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Posts posted by Jonasty

  1. If they asked if you could kill it and you said no but it was a Gremlin and you had a 13 :tome  in hand with a Flesh Construct next to it so knew you could just devour it then that would be out of order.


    This isn't really a good example though because I'd be required to say "Yes" since I have the relevant card in hand to get something off almost guaranteed?  Sure you can tell your opponent you have an ability that insta-kills Ht 1 models but that doesn't mean you're going to use it.  And it certainly has no bearing on what cards are in your hand.  Should I tell him "No" if I'm holding all 1's and 2's?  And of course the regular attack could just as easily kill it with a Severe or RJ flip so there's that chance as well if I took it.


    Not trying to be nit-picky, the example just didn't sit well with me cause outside of Peon vs Master really any model can kill any other if the cards are right.

  2. I also find it funny that she determined that Perdita was the leader because she had the biggest hat...apparently she completely failed to notice Francisco.


    Maybe hat was a euphemism and it was the size of something(s) else that made her assume Perdita was the leader.  :huh:

  3. It was 1-3 a month, sometimes almost crossing to 4-8.  Then baby hits and of course that's out the window.  But I'm hoping 1-3 will be the norm once things settle out.


    Vassal is brilliant for him -- he has 2 young children, so we play a turn or 2 at night when he has a spare hand, then save the game and come back to it later.


    I didn't realize that was an option!  I've thought of exploring Vassal more now but even dedicating a couple hours at the house has been hard to do.  This might actually let me get some games in a little more often, even if piecemeal.  Granted I'll need to find one of my buddies patient enough to play that way lol.

  4. One thing to mention that I haven't seen tossed out is grabbing the Powered by Flame upgrade for any of the beat-sticks in your crew.  Enemies in :aura  8 that take damage from a construct gain Burning +1 after the action.  I think it's designed with Kaeris in mind but that screams Ramos to me.


    Fairly easy to hit example, Arachnid swarm hits Sea of Claws and manages Overwhelm trigger once each time.  After the 4 attacks (which is already a minimum 8 damage) you're looking at tacking on another Burning +4.


    When you're looking at adding ranged support, tossing this on Joss or Howard and then hiring 1 or 2 Gunsmiths seems pretty good.  Cause the Gunsmiths don't even care about firing into melee cause of the :+fate :+fate  they get to duels vs Burning targets.

  5. So why did the rules people explicitly tell us that placing a marker in base contact can't be under it. But then just wave their hands dismissively saying oh feel free to stand on it to remove though. Squaters rights and the (1) interact action both say remove/flip a marker in base contact.


    I think the big difference between the two instances and why they were more concerned about placement vs interaction verbiage is that when it comes to interacting with a marker, whether scheme or strategy based (i.e. Squat) you're dealing with a static marker that has already been dropped on to the table.  Outside of specific crew/model actions these aren't going/moving anywhere so where you are when you interact with it is relatively unimportant.


    On the other hand, when placing a marker you are directly involving where that marker will be on the table which has to account for the rules about markers being placed within 4" of other markers via Interact actions.  So where the marker is placed and whether it's legal to count it being under your base as B2B for placement has a lot more impact to adhering to the existing rules which is why I think they singled it out.


    These are my thoughts, won't even call them 2 cents, maybe half a cent.  ;)

  6. Strong option for Colette crews are Gunsmiths.  They bring some missing ranged support and are overall really strong models.  They make good targets for Prompt, especially when they've already activated and used Switch Chambers to auto select their suit trigger on their attack.


    Played with Union Miners before, they're ok with Colette but as mentioned their scheme marker trick isn't wholly necessary in her crew with all the other stuff she has.  Still not a bad option overall but you don't need to take them.  If Colette's crew hadn't lost the M&SU type, that'd be a totally different conversation.


    Willie's just a fun model all round to play with.  I find him a little squishy and he draws a lot of enemy fire already.  Add to that the scheme marker threat of Set Charge and you can certainly dictate your enemies actions via avoiding the blasts but at the same time painting a huge target on Willie's back.

  7. Thanks for the suggestions.  Yeah I haven't been too concerned about Nico's playability or strength but I just wasn't sure if I was misunderstanding things.  When picking up the crew box I had thought "oh probably should get some MZ's too, gonna need them" but now I know that they'll be nice to have but not essential to his mechanics.  Look forward to trying out some of those tricks you guys suggested.

  8. Not to mention all the Schemes that don't want you to kill the enemy.....Cursed Object, Distract, Take Prisoner, Deliver Message.....etc.




    I've been tabled twice and still won the game... ;)


    And this.


    I've both tabled and been tabled by opponents and it doesn't always equal an auto-win.  In fact that's one of the things I've had to constantly remind myself of at times when playing with some of the heavy hitter crews like Perdita.  I'll focus too much on killing models only to hit the last turns and realize I've only got 1 VP.  Cause unless you manage to table them on turn 2 which certainly isn't easy then you'll be scrambling trying to finish everything up.


    Every game I play where I keep the thought of "Play to the victory conditions" in mind, I always do better than trying to kill the other crew.

  9. If I get an opportunity I will measure the bases.  I should be able to tell if the inserts will be able to fit by measuring the places the insert would go...


    That'd be great!  Yeah I like the look of some of them but I can't afford to shell out the dough and then have them not fit.

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  10. So I'm snagging the Nico box during GenCon and I had a question.  Never played him in either edition but I remember from facing him in 1st he did all kinds of shenanigans with Mindless Zombies.  Looking at his 2E stuff, I don't see a direct way for him to summon Mindless Zombies.  Looking at cards, am I right in reading that the only way to get Mindless Zombies into any game is through Maniacal Laugh?  So Nico likes them but he can only get them from pulsing into Corpse Markers?  Just want to make sure I'm not missing something.

  11. I was actually really happy that Wyrd had the checkbox this year that you had to click acknowledging "we're not shipping your crap till after GenCon and order time doesn't equal processing order so don't whine on the forums about your toys".  That last part was my interpretation.  :D But hopefully it'll forestall at least some of the frenzied posts next week from people already asking "where's my stuff?!".

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  12. Got my order in last night, apparently before some webstore gremlins were set loose.  Was a little disappointed I couldn't use more than 1 SS code for the order but oh well.  Saves me one for later when new stuff is released I guess.  Now the not-so-fun part.  Waiting.  :P

  13. Sculpt is really cool and I'll obviously end up getting one cause Wyrd always gets my money.  :)  That being said, completely unnecessary model for the miss.  4th iteration of 1 model and still no models of certain others.  I thought GenCon was supposed to be the exciting driver of interest in the product but this year is feeling extraordinarily "meh".  At least this year is gonna be easier on my wallet than I was expecting.

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