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Shut Up

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Posts posted by Shut Up

  1. as there seems to be email gremlins in my computer i am going to post my lists here for jo's convenience.



    Avatar of athenasia 2

    Zombie Chihuahua 1

    Nurse 5

    Von schill 10

    4X Night terrors 12

    Rotten belle 4

    Cache of 7SS



    Avatar of athenasia 2

    Zombie Chihuahua 1

    Nurse 5

    Dead rider 10

    2x desperate mercs 4

    2x rotten belle 8

    Cache of 7SS



    Cassandra 9

    2x coryphée 14

    Performer and mannequin 6

    1 dove 2

    Cache 7ss

  2. I would consider getting aMcM as soon as possible, as has been pointed out his resilience goes through the roof, paired plus :-fate to enemy defense flips within 3" and keeping rancid transplant means he is still extremely good at killing stuff on his own (and wracking up body parts all the while).

    Dont get me started on simulacrum :P

    Sneaky trick which served me well in a recent tournament was to load McM up with combat drugs on turn 4 (speed and stimulants for reactivate, +4cb +2/+2 wk/cg and a :+fate on melee dmg flips) go nuts after out activating your opponent if possible and then use his last 0 or 1 action (remember fast on both activations) to manifest next to something horrible, the sacrifice effect dissapears and you now have an aMcM and simulacrum ready to dish out some serious hurt. combined with nurse/chihuahua body part shenanigans i can see him being fielded in most of my McMuorning games from now on

  3. finaly heading off to university on sunday down in leicester and i was wondering if anyone down there played malifaux? I was planning on trying to convert some people from the uni's gaming group but if that fails i would like to be able to give someone a game while im down there, as opposed to commute to back to Harrogate, which would be difficult :P

  4. 1) marionettes, anyone who has played with or agains collodi (or attended the team GT :P ) can tell you ho amazingthese guys are for 2SS, 5 paired attacks with a slow trigger is rediculous

    2)Twins nuff said

    3)Grave spirit, dont us him myself as i use McMourning and kirai, but for can be amzing on some models (dead rider anyone?) the crow on the cast at 1SS is incredably usefull in a rezzer crew

    4) Sebastian, in my opinion the most underrated model in the game, 6SS for a HTW1 (wd model with a nice damage arc, handing out healing flips (in a rezzer crew as well) and has brutal magical pulse damage makes an all round awesome model

    5) (my 'surprise' pick) Francisco Ortega, I am the first to admit he is squishy as all hell but his damage in combat is awesome, consider companion obey and flurry you have a model wich can get where he needs to be and lay on 3 cb7 attacks with reflips and baked in critical strike. he is hard to use well but if you can get him to work he will lay the smackdown on your opponent.

  5. will definitely come, il sort out accommodation with the rest of the harrogate mob hopefully, ill send ticket payment when i have money :P

    not sure what il be taking, depends on the rules pack i suppose, if there are brawls then it'l be rezzers (as i actual have two rezzer masters) otherwise i might dig Colette out, i really don't want to do Colette-Hoffman again or ask to borrow another arcanist master.

    is jo sizing up fish for Paul's team GT prize yet?

  6. in all honesty, dita is just plain good, but colettte has ways of dealing with her crew, low wound low df (for their ss cost) minions are exactly what colette will want to fight, with SS use she can reliably do 5wounds with a spell and when you factor a coryphee duet kiting around taking 2-4 wounds per hit off things it spells trouble for the guild player, sonnia however is a different matter, that counterspell makes hurting her very difficult, and while you can mke her pitch cards till the spell goes through (as Odin rightly said colette is very much about resource management, yours and your enemies) that means than she is dictating what spells work and more importantly when, which make sdoing any meaningful damage to her very difficult for colette (and barring marcus arcanists in general, oh and avatar ramos... god i hate that guy) and the coryphee wont go near her coourtosey of didasemble.

    also witchling stalkers straig up shut down colette's damage output, the 3 big damage spells in the crew all have 2/3/5 damage arcs, which means the ability to cheat is quite important, which is difficult when your casting flips are on :-fate even with soulstones

    definitely second odin on the point of: under no circumstances take hoffman! it is far too easy to stick his taxi in a bag, drop it at the other end of the board at the end of the turn and watch hoffman limp back towards the fight, also discharge soulstone + mask trigger = free 2/3/5 ignore armour spells targeting df (not the strong point of hoffmans constructs)

    the disapearing act shennannigans are equaly valid on guardians (for this I tend to use doves).

    playing competetive games against colette with guild I have found success with sonia and justice (advance as a blob and take the crew to pieces piece by piece, using justice to deter the coryphee). playing using colette against guiild I have struggled mainly against sonia, allthough i did have one game I lost horribly to hoffman, a colette-hoffman vs sonia-hoffman brawl at the uk GT, sonia in a hoffman tank is amazing, as is nino.

    oh and make the manaquinne your first target, it is an amazing utility piece

  7. ahhh yes that make sense, could you cancel slow and then give something fast in the same turn if it came from different sources (eg passion for his work and a student)

    just curious, i never leave home without my chihuahua (ah maybe it will see what turn two looks like some day :P)

  8. von schill ignores hard to wound and gaines an aditional :+fate to damage flips against undead, combined with serious maneuverability (something guild allways have issues with, allthough lucius does help) and a 3/4/5 cb6 gun with (:tomes)brutal causes rezzers enormous grief, he is also good a grabbing schemes and with a cache left is pretty much unkillable, main issue is nico's paralize spell, allthough wp6 with use SS is quite a job to overcome.

    if you do take von schill be prepared for a mirror match, he works amazingly for rezzers :P

    only take lucius if you know how to use him fairly well (assuming your playing fairly competetive) he can be amazing but the lady J slingshot only works once so dont take him just for that.

  9. I was under the impression that if a model affected by fast becomes slow (or vice versa) then the effects cancel and both cease to affect the model.

    the situation in which this became interesting was a recent game McMourning vs Collodi, if DR McM is given slow by a marionette and then activated, I reasoned that he could use passion for his work to gain fast, cancelling slow, and then use it again to recieve fast (as McM is not affected by either fast or slow at this point), thus sacrificing 2 body parts to go from slow to fast

    I couldnt find anything to say that McM could not use passion for his work more than once per activation.

    have I played this correctly or have I misunderstood the interaction between fast and slow?

  10. so long as you have one of your moels within 6 then there is a chance he will survive casting verminous frenzy, you then chooew to sac him, rat catcher dead, alternatively, if you have multiple obeys in a companion chain, for example from zoraida dopelganger and a doll, or an ortega crew with abuela and a nephelim, you can use his trap (best with a :rams ) to kill rats, they die, he is freindly for the duration of his action, ergo the rats are now yours, use the last obey to make him sac himself (after all the rats are now freindly so it isnt a guaranted sac effect and so is legal)

    or if hes activated allready steal 3 rats, then make your own ratcatcher and (0) slaughter rats, congradulations, you have now stolen all of hamelin rat swarm. (now feel free to use obey on the rat catcher to kill himself)

  11. I think the melee range is measured from the model as normal regardless of abilities for disengaging strikes (exception being abilities which specificaly increase the range of the weopon itself, such as misaki's 'wind' ability) other wise, if you argued that maximum melee range was the maximum possible range at wich a model could make a melee attack using abilities, you would have models like Mcmourning (who technicaly can make a 6"rg melee attack) unable to make disengaging strike until they are too far away, in this case 6".

    Also you get into the area of whether or not you can pre-mesure a melee attack from an ability. Scalpel slingin' has been specificaly ruled that you can't, however im not sure whether this is the case with haunted forest.

  12. well @mythicfox you know my views on this debate :P

    but here's my two cents anyway;

    in my opinion (certainly not the only valid one) the only truly nescessary model to take with collette is cassandra, at 9ss she is fairly unkillable with :-fate to attack and damage flips targetting her and the use soulstone ability courtosey of magicians apprentice, allthough she still goes down quick if you leave her somewhere silly and loose initiative next turn, her understudy ability lets her copy any (1) spell from a freindly showgirl within 12" (usualy form colette but a timely mirrors or even sirens lure if you have the mask can be game changing). a spell with magical blast damage (therefore made of win) and crazy movement (not as crazy as a coryphee admittedly but still awesome nonetheless). however the single reason to take her is for the 'grand finale' ability, nothing like grabbing victory from the jaws of defeat with a cheeky activation form a model with use soulstones and nimble (for killing/objective grabbing goodness).

    the coryphee/duet are realy nice models both from an aesthetic and a gameplay point of view and in most situations you cant go far wrong by putting them in your list... most of the time...

    as with anything and everything in malifaux the merits of the coryphee must be examined on a strategy/scheme basis. (i am assuming that ou take two, while a single coryphee can be awesome I never got it to work for me so I dont feel qualified to comment on theur effectiveness)

    in movement-y strategies with objective markers such as destroy evidence, treasure hunt and line in the sand they are amazing, they are (+1)fast and wk 9, with df 7 and :+fate :+fate to disengaging defence flips they can be the very devil to pin down. this is equaly valid for movement-y schemes such as sabotage, stake a claim and countering brekthough/hold out (when those schemes seem a likely choice for your opponent)

    in claim jump however they are not a sound invetment at all in my opinion, 14ss for one or two models at the end of the game, and while they can run interferance they lack the killing potential posessed by pretty much every other 10+ss model in the game. this lack of punch make sthem an unsound invesment in slaughter as well, while they will quite likely deny vps to your opponent by taking them you are pretty much committing to play for strategy VP denial and win on schemes, which isnt nescesarily fun for either player. same is true of kill based schemes such as eye for an eye or exterminate.

    I tend to find that in some games with certain matchup/strategy/scheme combos that taking a coryphee/duet is a brilliant idea, whereas in others the ss could probably be better spent on other stuff (did somebody say gunsmith!).

    i would certainly say the coryphee are a good investment for begginner colette players, they have good synergy with the crew and you can find a use for them in most situations but they arent nescesarily an auto include. they are great and if the models you are 'replacing' them with in your crew arent there for a particular reason/purpous then i would consider just going witht the coryphee, if in doubt they tend to be a relatively safe bet.

  13. in my opinion sebastion is a massively underated model, for 6SS his weapon is ace, he can take a disproportionate amount of punishment and if you can get him in good position and win initiative a double bloody harvest and a melee atack makes a 'sebastion bomb' quite viable, last week I took out 14SS of models in one activation (2 guardsmen and an exorcist) also as he will generate *some* BPs from melee, his (1) action 'surgeon' is very usefull, especialy for healing Mcmourning without activating him.

  14. Ah yes! I forgot about call belle, despite having used it before :P

    that said I think your right in that a 9+:masks is quite an ask on the first turn.

    in my opinion how to build a crew for DE or TH depends on which master you face, the reason i allways rate at least one of the dead rider or von schill in DE is because even against 1st activcation grabbers you can stone for initiative and get them into the melee range to deny that 2VPs straight off the bat, IMO DE is too easy for colette and perdita, but untill my next order arives I have no experiance actualy playing with perdita in DE. intreasure hunt all you need is a belle, they have the tresure in the middle of the board, just use a belle to lure, and they drop the tresure, job done :P

  15. a nice combo for treasure hunt or destroy the evidence (especialy destroy evidence) is to get the dead rider to adjust purpous to gain fast, walk about 3 inches foreward so you objective grabber is in mellee with him mounted combat your grabber model, in DE the counter is just a little bit under 12" foreward from the deployment zone, dead rider gives just under 13" + base size for the model he is cadying, works well with jack daw (immune to the damage fomr the scythe) or von shill (only suffers 2 wds becauase of armor) is also worth a punt with McMourning or seamus, both of which can heal, then if your playing a crew which can threaten your master then use belle(s) to lure back to safety. i find it works well with McMourning as he can use his (0) to either heal the wounds back or scalpel sling away form danger.

    in treasure hunt i would recomend vonshill to grab the treasure, his inability to be killed in the first few turns (barring a black joker) is well known and nimble with no disengaging stikes and wk5 makes him a good treasure caddy, turn two he can dump the treasure off to a cheap significant model like a belle or a crooked man and so form turn 3 onward you can use him to run interference, or just guard the tresure caddy.

    with the exception of the aforementioned kirai shennanigans no resser crew can get a 1st activation objective grab (to my knowledge) so I definitely would rate the dead rider taxi in both these strategies, but as allways it's only good against certain crews, for example there is no use trying for a 2nd activation grab against colette or perdita, both crews can use the one activation to get something annoying in your face (either sandiago, papa or francisco for ortegas, any combination of cassandra manequin, colette and/or a coryphee duet with 1 spare (0) and a (1) action when it arrives) in both cases, good luck destroying that evidence

  16. I'm also going to be trying out a couple of variations using Kaeris and Johann instead of either the Coryphees or Cassandra. It's something that you may want to look at once you really understand the basic crew (and it's not an easy task to work them out - the first 35ss game I had using them took me about 3-4 hours and a very understanding opponent - and bear in mind that at that stage I was quite experienced at Malifaux!)

    ahhhh, i like to see people not taking coryphee in a colette list :P I realy love them (in fact I own 8!) but they do make colette list building more of a formality than an actual decision, I worked out how to use the standard colette list to its fullest potential in the last game of the doubles last month but actualy find coryphee rather boring when i play the crew like that (cassie + coryphee +manaquin alpha strike/mirrors nastiness) am relay looking foreward to giving kaeris a go when I get round to buying her (looking more at ressers and guild at the moment)

    personal opinion of mine though is that cassandra is key to a good colette crew, undertudy is awesome and she is damn fast. not to mention southern charm and he best rule *drumroll* grand finale, many crews realy struggle to take her down so moost tend not to try if there is a coryphee duet around, so when i play she tends to be around at the end of the game, the number of times i've grabbed a cheeky scheme for 2vps winning me a game with that ability.

    on the topic of beginner colette lists I would go for the 'standard' list, it certainly best showcases the strenngths/weaknesses of the crew and sop should better teach you how to use all the pieces together, once youve had a few games and gotten your head round the crew id suggest trying some variants.

  17. Thanks, that was what I was looking for. I think the nurse can be worth it if you have Sue at the same time, still not sure on Sebastian . I prefer Mortimer which can give you 2 with a corpse token. I find he is better in the long run.

    i find you only want to be faffing about making counters during one turn so mortimer as a 'long term' solution never realyapealed to me, once McM gets stuck in he is swimming in BPs, turbo-ing BPs off a chihuahua works because it lets him get a costly summon turn 2-3 with the parts form a 1ss model. i also find exhume to be difficlt to use, you need the low crow (which in hand = 1BP with sebastion when wailing on the ZC) to guarantee you actualy get anything and you also need the card to cast the spell (7+).

    you must also consider the rest of the game, seb costs 1 less SS and his bone saw is nice, only cb5 but with melee expert, an arc of 3/4/6 (weak dmg 3 being awesome, as any guild player will attest) and bloody harvest (1) pulse 3" dmg 4 (admittedly needing a 9+ to cast but on the plus side its magical damage) he is worth his cost on his own, without all the turn one BP shennanigans, mortimer, i am less than impressed with.

    on a vaguely related note, as hard to wound 1 wd9 and df 5 hes not as hard to kill as id like, usualy going down turn 5-6, i find using a nurse to reactivate+awesome cb etc. makes him a complete beast. if you have cards in hand to do it, 2 melee attacks and 4 castings of bloody harvest will be worth the 6SS right there and then.

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