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Everything posted by Vidiot

  1. Wow, talk about to the wire.. Adepticon starts tonight and I just finished my last model.. Always the procrastinator.. I had the Stiched Together , the Primordial Magic and the first Lelu done as of 13 days ago. So, here's the rest.. Shoddy camera work as always! Lilitu And her brothers Lelu, and, ah, Lelu? Tuco (modified from an Exorcist) -- And yes, it's a proxy but I'm only in the cake match tonight so all is good. The actual model will be in my hands come release date! The Mother of Monsters, Lilith! And finally, a happy little family photo.. Now bring on the Cake! Mmmm, cake....
  2. SRDragon, I found this one at Hobby Lobby and it was in a section of the store that had decorative baskets, boxes, etc. I kind of just wandered around and found it myself. I got lucky when I got mine, they were running a 50% off sale. I was very tempted to pick up one of the larger versions on the one I got. kind of kicking myself now
  3. Indio, yep, you're right. It only carries 1 35ss crew the way I have it set up. But I just recently started playing Malifaux so only have 1 crew painted up and ready so it works for me (for now). Of course, the wheels are turning and I'm always keeping my eye out for a larger cases to make another when my crew selection finally begins to grow! But for now, Lilith and her ragged band of misfits is ready top travel to Adepticon in style.
  4. Nilus, I would say if it was just minis the box could hold 12-16 of them. However, the way I have put it together (to hold cards, strats, tokens, etc) it holds my 35ss Lilith crew of 7 minis. I ended up magnetizing the bases so they are nice and secure even when the box is being carried by the handle.
  5. Thanks for the compliments! I am pretty happy with how it turned out. And Cadilon, I agree 100% on the latch. This one is pretty tight but i'll be making sure to add an auxilary latch to make sure it's secure enough.
  6. Inspiration struck the other day when I saw a post from Demonn Agram (thanks man!) that included some pics of a carrying case he had made for his Mordheim crew a while back. I loved the look so decided with Adepticon coming I would give it a shot for my Lilith crew.. So here's my take on Demonn Agrams crew carrier.. A 8$ case I picked up at Hobby Lobby.. With a cut to fit pluck foam insert for my minis and spots for stat cards, strategy, scheme, fate deck, and tape measure. There are washer mounted to the base of the box an magnets in the base of the minis so barring dropping this thing those guys aren't going anywhere! Just a shot to show the storage spaces.. And the final touch, a decorative divider in case the minis do attempt to escape. I made this from sticks of balsa and carved the Malifaux logo and the Mask. It's secured with 4 magnets in the corner. My rules manual fits snugly on top to complete the necessities. Now, if only my game would get a bit better!
  7. I went ahead and added a bit of brown and some greenery to break up the Vomit Worms base a bit. However, when I tried to add a skull it always seemed out of place so this will have to do for now to get the crew table ready. As always, I apologize the shoddy photography.. I also knocked out my first Lelu. I decided for the first one to follow the paint job on the stat card for the most part. I'm fairly happy with the red coloring but the pictures don't quite do it justice as I think it looks a bit better in person. The black pants however.. Not a huge fan of painting black. The subtle grey highlights on the straps and armbands are a bit hard to see in the picture but I can't say I'm completely happy with the results. Oh well, here he is.. Plus a group shot of the two recent completions so far.. And next on the paint table.. Lilitu, completed with converted whip due to a miscast one that came in the blister. Like I've always said, if life hands you broken whips make new ones.. 13 days and counting till Cake Match!
  8. I second the white primer with a quick wash. In my case though, I tend to use Devlan Mud to really give me a bit more visibility of the details when painting. I use Devlan Mud Wash instead of Badab Black because I feel it's a bit more subtle and allows for the shadowing while still allowing for some pretty bright colors. My Stiched Togethers were done with white primer and the wash and they came out fairly dark. My Vomit Worm was done the same way and he came out considerably more vibrant.
  9. I agree completely on bases needing diversity. All the other bases have skulls (and after prepping even those will need grass, weeds, etc to add a little break in the grey). Maybe a clump or two of dark green or burnt foliage.. I'll have to check my terrain box when I get home to see how I can spruce them up a bit.
  10. Finished the worm base. I think I may need a bit of grass, etc to round it out but not quite sure.. All the other bases have a skull or two to tie them together with the rock base theme but this one really didn't have room for one.. Any other thoughts what I might be able to add to it to give it just a little oomph?
  11. Thanks for the compliments guys! Time keeps on ticking though and I really should get cracking on the rest of the crew. 15 days and counting.. And I sure do paint slow.. Still have the unfinished worm mocking me as we speak! Will make sure to put up some finished pics of the worm and the rest as I make my way through them.. And GM, love the sig.. Might have to borrow it (with your blessing of course) and make up a Ratty card with that "spell" for my Adepticon badge.
  12. Well, Adepticon is just around the corner so I need to get off my butt and finally start painting up my 35ss Lilith crew for the Cake Match. The first member can be seen above (one of the the Stiched Togethers) but that still leaves me Tuco (my converted exorcist), Lilitu, Lelu x 2, a Primodial Worm and the MoM herself Lilith to paint up before then.. Thankfully they are all based and primed so it should go fairly quickly.. To those of you that grind out a table ready crew in a matter of hours I tip my hat to you.. But me? I'm lucky if i can grind through one in an evenings painting session. However, I was able to partially knock off the Primordial Magic last night. Still needs some highlights and the basework painted but all in all I'm happy with it so far. Please forgive the pic quality, misplaced my actual camera so my cell phone had to make due.
  13. I stoppe in for a bit to watch Sub play a game and show off the Bayou Express a bit. Was a fun experience and I'm really looking forward to attending Adepticons Cake Match with my soon to be painted Lilith crew!
  14. Thanks for the insight guys. It's always tough to make the correct call while in the heat of battle and a game is on the line. I'll have to take Lelu's poison (as well as his Twisted Thoughts) into consideration when attacking a Grudge target. If it hadn't been for a poorly timed flay (bet you never heard flay referred in the negative before) the target would have made it past the Poison so Lelu could have finished him off. As for the VP denial (on Grudge and Protege) we both agreed that per rules it's viable. This will make me rethink announcing (or even selecting it as a scheme) if there is only 1 choice for Protege target. As for last nights game (Grudge), he was shooting into melee or he very well could have finished him off for the VP denial. And thanks for the clarification on removing faction affiliation. What I wonder now is that model able to complete objectives, etc? Or is the faction removal solely to limit area effects and the like that might he might benefit from by being considered "friendly"?
  15. Last night my buddy and I ran into some questions (mostly due to me playing my Tuco proxy while chomping at the bit for the actual release date in April). While we found quite a few answers out here, there were a couple that eluded us.. While I try to think through things with a logical slant he tends to go more on the literal wording. Neither method leads to our questions being truly addressed and then that just leads to us hitting each other.. So, here goes Rules Wizards! Hear my pleas for aid! 1. Grudge: I had this as a scheme and he figured out which model was the target. He decided to kill him (well, attempt to kill him that is). Would this be a viable strategy to deny me the VP of killing him? Officially, I would agree.. But logically, I think this is a slippery slope. Think of Kill Protege.. If he wanted to deny me, knew who the target was, turn and kill his own model right out the gate solely for the purpose of denying the +2 VP since it was announced I think that goes against the grain of the game. However, I know that crews can kill their own models (Perdita - Papa Loco, McMourning for body parts, etc..) with good effect but does in the case of Grudge or Protege toss an unwelcome monkey wrench into the works? 2. More Grudge: We also got into a position that the target of the above said Grudge was getting mauled by my Lelu. He was taken down to 1Wd before the end of the turn and took on Poison2. We then resolved effects and started the next turn. He activated the Grudge target, who then took his remaining 1Wd due to poison, and died. The question here is.. Does this satisfy the criteria for Grudge to award me VP? Im my mind, all attacks on the model were melee (by a non-master minion - Lelu), and as a result, was poisoned, and in turn, died as a result of melee strikes (well,if melee had never been involved, poison never would have been applied). I tend to go the logical route, saying that Grudge makes you get your hands dirty by entering melee and killing the grudge. He dies as a result of my melee attack, albeit by the poison applied during that attack, so that qualifies as completing Grudge. However, I can also see it from the more literal point of view. Although the target dies, he does not "officially" die due to the wording "If the noted Minion was killed by one of your non-master models melee Strikes or Melee Spells". Since Claws or Bite didn't do him in, but the poison did, it doesn't satisfy the VP criteria. Thoughts? 3. Taint Loyalty: Tuco has a spell that, if successful, removes the target models Faction affiliation and is not considered friendly to any other model in in game. This lasts till the end of the turn (unless a triggered event happens but that's not important in this case) but our question is this. What exactly happens to an un-factioned, un-friendly model. Does he just wander aimlessly, not able to do anything this turn? I'm assuming that he's just sort of in limbo and can't activate or perform any actions. Anyone else? 4. Lastly, Freikorps armor: Tuco has a shotgun, Dg 2/3Blast/4Blast,Blast. If targeting a Freikorps, whose armor "may ignore damage from pulse, aura, and blast effects", can Tuco hit him with anything other than weak Dg? I'm in the camp that the number is the damage from the shotgun itself and not blast effect. If the moderate or severe comes up, then the targeted Freikorps would take the 3 and 4 respectively. However, any surrounding Freikorps, if within the blast radius, would not take any damage due to it being a blast effect. Does this sound correct? Literal guy is in the camp that says since the the moderate and severe contain blasts, then the moderate and severe damages would be considered "blast effects" and thus wouldn't connect with the targeted model. That's all for now but it's hard to imagine that one game generated so many questions.. Planets must have aligned somehow.. Anyway, thanks in advance for any input or clarifications.
  16. Thanks for the input! The horns were tough to place since I was without tweezers when i was putting them on. I have more superglue on my fingers than i got on the horns. I threw the whole thing together pretty quickly yesterday in order to get him on the table for my game last night. I'll be tweaking the horns if I get some time. Thanks for the compliments on the bases as well. I followed a similar theme with Lilith and the twins. Just some pieces of tree mulch I picked up from outside the local Lowes one day with some kitty litter (yes, it's clean) rubble. You can't see it in the pics but each base also includes a skull or two to tie them all together. As for Tucos play style, I really like how he worked out last night. I got the chance to Taint Loyalty but have some questions as to what removing ones faction does to a guy.. I would have liked to try out his shotgun (with the possibility of a blast or two) but due to some bunched up models in the center of the table (both mine and my opponents) I didn't feel the potential risk to my models was worth the attempt. Maybe next time.
  17. I just picked up the Exorcist the other day and if I squint a bit I thought I saw a little Tuco in him.. So I picked up my razor saw, chopped off his right arm and the top of his head, did a little hat and weapon swapping and some poorly done green stuff later (as well as adding a couple of oddly mounted horns) we have ourselves a passable Tuco while I wait till April for the actual release! My Twins now have a new brother to play with tonight! Painting yet to come... Tuco! The horns are a bit off (well, more like WAY off) but thats the best my fat sausage fingers can manage while away from the rest of my Malifaux stuff. And please forgive the green stuff. My first attempt so I felt that I could manage arm. How wrong I was.. I bow to those of you that successfully sculpt with the stuff.
  18. I'm signed up the cake match on Thursday and I'm really looking forward to it. So far I've only gotten to play against the same opponent (my buddy Paul) and I'm looking fowarad to the opportunity to try my hand against someone new. I've drifted from my very first crew (Zoraida) slightly by swapping her out with Lillith and adding Tuco to the mix. My buddy is in the Malifaux tourney but I'll just be a spectator for that on Saturday.
  19. Figured out how to take a some better pics.. Still need another source of light though. Stiched Together 1 Stiched Together 2 And a closer shot of the two of them together. Unfortunately I'll need more light for the Voodoo Doll since I couldnt get a a cleaner shot of him to save me life..
  20. Thanks durek! I'm looking forward to getting some more models finished (as well as the Iron Painter I nervously added my name to!). I'm hoping to get my crew minis looking good so during my upcoming games maybe that will help distract from my complete lack of strategy! I just checked out your stuff in your plog. Some gret looking minis! Loved the Ice Golem you did!
  21. Thanks for the compliment Jewomie! Even though these are my first few minis I've always been pretty handy with my larger art projects so all that's changing I guess is the scale. I still feel a little heavy handed on the wash though. Going to try and localize it a bit more on future models rather than slathering it on all over the place. I'm looking forward to painting Lelu and Lilitu next to see how I fair when I try things that aren't burlap sacks!
  22. Before I expose you to the horrors within.... I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks to Wyrd for making a great game that was able to grab hold of me and get me involved with painting (as well as playing) again. When I was younger, 16yrs old or so, it seemed that I was always surrounded by miniature wargamers. But as tempted as I was to pick up the hobby I was either too intimidated by the massive investment of both time and money of Warhammer / 40k or the incredible quality of the paint jobs on all of their models. I always had the itch to paint some miniatures but never really gave it a shot. Fast forward 10 years and I end up moving next door to an avid D&D player. I get invited to his game and he tosses me a mini and he sets me loose with his paint set. For my first mini ever painted (a hastely drybrushed knight of some sort) it didn't look half bad. He served me well for my weekly game of D&D and beer but my painting career pretty much stalled out there. Fast Forward another 15 years and I hear of this game Malifaux. It's not the massive undertaking of the large scale battles. It doesn't involve fists full of dice and an engineering degree to play. It uses a deck of cards and a handful of miniatures. And it starts the wheels turning. I see the models and what's not to love? It's like they took every genre that I loved (Westerns, Sci-Fi, Horror, Steampunk) and rolled them all into one cohesive mix. I picked up a box and some assorted models and I was hooked. That was just a few short months ago.. Okay, backstory completed. I'll shut up now.. So without further ado, my first three Malifaux minis I've finished painting. Considering my lifetime painting total is now a whopping 4 miniatures I have to say I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. Please excuse the poor photography. I'll be sure to actually "use" some lighting next time. Not to mention the macro setting.. Please be gentle! And of course, any criticism or advice, on both painting and photography, would be gladly accepted. Vidiot
  23. My first (and previously only) attempt at painting minis was for a friends D&D game over 10yrs ago. It was a knight of some sort that I used as my warrior character named Cobalt. It was a crude silver drybrush job over a black primer that ended up being tinted a bit on the blue side due to some poor brush rinsing on my part. Also contributed to coming up with his name.. I really wish I knew where he was. So many moves later and I think he may have gotten lost in the shuffle. Fast forward 10yrs and my buddy gets me interested in Malifaux. Figured (no pun intended) I would just jump right in, buy some minis, brushes, paint and give it a go. First Malifaux mini - My Voodoo Doll for my Zoraida crew. Thought I should start small to get my feet wet. Followed quickly by my first conversion, Lilitu. Her whip came miscast when I purchased the clamshell. Decided to improvise. Still a WIP though. Looking forward to posting more pics as I get more of my crew completed.
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