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Posts posted by Jonasty

  1. Enjoyed the podcast, audio wasn't too bad on my phone so no blown ear drums.

    Felt the discussion was fairly even-keeled and raised a lot of good points. You both seemed to have a really good grasp on what it was that you both liked and disliked about the new edition. It was well thought out and you had reasons behind a lot of your discussion points. All in all a fun listen.

    And thanks for the plug. *happy*

  2. It is a fanmade update to a game that GW had effectively abandoned, and so was done with their blessing. Blood Bowl was dead and fans revived it. That's not the same thing as fans forking the development of a game and making a game that basically does compete with the current version of the game.


    The difference is that Blood Bowl isn't a game that GW intended to continue to make rules for. It's not like there was going to be a new edition or new models anytime soon. In addition, GW distributed rules (and stats iirc, but in Blood Bowl the two were bundled) for their Specialist Games for free online anyway.

    GW had a situation where they were discontinuing company support for the game but wanted to keep the option to sell what miniatures they had. Fans offered to update rules for the game, and GW said "yes" to a few select people who were prominent in the community. While I can't speak as to the details of Blood bowl production, I have been privy to fans trying to develop Inquisitor 2.0, and getting permission for even that was really difficult. Bear in mind that these weren't just dedicated fans, one of them had managed to get his work into a Black Library book.

    The two situations aren't really comparable; in GW's case they were trying to get rid of the last few models for a game that they were discontinuing, and keeping their ruleset alive for free gave some protection against the production of identical "Fantasy Football" games by other companies. In Wyrd's case, there's a new edition with new models being produced that they want people to be playing.

    And this.

    I almost couldn't read Bill's MClassic post after his first allusion to Blood Bowl as it just kind of jumped out at me as not really grasping the differences in these situations. If this were a Blood Bowl situation, if Wyrd was saying "We're done with Malifaux, it was a good run but we've decided we want to shift away from that to only focus on Through the Breach and Puppet Wars as our model going forward" or similar then I could totally understand Bill's frustration and the frustration of others at not having Wyrd's blessing to pursue a 1/1.5 community. But we're not talking about that, we're talking about an edition change to a product that very much is a primary focus of the company. It's apples and oranges to me.

  3. I'm just excited to see what the story style rules are for this boxed set. I'm already thinking, if they're interesting, I'd love to use these as maybe a final story encounter game in tournaments I run. Kinda like the Halloween/Xmas stuff they've done in the past, only with models I can actually own. (Not paying eBay prices for a Carver figure. *shock*)

  4. It's been mentioned before but just to chime in again. I'd be totally happy and hope that Wyrd offers electronic pdfs/cards for sale in addition to the physical ones. There are tons of people who use various devices for gaming which would help them immensely and it would also help address the crazy S&H for folks overseas. If they're ordering something else online then they can tack on a pack of cards as needed but if all they need are the cards, they don't have to pay an arm and leg to get them.

    Requesting they give them away for free is fine but I wouldn't hold my breath.

  5. Speaking from experience I can tell you that this is not true.

    You've met someone who doesn't have one?! How do they use the bathroom? *grin*

    ---------- Post added at 10:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 AM ----------

    As a more serious contribution to the thread, the only real issue I've had/seen with regards to the negativity is just in some of the presentation of it.

    Edition changes happen and people will be unhappy about it. That's the way of the world. There were probably some cavemen hold outs who thought "What's with this move to fire, I like my meat cold and raw. It's worked that way for years, why do we need to go messing with it." (This is IN NO WAY trying to describe those who don't like the switch to M2E, I'm not calling you cavemen. Not attempting to start a flame war, it's just an overly simplified example.)

    The issue with some of the negativity is how personal it becomes and how quickly it does this. During the open Beta there were some very positive changes that came about due to someone's negative feedback that was given in a way as to be constructive. A rational discussion was had and things were fine, whether an actual change occurred or not.

    The problems arise when it's a post of anger filled definitive statements that don't help contribute to the community discussions. And this isn't just the folks who dislike the new edition. There have also been plenty of proponents of M2E that are quick to start screaming at someone, even if the original "negative" feedback was given in a very calm and rational way simply because they don't agree.

    It's hard because there is a lot of passion involved with the game but it needs to be remembered that it is just a game. At the end of the day we're all here to have fun. If my fun is different than your fun there's no need to suddenly have it become a Hatfield/McCoy scenario. We just have different kinds of fun.

  6. The hint from eric was that the flaming heads are an option that comes on the sprue.

    That's the kind of optional assembly I've been hoping to get with the plastics. Getting two different arms isn't that much in the way of customization when I first heard that as a reasoning behind the switch. But a flaming skull head vs regular, that actually gives me a choice.

  7. As far as price, you'll actually find most of the online companies are relatively similar. To be honest, Secret Weapons Mini bases aren't the greatest quality-wise. They're not bad by any stretch but they're not my favorite, the molds aren't super tight.

    The best quality and variety bases I've seen are Dragon Forge (http://www.dragonforge.com/). He's got a dozen different styles to choose from and the price is great. The only downside is the guy basically makes them by hand so they take a while to arrive but they are some of the best quality I've ever seen.

    ForgeCraft are also great and the quality is top notch but the theme selection is fairly small, like 6 or so. http://www.forgecraftgames.com/product-category/battlefield-bases/

  8. So it was bound to happen, I had one of my finished minis have a piece snap off. My gremlin looking down the barrell of his rifle, the arrms w/ rifle attachment popped off.

    My question and need of help is how do you apply a controlled and precise amount of glue to a mini? A few notes:

    1. I assemble and spray base all my models before painting because I'm a bit heavy handed with the glue (stupid sausage fingers). I'm worried about over-applying and ruining the paint so that's why I try to avoid situations like this and glue everything first.
    2. I use standard Krazy or other normal brand super glue if it matters in your advice. Nice clear liquid that dries quick but can leave that white crusty like appearance which is why I paint last usually.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

  9. I was just curious for folks who may have ordered from Wyrd during the GenCon periods previously. I know they do the special edition models when you hit a certain price point on your order which I'm really looking forward to doing this year.

    My question is, do you have to specifically order Malifaux stuff or can you order other Wyrd products and have it all count towards the total? I want to pick up the new Puppet Wars game but I'm thinking I might hold off till GenGon weekend as that will put me solidly over the $100 threshold for the Miss mini. Also, if it is only Malifaux specific products, I assume old product is good towards it as well. It doesn't have to be the new GenCon stuff only, correct?

    Thanks for any feedback.

  10. Correct. And really you could play 1/1.5E for as long as you like regardless if you really wanted to.

    But as far as "legality", 1/1.5E is the official format for Wyrd specific tournaments (i.e. those at GenCon) for the rest of the year (your local Henchperson is free to run whatever they want of course). Starting in 2014 with the full release of M2E that's when they switch to 2E being tournament standard.

  11. Voodoo Doll and new conduit rules (I gather they'll add a range to conduit, will it be cuddled? Will it be op? I can't wait to see it and hope it isn't rage inducing like when I conduit first move turn 1 because I won the "who deploys first flip")

    I believe it's the Through the Breach podcast but they talk about the Doll in that one. There is a range put on Conduit now, can't remember how long specifically. Doesn't work much the same as it used to but it seems to capture the feel of a voodoo doll more based on what little I heard. Whether you think it's better or worse might be a matter of opinion.

  12. The biggest thing I'm looking forward to is how they've adjusted the totems rules if any. Often times you see in discussions on the masters how people are like forget the personal totem, it's total garbage compared to this other generic one. Case in point, Sonniia Criid, Rasputina, etc.

    I like to run thematic crews and would prefer taking Raspy's Wendigo than the essence of power. But EoP just seems to blow her own totem out of the water based on everyone's reviews which is kind of a let down. So I'm hoping they've made some updates that will alleviate this.

  13. Beta Release 1: June

    - This will be a pdf that will have the new rules along with cards for all minis from the original Book 1 release along with some other crews to ensure 3 Masters are playable for each Faction.

    - So if you play Dreamer, Colette, or other Book 2 crews/minis you won't have M2E cards for them at this point. Additionaly only some of the new Ten Thunders stuff will be included but they haven't been specific on which yet so we'll have to wait and see.

    Official Release 1: August

    - All of the beta stuff released earlier is officially released and can be bought at GenCon (and through Wyrd store I think during GenGon period although don't quote me on that).

    - I'm not exactly sure of when this will be available for purchase at your local game store, probably Sept-ish depending.

    Beta Release 2: Sept

    - All the minis that weren't included in Beta Release 1 will now have pdf beta cards availble to try. So you can start using your Dreamer, etc minis.

    - At this point, you will be able to play with all of your current collection using the M2E rules. Some of it will be in beta format but that won't prevent you from playing.

    Official Release 2: Jan/Feb 2014

    - Beta release 2 stuff will be published and new cards available for sale. Everything currently released will be completely updated and ready to play. M2E becomes tournament official.

    Hope this helps.

  14. If you haven't already clipped the flat metal slot-thing(?) off the bottom, you can cut that down and file it into a pin of sorts. A lot of people recommend this for the new plastics, using a piece of the sprue as a pin, but it can work equally well for the metal minis too.

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