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Posts posted by PeregrineFalcon

  1. awesome i was worried it would be one sided but if they both tear each other apart i'll go for it and get Lady J.  Thanks!


    There is very little 1-sided in this game now. Once you both figure out the core mechanics and how the two crews play differently they are going to constantly be an even match.


    I highly recommend swapping sides though so you both see how the other master works. It will help you, so you can help eachother!

  2. Don't overrate 'his' denial. Lucius is never heavy denial master, just his crew can be heavy denial crew. 

    For example, His denial for VP is not useful against 'less-marker' Schemes. And except guild models, other models can be taken by other masters. 

    So I like to compare Lucius with Fated Collodi. of course, I have played both. :)  



    Fugue State can STOP a model from taking interacts. Because it give Nullify to Pandora, so she can make the target Insignificant by it. 

    True, about Fugue state I was more referring to her Monotony ability than the Nullify. So yes, Nullify can do that. Still don't see it as the reason to take Fugue State. While her Nullify is good I usually use it only when I know DaM is in the pool and she is about to get a message delivered. Otherwise I find she has much better uses for her activation.


    Back to the Lucius bit though, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to oversell is denial ability. Just stating some facts for people to munch on. It is true that with 'less-marker' heavy scheme pools his denial begins to come more in line with the rest of the faction. But if there are a lot of marker placement schemes his denial is quite good. With that said you have to remember that there is a high chance of either protect territory or breakthrough showing up.


    But I will remind you that his ability to have models take interact actions while engaged is VERY strong as a denial tool. So even if there aren't a lot of scheme markers around, but instead your own models have something like Distract or Cursed Object on them, they can remove it. 


    To summarize, I don't think he is the 'best' at denial, I just think he has the most tools at his disposal to deny VP. Every master has a way to deny VP, I just think Lucius has quite a wide array.


    To get this back on topic about 'best' models with Lucius but to still speak to denial, I'd  like to add a favorable mention to the Warden. His ability to at range hand out Paralyze is a great way to shut down crews.

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  3. Update above, with general weekend schedule and the 2015 GG CaptainCon NoVA National Qualifier Rules Packet. While the rules packet is subject to change the rules in there really aren't going to change. So get painting and get ready to compete for a place at the big time National Event!



  4. Is there a painting requirement?


    There is a very lax painting requirement. But as with last year, you may earn brownie points for playing with fully painted crews. There will also be a painting competition which is described in the first post.


    I'll finalize the rules packet this week and get it sent out.


    Also, I will be doing 1st round pairings for those who care and announcing them.

  5. I'm a big fan of him in a few circumstances.


    Mostly when I see protect territory in the pool and the terrain looks favorable to support him placing markers turn 2 and turn 3. Turn 1 with From the Shadows he can do some good shooting but he is really there as a very strong objective grabber in my crews. Furthermore, he can be a great piece to take Bodyguard on, its something a lot of people don't expect and with his From the Shadows you can get him in a nice spot early and just have him turtle until you declare it.


    When I do take Tuco I typically like to couple him with a Waldgeist and/or a Black Blood Shaman (BBS). The BBS can use him as a Black Blood Postulate target to further enhance his objective protecting capability. With a Waldgeist using its rooted trigger he can also shotgun and push a model that has been rooted further doing more damage.


    Tuco is a phenomenal model but has to be used for his strengths. Put him out in the middle and he will die, but you will find he is quite strong. 

    • Like 1
  6. I find mimics to be denial models in general.  Whether it is Chatty from Tannen, lure from the beckoners (and their interact denial ability), Candy's 3 inch reach and auras, or the doppelganger's "don't mind me", the denial is real. 


    Add to that models like Waldgeists and Depleted who tarpit so nicely, and Lucius himself removing scheme markers with secret assets and straight up stealing them with legalese, and you have a pretty nice denial crew.


    Great points. And yes, I did forget to mention the hidden sniper with the trigger to remove an enemy scheme marker. Great way to really screw up that power ritual, etc.

  7. Side note, I've not found Lucius to be a heavy denial master - not relative to Pandora/Jack Daw/Hamelin/Brewie at any rate. Aside from Red Tape and some (relatively) minor marker removal I don't see much obvious denial on his card. What am I missing?


    Fair argument, and I don't totally disagree. Within Neverborn, yes Pandora can be a pretty good denial of VP master, with regards to the other masters, I'm going to not comment. Not because I don't agree, but because they're not NB.


    Ok so a few things, Pandora is good at denial, but her Fugue State upgrade does not STOP a model from taking interacts, just forces it to take a Wp duel and potentially dmg (yes a strong upgrade I usually favor in my Pandy crews). 


    So into the Lucius discussion why I think he is such a strong denial (purely talking VP denial here). He has the legalise upgrade, I'd say this shows up in 50% of my crew builds depending on the scheme pool. It turns all scheme markers within 4" into yours at the end of the game. Simply geometry can help explain why that is so powerful, but let's just say on average I'm taking away 2 scheme markers if placed nearby per game with this upgrade.


    Next his Lucius' ability to have his minions take interact actions while engaged (Guild Intelligence tactical). This...this...is where its all at. This allows for them to remove things like Cursed Object, remove a scheme marker just placed, etc. This leads to a lot of denial of opponents schemes. Furthermore, he can have his models do this outside of their own activation with either commanding presence or issue command.


    So yeah I think he is one of the best VP denial masters in the game. Where schemes are 60% of your scoring potential, he has a lot he can do to stop VP's from being scored. 


    A few other notes that are important to this argument, he usually has a lot of models in his crew, meaning he has activation control for a good amount of the game (not always but typically). So that also helps with denial as it can make it easier to react to your opponents movement and placement of scheme markers. This is also why Candy is so powerful in a Lucius crew because of her sweets and sours as well as putting Fears Given Form on her.


    So yeah, that's my take on the 'why he is so denial', it may not be the playstyle that works for most, but if I'm looking at playing a big VP denial game (i.e. in a tourney) he has a lot of tools at his disposal. 

  8. The Black Blood Shaman is a very good option as well. With the Illuminated and a Guild Lawyer you can fees + give him Black Blood. Meaning he is doing dmg, and with fees taking damage, which results in black blood going off for an extra point of dmg. Then he heals up and just says....yeah I'm going to stay right here.


    I am always taking at least 1 Guild Lawyer but always try and fit 2 in. 


    I typically keep my list majority as minions, and have had amazing success with the Warden, Waldgeists, and a Young Nephilim is quite powerful. To add to the list, Tuco is quite powerful but I only take him if I need pushes and am also going to use him for a Protect Territory mission (utilizing his FtS).


    The Young + Waldg combo (where you root and then use the young to push) is quite strong. But just a young with a ram in his duel is pure filth.


    A Guild Pathfinder is quite strong and Candy had been an auto-include until recently when I've forced myself into a new playstyle with him. For example a Trapper in his crew is good as well as guild rifleman.


    Think about this for a moment, 2x Guild Rifleman, 1x Pathfinder, The two guild rifleman can get focus from Lucius and than have them activate after the pathfinder within 4" and as long as you have a high Ram, your are hitting at 4/5/7 (without a ram 3/4/6) at really good range. 


    Honestly, I think Lucius is probably one master that has so many synergies and valid play modes. Many viable. The key with Lucius is leveraging his scheme marker placement abilities and moreover his BIG denial game.


    So top 5 (going to just list minions) (seriously he needs like a top 20 for everything good with him):

    1. Guild Lawyer
    2. Waldgeists
    3. Young Nephilim
    4. Black Blood Shaman
    5. Illuminated
    • Like 3
  9. Note the latest 'info' we've released about Malifaux (from Facebook):

    Bring your Malifaux Crew to CaptainCon!
    No, not just your miniatures, your crew of friends too. We will be host to a weekend-long team competition. Register for the weekend with a 3-player team, earn points over the weekend and compete for bragging rights as having the best team over multiple events.
    +5 points if all members of the team back the Kickstarter and pre-register
    +2 points for each team member backing the Kickstarter at the CREW through SENIOR OFFICER level
    +6 points for each team member backing the Kickstarter at CAPTAIN level or higher
    +3 points for each person playing a tournament with a fully painted army
    +3 points for having a team member place 1st in any Malifaux event
    +2 points for having a team member place 2nd in any Malifaux event
    +1 point for having a team member place 3rd in any Malifaux event
    -3 points for having a team member finish last in (or drop from) any Malifaux event
    +10 points for having a team shirt made specifically for CaptainCon (has to have something that says CaptainCon 2015 specifically)
    +5 points for having a Malifaux-themed team chant and singing it one or more times during the weekend
    This is not the same as Captain's Log points but there will be prizes here as well so gather your team and join us at CaptainCon.
    As always, please back and spread the word:


  10. Just a heads up. The CaptainCon Kickstarter is live. If you want to be able to register early and get into the events (i.e. Malifaux events of course) early than please take a look at the different levels of the KS. Each level gets you different times you can access the registration site that is being used this year.


    Again, CaptainCon is not an event you have to buy tickets for each event, so you buy your CaptainCon badge (via KS) and you are given access to register for any event at no additional cost. Just know that if you don't register early the events you want to participate in may be 'sold' out.



  11. I will say she force multiplies his ability by providing some amazing activation control. Not to mention her heals abd most important is Useless duplications (if in NB which I know you're playing him guild...but Fears given form or Mimics blessing)

    Overall she gives him a lot of ability to do more with his minions because your opponent has to deal with her.

  12. UPDATES for everyone!!
    Today I am going to go put the downpayment on the hall....YIPPPEEE. 
    With that said, we aren't at the numbers I'd like but we are having the event there regardless, just as of right now we don't have enough $$ for food. But that's alright, we'll figure it out. The point is we will be playing Malifaux at a Brew Pub!
    Ok, so next bit of news. I am going to keep the current ticket sale prices what they are until APRIL 7th 12PM! Then the ticket prices will increase by $3. So if you even marginally thinking of coming, please make sure to buy your ticket early. On APRIL 25th I will have to give the final head count for food so that will be the cut off. I will be sending out a survey prior to that asking for food preference.
    The reason I am waiting until April 7th for price increase is because I'd like to have people talk it up at Manny's next event on April 4th. First of all everyone who can make it should be going to his event, looks like a lot of fun (I can't with the newborn at home). During his event it will be the last couple of days for the current pricing of LFoDC, then it will go up.
    Anyways, any questions or concerns please let me know
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