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Posts posted by Jeebus

  1. The wording on protect territory has gotten people I play with confused. I just want to clarify how exactly it works. If I have two scheme markers with friendly models within 2" and they are both within 6" of the deployment zone they score, right?

    How my group interprets it is they have to be outside of 6" from the deployment zone (which sounds like it goes against what protect territory means and what it was in previous editions. (With this thinking they can, and do, score full points on break thru and protect territory with only two scheme markers. That seems ridiculous.)

    I think the confusion comes from the wording. "... At least 6" from the deployment zone." Is that the minimum distance it can be from the DZ, or the maximum?

    Please cite your sources.

  2. First crew I played was Collodi in 1.x and I loved him! When I was being told what malifaux was they mentioned a puppet master and since I had been binge watching the movies I had to play him! Got whooped at first since I was learning the game as well as his old movement shenanigans at the same time.

    But ol' flappy bags is my favorite on table and in the fluff. I'm in the mind set that I am keeping my old metal model because topless old lady is gross and awesome!

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  3. What is a good choice for little miss' ability to take an upgrade? I was thinkin the lead apron for the armor, but is there anything that should be jumping out screaming 'take me dummy!'

  4. I was thinkin of using slop haulers in a mah list for the Df debuff. Didn't realize sloppys have an huge charge! Could do the same trick as mancha, mah, trixie but with a hauler instead of mancha.

    What do you guys think? Would it be worth while using slop haulers mainly for their debuff?

  5. Just curious; how many copies of stuff are in there? Like lightning bugs and stuffed pigs and what not? Is it just one card each or a few? Also, is their any misprints or changes that are noteworthy?

  6. We played a lot over the summer. We played the same as OP. 20 minute limit. (summoning was allowed) 


    My list was: Gremlins

    Mancha Roja

    Pere Ravage

    Burt Jebsen

    Gremlin Taxidermist




    I was undefeated. (out of 5 or 6 games.)


    First turn was always Taxidermist attack Pere and trigger for corpse counter. Summon a stuffed piglet. then Pere run forward to sit in the middle of the board and wait. (i know people dont like summoning, so im going to work out a list without the Tax-man) 

  7. Still looking for other players! In the last year ive found two new players. one moved away a few months ago and the other is only marginally interested in playing. (bought mei fang during gencon and hasnt built them yet!) I havent gotten an actual game in in months! Too many gremlins sittin in the box. They are getting restless. I can hear them plotting my demise during the night. They need to be played!! 

  8. That's how I've used her aswell, I can't say I agree with Zoraida being sub par with Gremlins though when you can obey a one ap charge from your pigs.

    well, I'm sure its just my abilities running her. I havent won a game running her as gremlins or neverborn, BUT i always end up doing something at least memorable in those games. I still have fond memories of my Zoriada/Collodi powerhouse from last edition. (I'm sure my group still wakes in a cold sweat on account of it. lol). It seems i generally take higher SS models when i run Ol' Flappybags. maybe tone it down and concentrate on the out activating advantage akin to gremlins. . . next time i put her on the table i'm gonna try to keep that in mind . . . 

  9. I love making us discard our hands! I generally attempt it at least once a game. I like running Somer in, making sure everyone knows that his hat is the biggest, then (0) for Quit screwin around to add insult to injury. then all the bayous who really dont care run around all willy nilly doing typical gremlin stuffs. 

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