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Posts posted by Jonasty

  1. I think it would be credited to Mei Fang. Her action directly caused the fall so to me that would indicate she was responsible for it.

    ---------- Post added at 09:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 AM ----------

    I would have played it that falling killed him so no scheme points. Much like when models are killed from burning or poison damage we play it that the condition killed him not the model that caused the condition. Hopefully this stuff make the first FAQ as it's not well defined in the book as far as I can see.

    The only difference I see in these 2 instances is that the conditions mentioned occur at the end of the turn so it makes sense that it isn't from a specific model. If 2 different models give 1 the burning condition, you don't assign which burning is from which model. But in the posted example, the fall is directly caused in the same activation from the enemy model. At least that's my thought.

  2. As EotV notes this as an activation, the Tara-controlled enemy model now benefits from "fast" and would operate with an additional AP...Right?

    As a follow up to Heel's question. Assuming you did this before the model's turn that this combo is pulled on, would the end of "your" activation of the enemy model count as the end of an activation and thus Fast would be removed? So you do what he mentions, give the model Fast and then control it benefiting from Fast. So essentially when you're done Fast goes away and the model doesn't gain any benefit at all from the Fast but all the pain?

  3. I was wondering if you'd get to posting these on here. Having seen and played with some of these, I can confirm that they're as awesome as they look.

    I'm already in line for bribing Zombie to make me some, or at least the component parts to make my own. *grin*

  4. Yeah I'm a horrendous clumsy ogre when it comes to glue so I just assemble everything first and paint it after. I'm happier dealing with fiddly painting angles than trying not to get glue on what I've painted. I've got 7 of the puppets assembled, so far they're proving to be pretty amazing. To be honest, way better than the Malifaux plastics cause their tabs/joints are so much better keyed. I wish the Malifaux plastics went together this easy!

    And I've seen the original metals, they're nice but yeah the plastics being bigger make for a much easier time painting.

  5. So I'm late to the party as it were but has anyone heard about any future PWU releases? I'm not even gonna ask about possible dates but just if anything's been announced. I didn't make it to GenCon so I wasn't sure if maybe something was mentioned in passing, etc.

    While I can't imagine that Puppet Wars is a dead property for Wyrd, on the remote off chance that it just falls off their radar how easy is it to use the old minis/stats with the new edition? Do they translate at all? There's a local store that has all the old stuff and I'm wondering if it's worth grabbing it.

  6. GenCon and a webstore sale had me go a little crazy. It's too easy to buy online these days lol. In the last 3 days I've received the following:

    M2E book, 2 arsenal boxes

    Tara nightmare box

    Miss Step

    Puppet Wars Unstitched

    University of Transmortis

    Avatar Dreamer

    Avatar McMourning

    Willie the Demo

    Ama No Zako

    some bases to mount some of the minis

  7. I played 2 or 3 demo games of the original Puppet Wars way back when with Steve (antizombie) and I loved it. I didn't have the money or time to invest and then I heard about the re-release in plastic so that had me wait as well. Money is always an issue and Malifaux has been my primary Wyrd love which hasn't helped.

    Finally though the stars aligned and Miniature Market had a 50% off Wyrd sale so I managed to snag a copy of PWU for $35 which arrived yesterday! Now to begin assembling and painting all the little guys.

  8. Yeah I've overwhelmed myself with painting projects. Thanks to GenCon and the Miniature Market 50% sale, in the last 3 days I received:

    Tara Nightmare box

    Miss Step

    Simulacrum 29

    Ama No Zako

    Willie the Demo

    Avatar Dreamer

    University of Transmortis


    And that's on top of the 7 or so unpainted crews I still had on my table when ordering! What's wrong with me lol?!

  9. So I've seen the posts on plastic cement for the new plastics and so far it's working as advertised. Super strong bond due to the chemical melting aspect of the bond.

    My question is does this work with the black plastic bases that come with the minis? Is that type of plastic susceptible to the process or should I just use regular superglue when attaching the actual mini itself to the base?

  10. Boston I am in that area sometimes for auditions but I take C&J bus to south station then the T. As for the October 5th event I will be trying to find a way to do that this month and definitely want to go.

    Obviously on any kind of regular basis it would be a huge pain and out of the question. But as a one time thing for a tourney/event like on the 5th there is a public T bus stop (the #70 bus) that has a main stop right around the corner from the building. Just thought I'd let you know. Also a lot of folks will end up carpooling at times too, not sure if that will be an option this time or not but the community around here is really open. Either way, glad to have someone new in the area!

  11. Like others have mentioned, I'm not bothered by it. I'm more shocked and amused as most of the ones I saw as an auction seem to be going for less than the 80 bucks people would have spent. And I haven't seen movement on the ones priced over 100. People need to wait on an investment, this isn't the stock market. *wink*

  12. Not a specific thread yet for TtB stuff so I figured this might be the best place for this. GenCon was supposed to be the release of TtB but they pushed it off to allow for more support of M2E which was cool. But I haven't seen or heard anything since then on when we can expect to see it.

    Has anyone heard anything on a possible "street date" for the RPG? I'm super excited to check that out!

  13. Hallo there from the Boston area!

    So I'm not sure what your travel options are as far as car or not but there's a pretty large community of Malifaux guys that meet at Myriad games in Manchester NH. Google says it's about 50 minutes away so depending on how you drive that's only 30-40. *happy* PeregrineFalcon is the local Henchman there and he's pretty active on the boards here and there as well. You should shoot him a PM and have him arrange a game for ya!

    Also he and some of the other NH folks are coming down to the Boston area (Watertown) for what's shaping up to be a big tournament. I've posted the link below in case you're able to make it down for a day of mayhem.


  14. As far as rules questions/debates/clarifications/etc it ultimately boils down to TO(my) discretion. That being said I'm not some iron-fisted czar who will scrutinize every rule and make sure I tell you all exactly how things should work for everything. If an issue comes up, I'll listen to it and get feedback from both players and try to come to fair and balanced arrangement. Worst case scenario, we flip a card to determine who's right at that moment and look it up later.

    Regarding the Tara shenanigans, I've read a bunch of the concerns with her already and have a fairly good idea of what the potential issues are and how I'd probably go about handling them. Might not be the same as some others but I am aware of them.

    One thing I'll mention is that due to the nature of my job, I'm usually able to prowl the Wyrd boards on a daily basis so I'm usually aware of a lot of the rules discussions going on and debates about various topics. This isn't to say that I'll make the right choice every time by any stretch but I try to keep as up-to-date on everything Malifaux as I can.

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