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Everything posted by Blatherington

  1. Thanks everyone! So if I've got this right, what I need in order to be able to look at a complete list of options is the PDF downloads and two more rulebooks, or one of each Stat card from the store? That bit at the start of the manual about how annoying it is to flip between a bunch of different rules must seem painfully ironic nowadays!
  2. Hey all, I played my first game of malifaux a couple of weeks back, and enjoyed it enough to pick up the rules manual and a starter crew, but now I find myself a bit lost - the manual contains rules for selecting a crew, but it doesn't seem to contain what I suppose I think of as an army list - a list of models which can be included in a crew, along with what they do. Are the crew lists available online, or do I need to buy a seperate book?
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