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Posts posted by PeregrineFalcon

  1. Thanks guys! I plan to paint them like I originally wanted to convert them: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?36999-Kirai-Jackie-Chan-quot-Queen-of-the-ShadowKhan-quot-conversions so a lot of dark colours, which I'll make ethereal and ghostly. I also plan to get Izamu and put a lightbulb inside if possible to have the glow in the artwork!


    Edit: or I was going to, until I saw Izamu's sprue. Back to the drawing board!

    Lupus, I thought about the same thing. I do think it is possible with him but would def. take some delicate work. His torso is def. solid enough, but you would need to rig up a really small LED and the power source would be difficult. Put some pin holes through his chest area and leave his face off.

    In the end, I'm just going for an Izamu that is glowing via some crystal blue army painter primer and some carefully placed blue washes with an attempt at a painted glow effect for his face.

  2. @naiatoc. I totally agree. I usually play 25-35ss. Our group really enjoys the challenges both during crew creation and in game when you are forced to weigh your options and commit to something that has a little element of luck (with some calculated odds of course).

    I agree that's a large part of the draw to the game. I think that Yan's box does exactly that too. Sure you can play the box and you'll be just fine (thanks to his line choices). When you start considering all he can take and are forced into a smaller game though, then my mental synapses really need to get to work :)

    A larger game above 40ss, while great for getting all models out, just isn't as much fun to me.

  3. I'm thinking of a crew that is Yan, chiaki, TTBros, izamu. Then filling it with archers and Torakages and the soul porter if necessary. Obviously this is for games >=30ss.

    For this I would also probably try yan's bone line. Not sure how it would play but want to give it a try. The TTBros can assist with an uber alpha strike :)

  4. The box plays well as is, especially if playing as a rezzer with him. As a TT I think having some of the other TT models (Torkage, TTBros, etc.) are key for filling in the holes. Regardless, the boxset is decent by itself.

    Sure I would have LOVED to have seen Toshiro in there, but he is a 40mm, and didn't expect it. The Yan Lo box set is a solid set.

  5. The one + to Army painter is that I find it takes one quick hit, where as the kyrlon usually takes two. I was very happy with the krylon for a while, then used some grey army painter I had left over and realized how much better it was.

    On my new Yan Lo crew I'm decided to try Army painter again, this time with a crystal blue as the base and I'll probably do a quick light spray of their bone color. Hoping to get a subtle 'magic' blue glow effect from his crew. We shall see.

  6. Wyrd will make things right. They have acknowledged the issue here. As of right now you will need a copy of the book to handle both the Chi chart and a few other 'issues' with the cards.

    * No chi chart card

    * Chiaki is listed a ten thunders/rezzer (she is actually only rezzer)

    * Soul Porter is listed as costing 5ss, he only costs 2ss to add to your crew

    Following the other thread I listed above for updates on the issue, as it will probably be updated when ready.



  7. I apologize Peregrine, but you are incorrect. They have since reversed that ruling. If you look in the model Errata and clarifications page on Malifaux.com you'll notice this:

    Very good. Thanks Fetid, honestly that was what I thought and I had it written up as such. Then did a quick double check (Search on PullMyFinger), and found that post (I referenced). Cheers for clarification!

  8. 5: This is often confused. Here is a link to the official ruling. In summary, it does not count towards your opponents score. However, if you sacrifice a Stitched Together prior to Does Not Die! triggering, Does Not Die! does not go off and the model IS counted towards VP.


  9. I take Dead Rider on a regular basis with my Kirai crew (but he is not an auto-include). Also, I've done it with Von, but he doesn't really need it. In my games Von serves a very specific purpose, if he is taken and relying on turning him into a spirit doesn't enhance what I'm trying to do with him.

    Dead Rider as a spirit though is fantastic. When I take Dead Rider I put him always in base to base with Lost Love in case I can pull this off. If not, its not a big deal, and I see if it can happen again. When I was first learning the game I tried this and thought it made sense to hold Dead Rider back to get this off. Not worth it, if you don't get it in your hand or top deck it first turn, you should send Dead Rider off to do what he is good at.

  10. In my Misaki games I have at a maximum only taken 1 archer and to flesh out the crew (i.e. for some activations), I took a desperate merc. If you don't need the SS the Desperate Merc is a great low cost model. I would not say that EITHER is part of my base crew list for Misaki.

    However, I'm planning to use them in my larger point Lynch crews.

  11. Just wanted to come back to this thread and let people interested know that I used Taelor and Yamaziko in a game vs. NB. I ended up going against Pandora (my first time actually).

    The crew I took was...

    Ten Thunders Crew - 35 - Scrap

    Misaki, Mistress of the Ten Thunders
    5 Pool

    Shang [3ss]

    • Taelor

    • Ten Thunders Brother

    • Torakage

    • Torakage

    • Yamaziko

    Have 3 7WP models and 3 6WP models (and only 1 5WP) was nice. While it would be nice to have Kang for something like this, I don't have his model and don't plan on it. I think Taelor should be a sufficient supplement even though she only has a 4/7 Wk/Chg.

    We actually didn't get the finish the game, but I was able to kill Coppelius in turn 2 with some nicely placed smoke bombs and Misaki.

  12. I mean it should as in "does according to my understanding." Kel has (now) stated pretty clearly that a push will continue moving a model outside of the range of the effect that generated the push.

    Sounds like that's the 'official' word. This will def make the Bars Closed more effective since we've been playing it a little different. Need to bookmark this post :)

  13. Keltheos trumps sharpobjects, and I don't see any reason the distance of the push would be limited by the range of the initial effect, honestly.

    Bar's Closed should work like so:

    Graves casts, and selects a point within 6 inches and line of sight.

    Every model within the 6 inch pulse from Graves must make a resist flip.

    Any model that fails it's resist flip is pushed up to 4 inches (Graves' controller's choice) directly away from the point he selected, regardless of initial or final distance from that point.

    Are you saying it should, but doesn't work like that? I'm still under the impression that the Pulse effects the defender only until it is outside of the Pulse. Pulses effect other models, not points on terrain.

    I'm completely open to clarification on this, as you and I have spoken about in person, it is ambiguous. The how it should work (which I agree with you on) would be nice, but my understanding of the rules lead me to believe that the push will stop if the defender falls outside of the pulse AoE.

  14. You push the model 4 inches away from the spot you denoted on the board after successfully casting the spell. If the model is 1 inch from the spot chosen then it is pushed an additional 3 inches. If the model was already 4 inches away from the spot denoted then the model would not move. You measure 4 inches from the spot chosen and the model is pushed up to 4 inches directly away.

    I think this is true, but there is more to it. If during the "may be pushed up to 4 inches" the model being pushed exits the area of effect from "Bar's Closed" 6in the effect stops. The reason for this is that the Pulse's source is Grave's not the spot on the table. This is an important distinction.

  15. I wonder how a suggested list would work out if you limited your choice to only two different 10T masters (which are the best two masters to be competitive in all strategies with 10T).

    Another factor that should be considered is how masters will perform in a variety of schemes, since many tourneys don't allow duplicates.

    This is quite a complex question to answer mostly due to the fact that you can't just buy certain minions or master separately with the current book 4 models if they aren't already sold separately. For example, if you wanted to own Misaki and Yan Lo only, you would probably want Kang as an option. As far as I know the only way to get Kang is with the Mei box set. I think this is quite limiting. Right now out of the 10T I'm thinking 3 of 5 is enough. However, McCabe may sway me to say you need a 4th.

    Great question though, I'd be curious to hear what others have to say about this who have more experience with McCabe and wonder if he is a necessity if you are playing 10T only.

  16. I assume you meant Mei?

    Well no I did mean Misaki. However, to be clear with my statement. What I am trying to purpose is that when playing 10T I don't think it is auto-take Misaki. She is awesome and one of my favorite new models, but I can def. see the advantages of Jakob and Yan over her in games. Misaki is great, but not an auto-include for me.

    However, I do strongly believe that having Mei and Misaki available is sort of a waste, as they accomplish similar things. Now I am making that statement with never actually playing Mei, but I have played against her 6 or 7 times. So take my perspective, simply as that, my perspective.

    While comparing Mei and Misaki, they def have different play styles but can accomplish similar tasks. I would say that I have seen Misaki edge out the survivability a little more then Mei. I can usually kill Mei in my games, but Misaki has just enough tricks to stay in a little longer and even stay alive an entire game.

  17. I have to agree with the comments that Misaki is NOT the go-to master when playing 10T. I personally feel that that having a Misaki, Yan Lo, and Jakob, are enough to be competitive in a tourney. While I really like the way Mei plays I'm not sold on needing her in my arsenal if I have Misaki available.

    My experiences with Jakob in 'moving' around the board to do things like Destroy Evidence, etc. is a good way to utilize him. However, the safest way I see to do this is to take Graves in this case. Use Graves as a protector, and use things like the Beckoners to give things Brilliance (at range) if they try and go near Graves/Jakob. However, I have found that his lack of AP makes him not the greatest for going head first into a fight and this approach of using him as a defender can work. Towards mid/end game have him break off and engage on any key fights going on near mid table.

    In theory I do like Jakob for things like Claim Jump, but in practice I have had better experience with Misaki + Ototo + Graves. I'll just mention, that I don't like taking Graves, but he does serve a purpose! So while things like Taelor (in a Misaki crew) are great, Graves for something like Claim Jump does work well. Especially, if you use Ototo + Graves in center. Graves ability to move Ototo about gives you some flexibility.

    Great discussion on this thread. I'm really happy with playing the Book 4 guys solely as 10T. I have no interest in playing Jakob as NB. Yan Lo will be interesting to consider, but I think he will be fine as a 10T as well.

  18. Just been on the receiving end of losing Initiative too many times. Or what if I want to use a Torakage first to put Ototo into combat? Or if my Master is in danger and need to activate them first? It's like Chess....I have to sacrifice my Queen to save my King.

    Unless Ototo goes first and actually puts Laugh Off up.......well, one 5ss Stitched will destroy him. That's too big of a risk for me when I can choose to put a model in that doesn't have to worry about that, like Kang or Taelor.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Ototo....more than any of the others honestly....and I gladly take him every chance I get. But against crews that predominantly attack WP, he stays in the box.

    Yeah, I totally see your point there. I do consider the same issue you describe with Initiative, but I still think that this versatility of him being able to increase his WP is a good quality that puts him at least above Taelor in the same situation. Maybe Kang at the bottom of the list isn't fair, and I do agree that list totally changes with your opponent, but from a versatility perspective I think the list holds.

  19. That list changes based on who you are playing. If my opponent announces NB then Ototo goes right to the bottom of the list since his WP sucks........whereas Kang goes to the top, since his is high to start and he can buff WP for others. Making friends Immune to Morale duels and auto-rally is pretty great too.....for that matter, he may be better against some Rezzers that use a lot of Terrifying.

    I don't agree that Ototo goes to the bottom. His 'Laugh Off' can give him the same WP as Kang. Furthermore, when he is Engranged his WP goes to 8 if he has Laugh Off activated. I totally disagree that taking Ototo with NB is not a good idea.

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