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Posts posted by dunce002917

  1. I just finished my Guild Guards (Blister pack - I also have the female Guild Guard from the Lucius box set) and I also worked on the Drill Sergeant.

    Guild Guards:


    The Drill Sergeant:


    I went with the red coats theme (I'll post the full Guild Guard unit photo later) and was really happy on how they turned out... Awesome red coat Guild Guard under the leadership of Lucius.

    As always, comments and suggestions are welcomed.


  2. Definately agree with you on that.

    There is a reason my Warhammer Fantasy Lizardmen army has languished on the painting table for the last 5 years.

    I agree! so far, all of my Malifaux stuff are painted... well still working on 2 Guild Guards, Enslaved Nephilim and the Drill Sergeant.

    But since Malifaux is a "smaller" game, I'm able to commit to my rules: No model will be on the table unpainted and I'll only buy new models after all my models are painted.

    Compared to my Warmachine Cygnar army... most Jacks are painted, a few epic caster unpainted and the units... oh the units....

  3. Hmm... how about the Guild Guards as your alternative 4 SS minions?


    Armor 1

    and decent Cb and dmg are worth the price of admission... plus they would fit well if you decide to also take Lucius with Perdita...

    Move Lucius as far in board as you can then reinforce Perdita... Perdita's Df and defensive triggers would keep her safe until her activation where she can go in and pew pew pew inside your opponent's deployment zone.

  4. I guess by these categories, I'm a "Johnny" type of player. I build crews and list that I think are cool which most "Spike" players would make fun of..

    I like winning but having fun is more important to me than winning at all costs (annoying my enemy). The games I feel horrible after are the ones where I got smashed by a "Timmy/Spike" player... these kind of games I typically call in after turn 2 (cuz either the my opponent got the VPs or my army's 3/4s wiped out - in PP games).

    I enjoy playing with "Johnny" players especially if they try something new which adds a new dimension to the game.

    From what I've seen, Spike and Timmy players are the ones who are most vocal complainers after a model from their crews got cuddled or errata'd. sad.

  5. @ramsees

    Loved the paint job on Molly!

    Only comment is that you're way better at painting than me... LOL

    I was busy painting my Guild Guards over the weekend but had to stop cuz the office just got way too hot to paint in... it's tough painting small details when sweat beads suddenly block your LOS... LOL

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