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Posts posted by Jonasty

  1. I found these spiffy wooden barrels at Hobby Lobby for $2US. Perfect scale for these things.


    I found these same ones at AC Moore for about the same price. My wife had to stop me from cleaning them out, "leave some for others" lol. They are amazing, the scale is perfect, and with a little stain look fantastic.

    Overall I gotta say your swamp terrain is fantastic and is really inspiring me to start tackling some of my own.

  2. One thing I do in those instances is try to create some kind of transitional feature for the base that can be incorporated into other bases that will then tie them in without needing a full new base. As an example, for my Pandora crew they're based on "trenches" themed bases with some fall colored leaves scattered over it. In my Dark Debts crew I have Mr. Tannen (a Woe) that is based on a wooden dock setup like my other Jacob Lynch minis. For Tannen's base though, I've put a few small fall leaves on it so it has that same element in it when I use him with Pandora to fit with the other woes.

    So for the Torakage, say you're using zen garden style bases. Maybe try to do a couple of small rail ties that are scattered on the base or some other train themed element that at least alludes to the others.

  3. Just wanted to pipe in with something. If you haven't had the chance, I would recommend listening to the various podcasts with interviews on 2.0 if you can. People on the boards have been doing a fantastic job of covering new info (thanks to everyone who has!) but with the sheer amount of info that they talk about some things can be lost. Unless of course someone were to word for word transcribe a podcast which is crazy even for most here on the boards.

    Just finished the Through the Breach podcast and learned a number of changes that weren't mentioned in some of the summaries. Obviously the big things like SS and Red Joker were covered but how the Voodoo Doll or Bayou Gremlins changed for instance. (I will say that the Gremlins as a whole seem to be making out like bandits with the version update, which I'm totally happy with.)

    So if you're able, give them a listen cause there's lots of stuff out there.

  4. Just for info, once v2.0 comes out I'll replace this with a new version that has all the new costs and models and factions etc. I'll try to make it easy to move things across from the old one to the new one as well.

    I was hoping this would happen but I didn't want to ask cause that's a lot to ask of someone already doing a freebie service for the rest of us. Very much appreciated sir!

  5. Tried searching but didn't see anything on this, at least not anything recently. Apologies if I just missed it.

    How does Immune to Influence interact with models that target the WP stat as part of an attack? For instance, Candy's Wail ranged attack is CB->WP. Does that mean that she can't use that attack on any models with I2I? Or is it not technically a Willpower duel, it's just targeting the stat and so would be legal?

    Building off of that, let's say she is allowed to hit the I2I model with Wail. Does this then not count as a failed WP duel (for something like Pandora's Emotional Trauma) since it wasn't technically a Willpower duel but an attack action?

  6. Something I've meant to post for a while but kept forgetting. It would be helpful if in the title of your event thread you list the city and state that your event is occurring in. This makes it easier for folks to find something in their area without having to scan through things. Just a thought.

  7. Super excited for this to be released. Only managed to get 2 games in with the original PW so I don't have the built-in attachment which makes for pure excitement only on this one.

    I will say that I'll be looking forward to the expansions coming quickly as well but only because the 3 included masters happen to be my least favorite in Malifaux so I'm not really all that excited for them in PW either. I just find the minis boring fluff/appearance-wise which kinda salts my opinion on them in PW. I want to see Pandora in puppet form or Levi or Colette. Even so, still super excited to finally getting a chance to add the PW to my collection.

  8. Yeah I understand that one! My wife rolls her eyes now every time I get a package in the mail. They're not as expensive as other games (looking at you, 40K) or PS3 games so I manage to skate by under that reasoning lol.

    My first crews were similar in their complexity when I first became a Henchman, started with Dreamer and Colette. Those were some rough demos to run. Actually looking at your list, Ophelia isn't too bad a crew to start someone off with. Pretty straight forward gunline approach, not too many crazy if/then situations they'd have to worry about.

  9. Welcome! As mentioned above, picking starters based on their "cool" factor is a good idea as the game is so full of theme and flavor that it helps make the game.

    One thing you can do if you're trying to see if the game is right for you without spending money is use regular card decks when you're first trying things out. If you decide you like the game then you really should invest in the Malifaux specific decks as they're gorgeous and make it that much easier to run a turn quickly but if you're wary of spending monies that's an easy way to try before you buy.

    Lastly, I'll +1 the idea of finding a local Henchman to help you and your friends out. Obviously can't speak for everyone but most every Henchman on here would be more than happy to run demos for you and your friends or even just meet with you at your local store to help provide answers for any questions you may have. We're all very eager to build the hobby up so just let them know you're interested and you'll get tons of support.

  10. Excellent demo write up! One suggestion I'd have is to try and acquire one of the "simple" crew starters like Justice, Lillith, etc. Glad to hear the dad got sucked in as thoroughly as he did but one of the things that might have turned off Jr. was the complexity of the Puppetmaster. Obviously he's no Pandora or Levi but Collodi could still be a bit of a deep end toss for a new player just learning whether he likes the game or not. Especially for a 40K vet who is used to just throwing minis at each other.

    Otherwise this was an awesome writeup and a good demo. :)

  11. The only questionable gameplay effect is models who rely on being killed (*ahem, Leveticus) - where if he is finished off it is arguable he cannot respawn (vs. Bette Noir, whose slow to die action heals all wounds and burys (if she gets a 10+).

    This is a valid point although with Levi it should theoretically not create too much of an issue if the player is able to use him "right". Since Levi will often be the one killing himself, especially early in the game, it would be his own controller that would flip the Finished Off card (which he could then cheat) so there's very little chance of him getting this result. And since it's a one and done, he then doesn't have to worry about this for the rest of the game no matter how many more times he dies.

  12. You appear to have downloaded the update file, the one you actually want is either the modeltracker 97-03 or 2010 file, depending on which version of Excel you have. The update is a just a new set of data for people that already have the tracker, it doesn't have the actual list and graph bits.

    Have a look at which version of excel you have, and pick the version in that first post that matches it. The files named 'modeltracker' are the whole thing, with the data included already.

    And that solves everything! Thanks, looking forward to seeing how badly behind I am on my painting and assembling. :-)

  13. Alright, I'm apparently an idiot (no surprise when it comes to Excel). I have no idea how to use this spreadsheet. I see 2 tabs, one on how to update, the other just a list of models. What and where do I have to do/enter things to get it to spit out a nice little listing of what models I have in what state? Basically can someone provide a walk-through for those of us who are "impaired" with Excel?

  14. I'm curious as to what kind of foam cases people are using that are causing these problems? I use the Sabol ones that allow you to custom size the spaces and leave a little extra on the sides so there's no rubbing/snagging. I'm careful enough with the case but I've knocked it around more than once and my Dead Rider (no pinning, held together with green stuff, glue, and prayers) hasn't had any issues with little bits popping off :knocking on wood as I type this:.

    But reading all this I'm starting to get paranoid about my new plastics and whether I should worry about them in the case.

  15. Ugh I recognize that Levi crew from the sound thrashing it gave me last week. ;-)

    I've toyed with the idea of creating a "New England Malifaux" website of some sort but my skills in that area are woefully lacking. I agree, some kind of perma-thread here would be helpful for folks in the area. Plus I think it'll help the various Henchpeople coordinate events to help get the best turnouts we can.

  16. While I realise this might be opening a whole crate of cans of worms, what is it specifically about the plastics you don't like?

    I'm genuinely curious, as I've enjoyed preparing them much more than I have the metals. And painting models I find cleaner and more interestingly posed and styled as a whole isn't something I'm going it complain about!

    The only real issue I have with the plastics is the number of pieces that each model has to come in apparently. I just got the Burt Jebsen model and he has 8 separate pieces to him. His head alone is 3 pieces, the lower jaw, upper jaw, and mullet. The mullet really needed to be its own piece? Almost every metal gremlin figure is a single piece or maybe with a limb to attach and now it suddenly becomes a Lego set.

    To be clear, I totally like the quality of the plastics as far as the sculpts and precision, the move to plastics is awesome in my opinion. But it does seem excessive that each mini comes so disjointed. Not only does it make it more troublesome to assemble but it increases the likelihood of having unsightly gaps in the finished mini for people not as adept at filling them (aka some of the Hungering Darkness gripes). Maybe it's a limitation of the plastic vs metal creation process that requires more pieces but it just seems a bit insane.

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