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Everything posted by DevlinMudd

  1. Choice, let us know when we can sign up and I'll do so right away. Fixed Master is OK with me, along with Scarlett Fever I'd prefer Faction but it's not a game-breaker as long as strats are published beforehand. Pretty excited to break the NZ Malifaux scene out of the small local environments and have more of a nationwide community!
  2. Here is the image of the Outflank card (one of the few perfect ones) and the Plant Evidence card (the worst I could find). Most of the cards are somewhere between. If you have this deck, could you let me know if yours has similar offset problems or not?
  3. I picked up my S+S deck about a month ago, and after using it for a few games I've found that some of the cards are fuzzy. At first I assumed it was just me, but then I compared pairs of cards and saw that I wasn't going crazy. I also asked around my gaming group and they confirmed the issue. I don't know how they're printed, but it looks like one of the colours is offset and so everything is blurred and the text is hard to read. Has anyone else found this? I'll upload some pics when I get home from work and can take some photos.
  4. brucemanning used to be a Henchman down in Dunedin, but I believe the scene down there came and went before the Wellington group got going unfortunately. A while ago I was in touch with a guy from the Hawke's Bay, not sure if he managed to get anything going. I'll point him in the direction of the Facebook page.
  5. Hi there, So yeah, as Mr. Fever said we've got a small but solid crew in Wellington and have tournaments or leagues every few months. Some of us are hoping to make it up to BattleCry next year! Great idea for the Facebook page, we'll get posting about our upcoming events as well as results from our more momentous games.
  6. I read this just as I'm gluing up the final piece of the Gremlin on the swing.. aargh! Two whole evenings getting that guy put together, and he's still far from perfect and will need a bit of work with the scalpel and gap-filler to fix up his arms and wrists. He was a bit of a shock because the rest of the box was really easy to put together, even the other Gremlins. It really is down to having two pieces having to be glued separately and match up, such as the fishing Gremlin's two arms. I'd really appreciate not seeing any more of these types of components in the future! Also there's lots of work required to fill the gaps before you can start to paint it, that's the thing I miss the most about metal models.
  7. The Breach Club is proud to present their latest Malifaux league: Crazy Mo Faux and the Danse Macabre This is a six-week league starting on the 1st of October and continuing until the 9th of November, when the playoffs will begin! Games are 50SS, Fixed Faction. Each week will have a set Strategy and Scheme pool. Your top four results will count towards your final standing, and therefore decide whether you get into the playoffs. There is a $10 entry fee which will go towards prize support. For full details (and the backstory!), download the rules pack.
  8. The Egg Hauler and the Rooster Rider were released at Easter, so there has been a precendent for limiteds to be sold outside of Gen Con.
  9. Oh yeah sweet as, yeah that seems a likely outcome. Hopefully it'll coincide with the Brewmaster box set and the Colette box set too, though that could just be wishful thinking on my part! I'll keep my eyes peeled.
  10. After playing my first game with Brewmaster the other day I got reading up on Performers, and their synergies with the Tri-Chi crew seem so strong to be bordering on filthy. Excellent! So that led me to read up a bit on them and Colette and she sounds really interesting, so I'll probably pick up her box set when it comes out to use as another master as well as just for a Performer to fit into the Brewmaster's crew. However I got looking around and saw that on A Wyrd Place Nathan posted the picture of the limited edition Performer sculpt, also seen on the Pull my Finger wiki page: http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/M2E+Performer. I'm a total sucker for limited minis so immediately set to work trying to find out how to get hold of one or if I'd already missed the boat. But I couldn't find anything! Does anyone know about when this model will be available?
  11. In the last few turns do you find that Som'er has to move up to the front and get stuck in? I find that compared to his 1.5 version he's a lot more capable and reliable in a combat role, to such an extent that I've had success having him lead elite crews and not summon at all. I can only seem to sustain having him at the back Gitting the Bros for two turns at most until the pressure builds and he needs to quit messing around. Perhaps I need to use Piglets and Warpigs more to get up in the enemy's grill and give them something to think about. Also I assume you use Skeeters to prevent the Bayou Gremlins from declaring triggers, or always giving them Tomes/Rams, etc?
  12. Oh no don't tell me that, I'm still waiting for my Gen Con order with my Whiskey Golem! He looks awesome to put together and paint anyway. I've taken Fingers a few times with Som'er, he sure is fantastic at Squatter's Rights and other Interact-heavy schemes and strategies. He attracts so much attention for the first few turns that the rest of the crew can dance around unmolested.
  13. Ha awesome, sounds like what I was hoping to have happen. My canny opponent however also saw the crux of my plan and won initiative in turn two (must easier when you're Tara) and that was the end of that. However I just read up on the Performer and oh my. Brainsplosion. I'll definitely be picking up Colette Du Bois's box set when it's out. Now to hunt around for more mercenaries that play off poison...
  14. After three years of playing Som'er and Ophelia (heh and crashing out of my last tournament!) I thought I might try my hand at another master. It was either going to be Ulix or Brewmaster, Brewie won out because a) I have his cards and he's easier to proxy. I played my first game with him the other day... ...and he spent nearly the whole game staring at the inside of a Death Marshal's coffin. So not the most glorious beginning. Even with the limited play time that I had with him I could see him oozing synergy with his crew and it really got me excited for when his box set is finally released. Just from my theoryfaux afterwards I assumed that his crew works best in a tight bunch, to keep as many models as possible within the Drinking Contest bubble and Wesley's and the Brewmaster's Wp debuffs. In fact to me the synergies are so tight that it looks like you want to move in a single brick - Moon Shinobi target Wp with an Ml of 5, so they want to hit the poisoned models affected by Intoxication and Tipsy, the Golem wants to also be around Intoxicated models so its Sprung a Leak kicks in more often, and Fingers wants to be close in to share around the poison so the Brewmaster can make the most of it. This goes counter to everything I'm use to when playing Gremlins - spread out in case of blast markers! Does he suffer from this when playing Rasputina, Sonnia, etc? Also the crew looks like it starts out very fragile, but once a decent amount of poison is spread around it would become nearly invincible. Initiative seems very important, and cards not so much, so I can see Trixiebelle being an auto-include most games just to increase the odds of winning initiative and getting the all-important Drinking Contest off at the start of the turn as well as sharing as much poison and swill out there on the models you're most worried about. I'm looking forward to continuing my adventures with The Inebriated One and getting the know the little guy. There look to be enough tricks and combinations just from his basic crew to keep me happy for a good long while. Or at least until Ulix's box set comes out.
  15. I've used a couple of piglets a few times with Som'er, they're great for just setting loose for running interference - long charge, good Df and Wd for their cost, and if they flip a few Rams so be it. Getting them stuck into models that use Sh for their melee attacks can be frustrating for your opponent. I found they're also good for Distract (as long as they remain within 8" of a model with Pork Whisper'n), because they have such a long charge range and have 1AP left after their attacks.
  16. I vote Gremlins, but I might be biased. I can't say much for Yan Lo - I've only played against him and only in 1.5 - but I have a bit of experience with Ophelia. Her most obvious feature is her reliable and high damage output in both ranged and melee. She's also quite fast and has a variety of movement tricks to help her crew get to where they need to be. Generally most of her crew will be made of other Kin models (Francois, Raphael, etc) which also have high damage potential, but suffer wounds to do so so timing and healing is very important. I think she's an excellent starting master - enough obvious punch that she's pretty easy to get the hang of, but also with a lot of subtleties and canny tricks to pick up on and improve your game. If you do pick her up, I'd recommend Slop Haulers and some Bayou Gremlins as well.
  17. We had a successful tournament on Sunday, unfortunately we weren't able to run the hardcore on the Saturday due to low numbers. That didn't stop us from running a few casual games anyway. Got a lot of interest from passers-by though, having really nice terrain boards really helps set us apart from the more mundane-looking Warhammer and Flames of War tables!
  18. I've got a lot of the metal Gremlins already so I didn't want to get all of this box, luckily a friend really wanted Johanna so I just bought the four Bayou Gremlins and Lenny off him. I found Lenny really easy to put together, though there is a bit of a gap between the pig and his belly. It's quite hidden so even if I stuff up the gap-filling it won't worry me too much. The Gremlins I did find fiddly, two places in particular: getting the arms on square for the Gremlin with the fishing pole, and getting the frog to hang properly from the squatting Gremlin. How that's supposed to look nice without major plastic surgery I do not know, because straight off the sprue it shoots out almost perpendicular to the boomstick and looks ridiculous. Also I'm pretty sure that I got the angle of the feet on the squatting Gremlin wrong, because once I put the satchel on him he leads forward far too much. Not a problem because I can fix it up when basing him. I think the biggest problem with this kit is that some of the joins don't have pegs, and most times the flat part that you have to connect to the torso also connects to the sprue. So you when you cut it off the sprue and trim it you've altered the angle of the connecting section slightly, which is enough to throw off the join. This is what caused me the problems with the squatting Gremlin's feet and the fishing pole Gremlin's arms. When two pieces did have pegs it was a cinch. I don't know how common this is with other plastics kits - the only other ones I've built from Wyrd are Burt, Wong and Gracie. The hats are a bummer too, they'll all require filling to get rid of the seam. But I can't see any other way to do them in plastic and have them look good. Overall I'm really happy with the five models I got to put together. They fit in really well with the old Bayou Gremlins (thankfully, I have eight of them!) and the poses are interesting and worth the extra assembly time. I had my doubts about the move to plastics after the initial sets of models but am relieved to say that I'm pleased with them now. I do agree that they're not great as an entry point into the hobby for non-modellers, but this hasn't been a problem in my local scene at least.
  19. For the first time Malifaux will be at Call to Arms! As usual it will be at St. Patrick's School Hall, 581 Evans Bay Parade, Kilbirnie. (map here) We've got not one but two tournaments, plus demo tables. On Saturday the 16th we've got the hardcore tournament. This kicks off at 9.30am and is six rounds, 20SS, Fixed list (must be four models only, including leader, and you can't add to your henchman's cache). All rounds are Turf War and Assassinate with the Close deployment scheme, strictly timed to 30 minutes. Quick and bloody! We'll also have demo tables running on the Saturday. On Sunday the 17th we have the main event. 9am kickoff, three rounds, 50SS fixed faction. The rounds are straight from Gaining Grounds, so Reconnoiter / Flank, Stake a Claim / Standard, and Reckoning / Corner. You can download the player pack from the Call to Arms website. The cost is $25 for one event or $45 for both, or $60 if you register after June 30th. So get in quick! Painting requirements are lax, but we'd still really really like to see painted crews.
  20. I've got a Jack the Ripper pledge from the EBO Kickstarter sitting under my desk collecting dust, figured it'd appreciate being at a caring home being played. So this is the full inventory of what could be yours: Evil Baby Orphanage (played about three times) Nerdfighteria expansion (still in shrinkwrap) The Crayon Manifesto expansion (shrinkwrap) EBO Fate Deck (shrinkwrap) EBO Coloring Book The Littlest Evil History Book Four Kickstarter exclusive babies (I can't see what they all are without opening it, but two of them are Nero and Heinrich Himmler) Julius Caesar plushie Three Malifaux miniatures - Jack the Ripper, Lizzie Borden, Eric the Red (still on sprue) Tin to keep all your cards in I'm only looking to to cover my costs, so all this could be yours for $63 ($55 + $8 international shipping). Paypal and all the usual money transfer options are all good.
  21. Haha thanks Necroon, I'll have to give that a go! I just tried a wet palette the other day and used kitchen paper. And congrats on taking them all out Emeryt, you don't know how relieved I was that they all went to one person. Really looking forward to seeing what you do with them, I just followed the link in your sig and that lost me half an hour...
  22. Thanks very much guys! Took me far too long to do the write ups but glad to hear that they were appreciated. Make sure to tell all your friends.
  23. Hi everyone, Just posted some auctions on eBay for some Nightmare editions that I've collected over the years but realised I'll never have time to paint up. They're all at $1 start, free worldwide shipping. Chompy: http://www.ebay.com/itm/171241417658 Teddy: http://www.ebay.com/itm/171241434693 Dead Justice: http://www.ebay.com/itm/171241465936 Go nuts!
  24. Date: 3rd and 4th of August, 2013 Time: 9am kickoff, please be there a bit earlier for pre-tourney shenanigans. Location: St Patrick's College, Kilbirnie, Wellington Games: Five rounds, ranging from 30 SS - 45 SS Strategies: Shared, fixed per round: Treasure Hunt, Beatdown, Land Grab on the first day, Line in the Sand and Master of the Hill on the second day. Schemes: Unique. Crews: Fixed Faction. Registration: Pre-registration is necessary. See the Call to Arms website for registration pack. Fee: $45 before 1 July, $55 afterwards. Prizes: Prizes will be awarded for first place, best crew and best opponent. I'm trying to arrange sponsorship for other prizes. Painted: Painted crews are required.
  25. Was a really good day - some people were already curious about Malifaux from what they'd seen online so had a lot of interest. I'll be organising some more games up at the Warlords in the coming months, so if you'd like a game let me know!
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