    3. Joss (12)
    4. Cassandra (9)
    4. Howard Langston (9)
    4. December Acolyte (9)


    That's from the 5 models every arcanist should have:


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