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Posts posted by Jonasty

  1. I wanted to thank everyone who came out and all of you who helped make this event amazing. We had a great turn out and a lot of really good games. And a huge thank you to all of you that participated in Drool_bucket's high noon shoot out that helped support PFalcon's charity work!

    I'll have results and a bunch of pics added soon.

    Thanks again everyone!

  2. That's not ENTIRELY true. I haven't seen the Wave 2 info, but in Wave 1, Ice Golem moved from a 40 to 50mm base. There may be other examples.

    True you might have a couple of basing issues (hopefully not though cause I hated having to rebase my Poltergeist :'(). But the mini itself is still valid, you don't need a whole new one. I threw my Golem and Geist on 50's and they're good to go now.

  3. So basically everything I own for Malifaux is worthless for exactly how long until this "Phase Two" is done?

    This definitely is taking some of the buzz off my excitement about MSE. I don't really want to buy new models just to play the new version.

    I don't want to come down too hard but I have been a rules designer for 30 years and been part of a lot of developments. I do not fully understand how the conversions for all these models could not have been completed unless there are going to be profound changes.

    A little less time spent on converting to plastics and instead guaranteeing that the investment players already had in the game was provided for would have been a far better route. Certainly more ethical. Right now it looks like nearly half of all the players in my community will be S.O.L. Right now we are completely in stasis and I bet it stays that way now.

    This was not the way to go. Bad choice of priorities. Sorry to be such a downer but nearly a year of waiting while the game floundered looks to be going even longer.

    Just to clarify, all the models you currently own will be totally usable, you'll just need updated cards. No one is saying you have to buy the new plastics.

    As for the time it takes, we don't really know how long this has been worked on behind the scenes but Wyrd has been pretty up front on overall time tables, your group isn't going to be left hanging. Wave 2 rules/stats which includes everything not already released in Sept will be available for Beta this coming Monday the 7th. So you'll be able to start using them in less than a week.

    If your group are sticklers for "official" versions that can be bought and have finished testing, these will be released either end of Jan or beginning of Feb (approximately) of next year. There has been no vagueness for those time tables given by Wyrd.

    The only thing that is a nebulous "we'll see when it happens" is new model releases, either completely new or re-do's of the metals. But that's the case with any mini company, physical models are released whenever it happens.

    Hope this helped clarify.

  4. Think I addressed this earlier in the thread but if not here you go.

    The tournament is Fixed Master ONLY, faction doesn't matter. So if you take a dual faction master as your master choice, you can swap what faction they are between rounds. Obviously you need to adhere to the normal hiring rules for the faction in the round you're playing but otherwise you're fine. You could take Lynch, play Round 1 as NB and then Rounds 2 and 3 as TT, or any other weird combination. Up to you.

  5. Totally missed that in my brief look at the Chronicles, now to drool over them more.

    I do like the new images although I don't know if I'm enough of a fan of them to rebuy the set, especially when I still have so many crews left to own.

  6. I've attached a crude map. The easiest would be to use the public parking area behind the CVS, the Eagles is across a little side street from this parking lot. There are hourly metered spaces so you wouldn't need to run out every few minutes to feed the meter.

    There's also a parking garage about a block away as well. It's not as close and it's off a (sorta) one-way street. Never used it before so I'm not sure of the potential cost but it's close enough to easily walk to the Eagles as well.

    (Not sure how big the map will blow up for people. The Red dot is the Eagles, the closer/upper blue circle is the metered lot behind CVS and the lower/further circle is the garage.)


    EDIT: Pseudo-ninja'ed by Drool bucket although he doesn't have an awesome drawn on map screenshot. *smug*

  7. In this particular case I personally would agree that the stones are from your own pool and not your opponents simply because you're obeying their model. We've already got a very clear idea of the cards usage during this time so I think it's pretty clear what the designers intended. I agree that there are certainly instances of RAW vs RAI being foggy and there being legitimate concerns but I'm not sure this would really fall into that category.

    Usually when you see this type of discussion there are concerns of game balance or clarity but the overall game experience isn't really affected outside of a tournament or "official" setting. With the potential that you could arbitrarily bleed off your opponent's SS pool, I think that would clearly create an NPE regardless of setting or opponent which is why it's clear how it was designed to function.

    Before anyone hops on me about it, to be clear I understand completely the RAW/RAI mentality and discussion points, at times they are helpful for clarifying issues. I'm just saying here that there are certain clear examples where it's not a 50/50 split in the discussion. In this case, IMO, we're talking 95/5 for RAI/RAW for this example.

  8. Having not seen a lick of info, my gut feeling is that Dreamer/Chompy will be a Master and then Hench/Enf/Totem/whatever. Just given the way M2E feels as far as streamlining and making things more understandable and less circumstantial I don't see them introducing one specific crew that has a 2 Master leader setup. Granted I could be proven completely wrong in a few days but given the way the Viks were done and the overall tightening of the rules, "2 Masters as 1" doesn't really fit with that to me.

  9. For the tournament itself, as PFalcon mentioned it is going to be beginner friendly. I know for certain we've got a couple of players attending who only have a handful of games under their belt. So feel free to toss yourhat in the ring and see how you do. Worst case is you'll get to enjoy 3 games of Malifaux this Saturday and see the local Watertown community which is growing steadily.

    As far as the venue, while I'm the TO I'm not directly involved with the booking of the venue so I'm not sure what exactly the limits are on using the space this weekend. The group that meets there regularlly is normally on Thurs nights and the weekend booking is for the special event so not sure if we can stay past the tourney ending time. If we can, I'd certainly be down for playing a pick up game.

    Glad to see so many new faces popping up! Saturday is going to be fun.

  10. Yeah I'm glad the Alpha Strike super chain got nixed in the new edition. I didn't have any issues with it from a balance perspective, others have rightly pointed out that there were ways around it but it did create a NPE often times.

    I had a 1.5 game with my LaCroix versus my brother's Ramos crew a while back. I was able to alpha strike in Turn 2 and wipe out both his Steamborg and intially purchased Spider Swarm in one turn. He tried to regenerate some spiders for another swarm as the game progressed but he was pretty much kneecapped at that point and he ultimately got frustrated as it was an uphill battle for him to even accomplish anything.

  11. Yes please check out Mali-Fest for something in the mean time! Tons of local fun!

    ::Now getting back on topic::

    I'm excited for TempleCon! I've never been before, it took me till this year to realize it was in my own backyard of RI. I always assumed it was somewhere out west like all the other Cons.

    I need to register but I certainly plan on attending. As a Hencher I'm hoping to try to help support Silas in some capacity but I'll certainly let him or someone else plan everything out. Also looking to get some games in as well.

    Can't wait!

  12. Ht 3 is a relative term. Doesn't have to actually correspond to the physical height of the model. So the old model is fine from that perspective. They are doing a new plastic resculpt of it down the line if you feel like waiting.

    The big change from the original to the new is that the original model was on a 30mm base and the new model is on a 50mm. That is Malifaux specific basing that needs to be followed, if you're playing M2E the Polty needs to be on a 50mm base.

  13. Toss in my :+fate to a Wave 2 book. The fluff really is key and helps set this game apart from the others. Mike3838's point above is very accurate as well, it would be rather confusing and weird to buy a set of minis in a story driven game system only to find out that there was no story for those particular characters. It's one thing if it's some minor character/minion but if there's no background on a Master that kinda creates a weird imbalance.

    The other thing I'll point given the nature of the game is I've actually talked with people who specifically choose their crews based on the fluff as that's what interests them. From there they then focus on making the most of the mechanics. Not providing that kind of option for half the minis available for a game would really be a let down.

    Lastly, I just love reading the stories! I'd buy fluff-only reprints of books if they were available just to read. So please just take my money already! *grin*

  14. How dare you talk ill of the 40SS format and single my tournament out!!! I'll remember this in a few weeks when you show up for it!!! *grin*

    As I've played with you and the locals, I agree that 50SS seems to be the good norm for playing and in the future I plan on most of my events being in the 50 range. For this initial tournament I'm running that you'll be attending, the 40SS range was settled on mainly because as you've seen in our area we're still trying to build the community up. There are a number of guys who would potentially struggle to field a 50SS list.

    The other big thing with the newer crowd we're aiming towards with the tourney is that it helps keep the tournament within the timeframes established without cutting off games after Turn 2. With some of the newer guys, playing a full 50SS crew ends up making the game go slower since they're still trying to understand what the rules are and what their crew does. I think once the local people have a better grasp on the game, a 50SS event won't have that time crunch that you'd see with a bunch of new players.

    So yeah, ultimately I think 50SS is the right size for most games and most competitive formats. I think when you're working with a newer playerset which we're definitely seeing with the 2E release, 40SS feels like it's more forgiving in certain aspects.

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