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Posts posted by PierceSternum

  1. A while back, a community site was starting up for continued support of M1E.

    Apparently emails were back and forth and such and I am not entirely sure where any of that was left, but one thing I have been keen on hearing more about was:

    "Please keep an eye on the Wyrd miniatures site for any announcement on the subject of licensing. In fact one will likely be made in the next couple weeks."

    That was from 7/25... Now, I get that with Gencon approaching, everyone was understandably swamped, but now that its behind us, I was hoping to hear a bit more about this.

    What some of the intentions and coverage could possibly be. I understand if details are not worked out yet, so am more interested in seeing whether the intentions for it might align with some people's hopes.

  2. Aside from huge changes and such, what smaller things do you like fluff or rules-wise that do not get the "big publicity" of other changes?

    My first example would be Papa Loco having an ability called "Te Llevare al Infierno Conmigo".

    (Although I have not seen his book release, so I have not confirmed this actually)

    I thought having a spanish spell was really slick.

  3. I dislike that huggy is a henchman that can be played without Lynch because of how I had their relationship in my head.

    I always felt like the particulars of what Jacob Lynch was like were what allowed Huggy to fully manifest in Malifaux, making him unique because of their "deal".

    Now I feel like a nifty mindset I had in my head for them has been shattered. (Lynch and Huggy were also my only neverborn crew that I enjoyed playing.)

    I have no opinion on Huggy as a henchman mechanically as I have never tried it, not having the new rules yet.

  4. Rulebook says 30mm (just checked), card says 30mm...until we see a ruling saying otherwise, I'd say it's safe to go with 30mm being the proper base size.

    I do not have the rulebook yet, but can I ask if it says 30mm somewhere other than on the part that appears to be a photo of the card?

    He makes more sense to me as larger, but aside from what base came in the box, I have only ever seen 30mm listed in any beta form.

  5. Just finished Black Wings 1, which is an anthology of modern day short stories inspired by Lovecraft.

    Wanted to mention that most, if not all, of Lovecraft's work can be gotten for free or near free in legal electronic form as it has passed into public domain.

    There are a few epub versions and a kindle version that costs $1 but is edited/formatted better IMO.

    As far as Del Toro goes, I have been hoping for that movie for a long time, but enjoyed a few little nods he gave to lovecraftian "cosmic horror" in Pacific Rim.

  6. Layouts that do not harm my ability to read and understand the content do not bother me at all.

    I've not really heard anyone say that understanding the rules was impacted by the layout, so for me this is not an issue. But I can understand if more aesthetically inclined folks are bothered.

    I found the first book to be one of the most difficult game books to navigate for rules that I have ever had, so I suspect that this book will be leaps and bounds above that one. (Despite how much I also LOVED the fluff sections)

    But I gotta say that the defense of the "time crunch" they were under is ringing pretty hollow to my ears at this point as it was SELF-IMPOSED.

  7. You do, however, feel like there's a point to bringing up your playstyle, correct?

    I suppose. It was not really to convince you, but more to reply to what you seemed to think I was trying to do with a swarm when you said

    "If someone manages to waste your summoned models before they activate you're actually at a negative AP balance."

    I just wanted to let you know that what I use my swarm for (Constantly engaging enemy) and summoning (After out-activating, summoning for free hits and more engaging) so that you did not misunderstand me.

    I've little interest in debating the efficacy of what I do with anyone though, just wanted to clear it up, is all.

  8. expect everyone to agree

    nope. and for a few, I'd have bet my house on the opposite.

    just wanted to hear what others were doing and thought. Don't care what you or others think about my perspective.

    and your being on my list of "usual suspects" has little to do with this thread specifically.

    And I'll not out anyone, but I am not alone in my perspective of some of you if my PM's are any indication.

    I have zero interest in arguing with you, so I think I just need to have you actually on my ignore list at this point.

  9. But you're also losing AP, both in the form of destroyed models and resurrecting. If someone manages to waste your summoned models before they activate you're actually at a negative AP balance.

    Just explaining what I do, not trying to convince anyone. Summoned PZ and necros are two hits to kill minimum and I have never had trouble out-activating the snot out of my opponent and summoning at the end of the turn to let all the new models get their full AP in. Even if its just for a single charge to engage the enemy. (Getting actual hits is gravy, I just want the engagements)

  10. Nicodem's summons for me have never been about getting models for interactions, they have been for your models not interacting. My dogs are 4 soulstone paralyzes.

    And when they come back as PZ or even Necropunks, they are minimum 2-hit to kill tarpits that further suck up AP.

    On our boards, my horde could move largely unmolested (Don't care if I lose a couple on the way, they come back just fine) and at first opportunity double walk to engage nearest enemies. Don't care if they die, you are using AP and they are coming back.

    My entire goal is and has been for a while, to make you use AP.

    Occasionally I might have a high crow and for that, I might bring in a bigger summons, but for the most part, I am just tarpitting everything I can get near while a couple of models that might be free at the moment take care of other matters.

    Now... A more open board could slow me up quite a bit. I am interested in seeing.

    I have also never mirror matched.

  11. @PierceSternum: That said, I think it's great that you want to try out the game with less terrain and see if it solves your issue. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. Either way, I think it speaks well of you that you garnered new things from this discussion to try. :)

    Its basically this. I have had a different reaction to the new game and want to feel similar to others. So, I am basically just trying to understand the things I dislike as I cross them and get past them.

    There are plenty of things I like, though.

    I will say its most difficult for me to get through anything when so many people here seem inclined to take anything negative as an attack. It honestly makes me not want to be here, give the company money or play the game.

    I am not interested in writing up battle reports or, quite honestly, explaining much of anything to most people here. I stated what I disliked and why and was either told I was having a tantrum, preaching doom or the new mantra of "battle rep or it didn't happen". I simply wanted to know what other people were doing that might be different than me. I do not need anyone to play like me.

    I will be playing with less terrain and see how it feels. I am waiting on rules and cards purchases to come from my local store though, but still have plenty of beta files to keep us going.

    ---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 PM ----------


    With that in mind, snide comments like the ones I highlighted are asinine and remarkably disrespectful.


    I get that there was some frustration with you not being understood at first, and that there were some unfair comments directed at you initially.


    But your sweeping generalizations of anyone who disagrees with you as "fanboys" and "usual suspects" have done absolutely nothing to put you in a good light.

    Ok? But do you believe I was making a sweeping generalization of ANYONE that disagrees with me? OR was I perhaps talking about the people that ALWAYS disagree with me, thus USUAL suspects... Like Fetid, Dgraz and Ausplosions...

    What I took to be not wanting to name names, you take as "sweeping generalization" of all disagreement which is simply not true.

    I have learned quite a bit about what terrain people are using and intend to start doing the same when I get a chance.

    This is made all the more irritating by the fact that you did not use one ounce, one iota, one modicum of actual support.

    I am not really trying to convince you or anyone. Is that ok?

    I am not dismissive of anyone other than the people on my growing ignore list that continually come after me whenever I express what I dislike.

  12. seems like a lot of hostility here for nix... How quickly people turn. (My perception is that its not a turn for ausplosions, he was already hostile 24/7)

    But its super that people thank him it.

    Whatever floats your boat.

    I do not know anything about any rumors about Mack setting up terrain or whatever, but I do not think that its a stretch to expect that the official launch of M2E at the largest game convention of the year would be a showcase for how the game is setup and played.

    If the tables are NOT representative of what the game has been built and balanced for, I think that's a big mistake.

    And if thats what other playtesters have been using, then it is little wonder to me why opinions were so varied.

    Now, I fully expect the usual suspects to leap in and defend people's time, business, priorities etc.

    But the fact is, whatever else might have been going on, M2E *IS* the new flagship of the company, so it would be very strange to me that from a priority perspective that every single effort did not go into making every aspect of it perfect before giving the smallest amount of attention elsewhere.

    For my part, I think less terrain will help alleviate swarm issues so hope to give that a whirl soon.

  13. I'd strongly council you to avoid solving problems you think will exist before you've played a few games and experienced the issue first hand.

    When I said "We can play with less terrain and see how things run",

    I probably should have said "We can play with less terrain than we currently do and see how things run."

    Then I would have been clearer.

    I do not mind trying less terrain if that helps. I would like to be in the same place as others seem to be in regards to M2E.

  14. Some things make more sense to me now...

    Had friends at Gencon and have seen pictures of terrain.


    If that is representative of the terrain that people are using, then its different than our reading of the rules and I guess I could see how a swarm could get gunned down by a ranged crew before it could engage every model on the table while also taking objectives.

    We can play with less terrain and see how things run.

  15. As I've said, I do not have BAD feelings, I have SAD feelings. I am not preaching anything.

    I related my experiences and opinion based on them.

    What has been said back to me was that my "argument" was invalid and that I preach "DOOM".

    I do not preach and I am not arguing about anything.

    If anyone is doing anything in this thread, IMO, its that people OTHER THAN the developers are getting defensive (AGAIN) and attacking ANYTHING they perceive as critical of M2E.

    I'll not force some of you to come riding to M2E's constant defense any longer by saying anything critical.

    I like the new nurses. Discuss...

  16. I think it's fair to say there isn't enough experience of M2e to know one way or the other yet.

    Personally I understand people's concerns about high model count crews, but I don't yet see why they're likely to be any more of a problem now than they were in 1.5.

    Markers is the difference so far for me.

    I can drop one, then use second AP to move to engagement of an enemy model. Whether you kill it that turn or not, its still your AP getting tarpitted that turn. With 5 turns, when I put 11 or 12 models on the table, I will tarpit your entire crew. Maybe even kill some of them.

    Chuck Nicodem into the mix and they come back. BIGGER. I do not care about the half wounds. It takes two hits to kill punk zombies no matter what, and if you do NOT kill it, then you get flurried.

    I do not care about killing you. I just want to keep you engaged for as much of the game as I can throw models in your direction, with Nicodem reanimating as needed to KEEP you engaged. (Engaged = no interactions)

    And this is just what I like.

    Better players will think of more wicked things to do with all that AP. And what will we do then. Make the game 4 turns?

  17. I do not care how many turns the game is. I am not arguing for a different length.

    I am not "making an argument" for anything.

    I am stating what the game feels like to me. Five turns feels constraining and it feels like in the games I am in, one crew would clearly win, sometimes by a LOT, but they just do not have time to make the margin as large as it would because the game is shorter now.

    Eventually, I happen to believe that we will get better and THEN we will start discovering how to speed things up.

    Then the "illusion of balance" that I feel that shortening the game has created will be dispelled.

    I get that I have not been overly clear about my concern.

    I do not believe that the game is as balanced as others seem to, and that's with the limited palette of models currently available.

    I think that once swarm lists get MORE variety that their speed and margin of victory will increase.

    I think that by decreasing the turns to 5, that the developers have hidden imbalances temporarily behind better crews not yet knowing how to, or having all the tools yet, to go fast enough to make it obvious how much better they are.

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