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Posts posted by EnternalVoid

  1. LOL, reminds me of the mimic investigator I had when I was the Fatemaster, they met the guy on the first day and did not find out he was a mimic till about 80-85% through the campaign.  Last session right near the end when they had almost accomplished everything one of my players turned around and attacked him.  Player stated he had been planning to kill him long time ago for manipulating them but had waited till they had gotten what they want.  Rest of the party just sort of let him and the Mimic fight while they finished their stuff, player getting the mimic in the end.  Hopefully this one does better than mine.

    • Haha 1
  2. Generally when I go to a tournament I take 2-3 masters worth of stuff.  More often 2 but did 3 enough times as well.  I started doing it a little before M2E started till the present.  And plan to keep doing so likely.  I find that taking to many models lead to decision paralysis when it comes to list building for me.  I find myself starting second guessing myself or eyeballing a master I think would be a good match but don't have as much experience with.  Back in M2E, heck that first Adepticon right after it came out, I only took 14 models total and did well.  In M2E I rarely took more than 16 models to tournments.

    Now in M3E I think I will tend to take a little more, As there is not much overlap due to keywords, but I think I will keep to limiting myself to 3 masters at the most.  Ones that I feel cover my bases and I am comfortable with.  Not just in remembering all their rules and tricks, but also can get stuff done fairly quickly to keep the game moving.

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  3. Oh they did answer a lot of questions, normally by making things clearer in the next update.  But you are also sort of dealing with only so many people shifting through the threads and they made it clear early on they put priority on battle reports as they supplied the most feedback.  Got to remember also is that as a forum threads could be knocked into the back burner and forgotten or overlooked.  Should it have gotten dealt with, yes in hindsight this one got past the net, but I am not surprised considering the posts involved through everything.

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  4. This is going to have to be a FAQ ruling I believe in the end.  Like mentioned both sides are entrenched and both sides have valid arguments.  It is just a somewhat gray spot in the rules that can be taken certain ways depending on how you view it.

    @Ogid as for the Beta, I believe it was debated there as well at one point and I do not think a true answer was given or reached.  I think part of the problem was it did not come up right away and thus went for a while before one person asked the question.  Then both sides popped up saying they have been playing it this way and found that they did not all agree.

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  5. It was almost a Syndicate or whatever they are called for the The Other Side.  It was part of a campaign where there was three possible groups rising as Soulstone smugglers and influencers on the Other Side.  The faction was going to be Marcus supporting his homeland by having his research and unique talents passed back through the breach so that followers in Egypt could make their own beastial monsters to aid Egypt's efforts.  Sadly it lost, as I felt both it and the Council Syndicate were better ideas then the Sleepwalkers.

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  6. I like that one J4bberw0ck.  I had a Doppelganger in that last campaign I was in as well.  They were posing as a special guild investigator into the black blood trafficing ring.  Kept saying they were on special assignment.  It was almost the whole campaign before the players finally found out.  A few had suspicions of the investigator but none thought it was a doppelganger, some were just questioning if they were working for the guild or not.  One of the players  swore he was going to kill them but ended up still working with the doppelganger to go after the Doctor.   Though when they got the very end one, right on the crisp of the last fight as the Doctor faced them... that player turned on the Doppelganger and tried to kill it, not really caring about the Doctor at that point.  Ended up turning the final battle into a mini three way brawl as some players went after the doctor, some turned on the Doppelganger, and then the NPCs fighting the guards.

  7. I have used a Guild Lawyer out of keyword multiple times.  Both with Perdita and with Hoffman.  With Hoffman it has been to get that little extra protection or to snag up that high card that I also don't need to worry about power tokens with or being within certain ranges for Hoffman's stuff.  With Perdita it really was for the Shielded to keep models around.  People tended not to bring anti armor or Shielded when I announce Perdita.

  8. One of my favorite from a campaign I ran in TTB was Barry from like the third session of a campaign.  The campaign was centered around a underground operation that the fated came across and got wrapped in.  A former researcher from the Guild had been part of a project to try and find a means of combating the neverborn in a different manner.  The research eventually focused on trying to find some element, method, or anything that could be used against the Nephilim primarily targeting their black blood.  Eventually forces outside the department *perhaps even a certain masked superior* got the project shut down as it was deemed that bullets were cheaper.  Then the researchers eventually disappeared or had accidents.  Only a clerical error saved the main antagonist as he had been recorded as a clerk rather than researcher.  Thus he took his work underground, hiring a pair of immoral monster hunters to acquire samples of living nephilim to research.  He eventually starts infecting human subjects to study the transformation and acquire more black blood *as in TTB they gain the ability*.  Also knowing about Neverborn shapeshifters the doctor had ways of eliminating anyone that started poking around in his business.

    One such infected subject was a boy named Barry.  Rather than wings his innate magic emerged as his infection worsened and instead he gained the ability to fly without wings.  He would later escape the Doctor and set up his home in the Quarntine zone, snatching up other unwanted children to free them.  Everyone that was turned by his black blood gained his own unique ability to fly.  As you can likely guess he was a twisted inspired take on Peter Pan.  The players ended up beating Barry's lost boys easy when they actually worked together and used tactics *from the first two sessions I had not suspected they would suddenly pick these up*.  In the end there was only a wounded Barry who had been shot.  But no one had him engaged and he was perched on the edge of a building so I had him fly away.  The fated failed to shoot him down as he escaped all the while vowing his hatred of them.  The great part was the players, for almost the entire rest of the campaign, were looking over their shoulders waiting for Barry to come back.  When something would happen they would question among themselves if Barry was somehow involved.  Murder mystery?  Did Barry do it!  Undead Nephilim come after them?  Is Barry a Necromancer!  Something is moving in the dark abandoned lab, IS it Barry?!.   The players themselves ended up hyping up the character more than I could as the Fatemaster.

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  9. On 7/19/2019 at 7:23 PM, retnab said:

    Out of curiosity, how many Power Tokens do you think someone will need in a game with Hoffman?  I'm planning on putting through an order with Art of War and I don't want to accidentally not get enough.

    I have a blue dice for each construct and hoffman myself.  I have yet to get anyone over 6 power tokens so it has worked well.  Closest I got I think was 5.

  10. I have only played him with Guild so far, mostly because I was messing around with other guild things as well.  One thing I have liked out of Keyword with him has been a Lawyer.  The ability to give one or two model's Shielded +2 has proven rough for some of my opponents.  Sometimes when I don't need the two models with Shielded I try to get the Tome on its bonus action for the extra card draw.  I have also had him pick up some high cards and shuffled a low card out in turn.

    I have found that I have rarely maintained the Hoff Ball in M3E, often everyone starts within 6" but they do not remain so.  It seems the majority of the time I end up more as a line with hoffman supplying his effort in the part he will be needed the most.  As long as a construct has a power token for Transfer power I am less worried about them spreading out.  That said I am loving the Peacekeeper with Hoffman.  It draws attention and while low defense the built in Hard to Wound has been gold.  He has tanked so much damage, even when armor ignoring options have been on the field.  Either Hoffman uses the trigger on his torch to make sure it is not a problem, I have had shielded on him, or Hard to Wound kept the damage low enough he could stay in there and be healed.

  11. Well if you are using the Brain Surgery talent you can put the brain in a jar rather than a flesh construct.  The brain in a jar rules mention it can be hooked up to a non-fated undead or construct to let the brain control the body.  So technically if you did not want to be undead you could just be a living brain in a jar and get yourself a wonderful metal body.  The rules in Under Quarantine does not mention it but you should likely consider the character an Invested at that point, as being put in an undead body make you a stitched.  Into the Steam came after Under Quarantine so the term for construct Fated, Invested, was not out yet.  Of course having someone build an exquisite robot body could be rather expensive but... well Robot Body!

  12. I am in agreement that Chiaki cannot pass her own reliquary with this trigger.  To use another trigger as an example I refer to papa loco's Frantic Flaying

    :ram"Here, Hold This!":The target and other models within :new-Pulse:2 of it must each pass a TN 13 Mv duel or suffer 3 damage. The target suffers a - to this duel.

    This trigger calls out the model in the center of the pulse in addition to other models in the pulse.  If they had wanted Chiaki to be able to include herself they would have just included a similar wording.  Such as "Choose a model within range. The chosen model may Attach the Reliquary (X) Upgrade, where X is the name of this model or any other model within range."

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  13. There are three ways to increase Aspects.  The first is when you complete one of your Journey Steps, based on your Fate.  There are 5 of those and they will be spread throughout the campaign so they are not necessarily quick gains.

    The Second is certain Talents can actually increase an Aspect, but those often have harsh side effects.  I do not have my books on hand but I remember one for Stitched where you get some extra Aspect but you are always slow or something along that lines.

    The third way is to temporarily increase them with Magic, there is a spell that increase the mental and one that increases the physical aspects temporarily.

  14. 19 hours ago, Jesy Blue said:

    Man, Lucas just can't stay loyal to anyone, can he?

    Well I suspect that McCabe was fired from the Guild rather than quit.  The previous Governor General likely put up paying him more as he was interested in gathering the items and relics he needed for his whole acension thing.  The current one is much more, to pardon the phrase, down to earth on matters and likely cut the questionable relic hunter loose.  And if you want to stay good with the Ten Thunders you have to prove you have a use, the more useful you are the better in fact, so joining up with a new source of income, tools, and information would be a good move by him *Assuming he was not just ordered to pamper to the Society for the Ten Thunder*.

    That said I have doubt we will be getting to many more dual faction masters out of the Society, Maybe one more.  Most of the factions have stuck to 2-3 dual faction masters.  Guild has 2 *will be 3 with Basse*,  Arcanist has 3, Neverborn has 3, Ressers have 2, Bayou has 2, Outcast has 2, and 10T have 2 *soon to be 3 with McCabe*.  One of the things that seemed to have gotten out of control in the previous editions that made it hard to balance was having to many models out of faction being mixed all over the place.  It means any keyword that is tied to a dual faction master this round have to be extra careful.

  15. Hmm, regrets...  I would say at least one would be not playing Somer enough.  I loved using his Bigger Hat action to have both players discard their hands and seeing how people dealt with it.  Nearing the end of 2nd Ed I was trying out some Resser stuff then we did a fair amount of Henchmen led stuff so I did not get to really give him the number of games he deserved.  I mean I guess I also regret not playing some other masters as much either, heck I could say my regret be that I could not split myself into three people and just play more games.

    I still remember my 1.5 regret though.  I had gotten Hoffman's box to use with Levi in a campaign but I planned to play Hoffman once I got the rest of it all together and ready.  I really wanted to try out the off the wall Hoffman Bomb list several times over the Protect Chain list.

  16. Back in the first edition of Through the breach you specifically could not combine elemental immutos but 2nd Ed lacked that rule.  Back in 1st edition only one of the magical theories let you combine more than one element *Actually had a character that was the master of the Frozen Flame*.  So as written you can indeed combine two elemental immutos if you like... as for whether it would work as you suggest is up to the Fatemaster.  I believe the last time this came up there was an argument that if the Fatemaster is smart he will rule the immutos happen at the same time thus do not trigger the extra damage.  Thus you will have to cast it again to get the damage if you want it.  If the player does not like it, well they should not try to figure out a way to game the system for extra damage.  If they try to argue about it being thematic the argument was what was wrong with rooting them then blowing them back being thematic.

    I would say the same for the gamin question, it is up to the Fatemaster. I would not be keen on letting it have to demise abilities myself.

  17. It is decent sized if only because it is a hub.  It is not actually the last stop on the railway, it serves as a hub for smaller lines that go to contract towns.  So it is basically their lifeline back to "civilization" as everything has to pass through Edge Point before going to the contract towns and all the goods from those towns go through Edge point to get back to Malifaux.  There is 3 pages about Edge point in Into the Bayou describing it.  The Common District is decent and it has its own Shanty Town too.  Not sure on population but it sounds like it has a signifigant population.

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  18. On 11/12/2018 at 12:08 AM, Joe Sansone said:

    Thanks for the response.  

    So if I'm understanding you correctly then for #1, the TN 12 Scrutiny should be for the NPC.  A minion (5) with a Scrutiny of (3) and Cunning of (3) would have an 11 and not spot the Stitched. But if the NPC had a Scrutiny of 4, it would hit the Scrutiny check and then be aware.  I'm not having every encounter necessarily require this, but at the same time, if a party of undead moves into town, might be a concern they should have to deal with from time to time.

    Another thing to remember is that is the 'norm'.  Say the Stitched Character is in a fight in that town and after the smoke clears they are still standing but have three bullet holes.  While looking over his attacks some of the town folk come forward to see if they are okay.  If the character does not try to deceive them or slip away they could start to notice the lack of blood from his wounds.  How could this work rule wise?  if a NPC gets a positive you could rule it adds +2 to their result like a Fatemaster NPC vs NPC.  So you could have that Minion (5) with a Scrutiny of 3 and Cunning of 3 would have an 11 so normally would not spot the Stitched.  But due to the lack of blood or overly helpful nature of the minion trying to help their injuries, they could get a :+flipto their scrutiny test, thus making their result a 13.

    Or while most of the town are a bit slow on catching on, you could have that that local sheriff, saloon owner, town hero, or Mayor be an Enforcer (7) with a Cunning of 2 and Scrutiny of 3.  Now the Stitched have to avoid this person's attention or else they might be found out.

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  19. 1. It is what the Fatemaster NPC needs to spot that the person is a Stitched.  Mind you that is likely under the impression that the Stitched is trying to hide what they are, at least how I have taken it.  Wearing clothing, gloves, hat, and other things to hide the obvious stuff.  Wearing Cologne or perfume if they smell.  Basically this is if the player is not flaunting their undead status.

    I personally would modify this according to the scene.  Guild Patrols doing full searches at a checkpoint?  Ya big bonus.  Death Marshal, bonus to scrutiny in these cases.  Also if you want to make it a challenge of sorts, you could have a scene where they will be found out unless they use another means to get through.  Such as Deceive or Bewitch to get through the guards, or Stealth & Acrobatic to sneak over the wall.

    2. That is up to the Fatemaster technically.  You could go off there actual attacks against defense and flip damage accordingly but some penny dreadfuls just tell you who will be able to hit who and what sort of flip or damage they will do.  It will be up to you and how you want it ran.  I would suggest considering a flat course for scenes were you are controlling the narrative, such as when the baddie hits one of the bystanders he does half their wounds per hit.  In turn the Bystanders only hit half the time for only 1-2wds depending on what they are armed with.

    3. Ya.. honestly that is a tad to much in my opinion for a first destiny step manifested power.  It basically is a huge buff as not only do they get heavy armor they cannot lose but they don't suffer the negative for having said armor.  There are several ways you can go with this.  You could make it a once per session ability that lasts for a set duration or one dramatic time.  You could have it only trigger under certain conditions, like After losing half their wounds or requires an action to take an Athletics TN13 duel to start it up.  Or they have to take a (0) action and a test to have it last till the beginning of their next turn.  Or it only works till they take half their wounds then they're to hurt to use it.  Or maybe they lose it the moment they take a Moderate or Severe damage till they are healed.

    Also it should be tied to the Destiny step like the examples in the book, did he actually do anything to earn such a power in his Destiny?


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