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Posts posted by dunce002917

  1. Well, fluff-wise Rezzers should have the lowest defense since most of their minions are undead zombies... somehow, I highly doubt zombies would do a lot of dodging... if at all, they can take more punishment before "dying".

    As a Guild player, I have yet to complain about their Df stats. Perhaps I cheat fate a lot more times than others.

    Of course, my best defense is a strong offense.. right Lady J? Lucius?

  2. In my blog (link below) i talk about models as individuals because crew building can be quite meticulous choice of preference/utility if you need some hints. With Cridd i tend to take cheap minions to turn into witchlings. The excorcist isn't needed as much because just about everything has a magical weapon or spell to deal with spirits.

    She isn't as fast as Justice or Perdita but she still has quite a few good tricks and I would dare to say that as far as Guild is concerned her Avatar is better than the others.

    Ms. Criid has the best looking Guild Avatar. :P

  3. I've also learned the hard way that's it's stupid to take Lucius and no Guardsmen models. 10 points for the slingshot. Take some Guild Guard for corden so Lady J can charge on her terms and also to use Halt to stop getting charged when you don't want to be. Also Austringers are a good defensive line for her until she's ready to strike.

    I agree with you. 1 Guiild Guard, 2 Guild Hounds and an Austringer. 15 ss +1 ss cache

    Lady Justice 4 ss cache + 1 ss cache due Guild Hound bonus

    Lucius 10 ss

    Guild Guard 4 ss

    Guild Hound 3 ss

    Guild Hound 3 ss

    Austringer 5 ss

    That's a solid 25 ss crew.

    For 35 ss add:

    Guardian 7 ss or any 7 ss minion like the Executioner, Nino the Judge

    the Watcher 3 ss


    Death Marshalls (for undead crews)/Witchling Staker (Spirits or Ca6+ Masters) 4 ss x 2

    Desperate Mercenary 2 ss or add to cache...

  4. So leave Lady J back and then cast it across the board on her? After that, is there an attack plan or is it just hoping, from there?

    I typically do this trick towards the end of the turn.. if I'm ahead in models or when all of my opponent's beat sticks have activated.

    Of course, I wouldn't put Lady J in harm's way unless there's a worthy prize (objective marker, enemy master, scheme completion, etc). Anyway, it is a way to mitigate the Guild's so called slowness. Plus, I usually have a cache of 4-6 soulstones that should keep Lady J alive for her to activate and go for the kill.

  5. Hmm.. against ressers or anyone who uses counters, just have something that eliminates corpse and scrap counters. Corpse counters not as much for obvious reasons. But against Ramos, you will need something that either blows up the counters (Hoffman has that) or simply wipes it out of the board.

    This way, you can starve the other master of their tools... less spiders and undead minions.

    My buddy who plays Kirai end up using his own minions to fuel Kirai's Spirit spam...

  6. There is a local Malifaux group in San Jose/Santa Clara area. The Local Gaming Store is called Game Kastle.

    I played with the local Malifaux group and they are cool to play with. The local henchman Megnc86 (Megan) and TedPro is a local player too. So drop a message to Megan or TedPro and they can set up demo games for you and your buddy.

    As for basic starter advice.. get at least the mini rulebook ($15), a fate deck and play some games.

    As for painting advice, you can look up Hot Lead Painting videos.. youtube is an excellent resource. But to get you started, get some primer paint and a few colors that you like. I bought the Privateer Press Formula P3 paints while others prefer the Vallejo or Citabel line of paints.

    The books, this forum and the podcasts can give you more fluff and background. Also, check out Ratty's site for some resources (crew builders, pdfs and counters).

  7. That's maybe an optimum buying schedule for gaming purposes but seriously the executioner is such an amazingly fun model to paint there is no way it should be your second last purchase.

    Wait for the alt Executioner model to release... the original one was fun to paint but since there's an alt sculpt, why not?

  8. Lucius and Lady J combo.

    Have Lucius activate first then cast Reinforcements on Lady J. Now watch your enemy choose between killing her or Lucius.

    Actually, I can also see a Lucius and Perdita combo.

  9. It's this attitude....


    .... Combined with this costume...


    ... That locks it for me :)

    Levi could work, but I don't like the idea of artificially ageing him for the role. Peter Cushing would've been a lock, but he's shuffled off to wherever it is good actors go (appropriate for Levi, but no). Ian McKellen maybe?

    Dude, the costumed Hugh Laurie made me laugh... thanks!

    So I guess the Governor General would be played by Stephen Fry? LOL

    ---------- Post added at 09:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 AM ----------

    Som'er should be Steve Buscemi, cg'd to be a bit more gremlin like.


    I can already hear Buscemi aying Som-er here.. Some-er there...LOL

  10. We actually did this a while ago....


    Agree on Christina Hendricks as Justice, disagree with Picard as Hoff (he's a better Ramos), Christopher Lee was born to play Nico. Just sayin'.

    Dude, I agree with Hugh Laurie as Lucius Matheson... Just watch an episode of House and put a golden mask on him.. LUCIUS!

    Working at your Seamus line of thinking... how about Johnny Depp (as Willy Wonka but with green suit)?

    Rorschach as McMourning... WIN!

  11. Hmm.. the Use Soulstone or Cb 4 (and lower) may be great avenues to say that he's not really a swordsman.

    How about just have a negative flip on attacks and damage flips if he uses on 1 AP.

    He can FOCUS and then get the positive attack and damage flips...

    basically making he melee attack a 2 AP action.

    My vote is for Range Expert or Fast/Nimble.

    As for the Stalker bombs, perhaps a hybrid of Papa Loco's Take Ya With Me and Flame Wall. So the Spell only targets friendly Witchling Stalkers - target model is Sacrificed triggering Immolating Demise 6" pulse, Dg 3 and place 1 50mm marker within 1" of sacrificed model. This spell can be called - "Die In A Fire!"

  12. Hmm.. what's his ss cost? 8-10 ss would be alright I guess.

    As for Special Forces, I like it. But I'd like to have Arcane Tracker models (if possible) or maybe another rule that prohibits hiring models that are Ca 6 and above.

    Would there be a restriction for hiring the Hopkins Henchman with a Sonnia Criid crew?

    Perhaps a Sonnia crew can hire the Arcan Tracker Hopkins only if the crew does not include an avatar..

  13. I don't know where the patrick stewart as Hoffman movement came from, but he is way off the mark to me. And too old.

    His voice with Hoffman? Sickened and weakened by whatever his condition was?


    Good to see a shout out for David Tennant though. I am a fan.

    I can't help but think that Christopher Eccleston couldn't pull something off too.

    Maybe a bald Chris Eccleston can be Hoffman... now that's a scrap I want to watch!

    Hamlin (David Tennant) vs. C. Hoffman (Chris Eccleston)

    Battle of the Doctors! LOL

  14. Maybe, instead of costing 2 ss, it could be a "summoned" Guild Model?

    Perhaps an errata where Guild Masters can summon an honest citizen to aid in the struggle.

    I can just imagine Lucius intimidating a citizen to charge an undead zombie or something.

    so if I summon 2 citizens, I can "make" them into a Guild Guard by using "A Hero Emerges"

  15. Hmm.. wish list just based on looks... one could hope.. LOL


    Lady Justice - Christina Hendricks (Madmen) or Jessica Chastain (The Debt)

    Sonnia Criid - Karen Gillan (Doctor Who - Amy Pond)

    Perdita Ortega - Zoe Saldana (Avatar, Star Trek, Columbiana)

    C. Hoffman - Patrick Stewart

    Lucius - Hugo Weaving


    McMourning - Hugh Jackman (X-Men, Wolverine)

    Nicodem - The Undertaker (LOL) or Gary Oldman

    Seamus - Collin Farrell or Michael Fassbender (Magneto, X-Men First Class)

    Kirai - Grace Park (Battlestar Gallactica)

    Molly - Emily Blunt


    Marcus - Terry Crews (White Chicks)

    Ramos - Sean Connery or Ian McKellen

    Rasputina - Gemma Arterton (Clash of the Titans)

    Collette - Amy Adams or Emma Stone

    Kaeris - Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Gallactica)


    Zoraida - Hellen Mirren

    Lilith - Bryce Dallas Howard

    Dreamer - Jack Gleeson (Joffrey from Game of Thrones) Lord Chompy will be CGI

    Pandora - Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell from Game of Thrones)

    Collodi - A very skinny Christian Bale


    The Viks - Scarlet Johansson (double the Scarlet... yes!)

    Leveticus - Christopher Lee (Saruman)

    Som'er - Peter Dinklage

    Hamlin - David Tennant (Doctor Who)

    Ophelia - Meredith Eaton (Boston Legal)

    Von Schill - John Malkovich

  16. Bonus Pick - Lawyer

    What? Lawyer? Are you kidding me? No man. I'm not. Go ahead and laugh. I'm not about to give all the tricks away, but if you even play a guy who knows how to get the most out of this model, its going to be a very, very frustrating day for you. And if you are a Colette or Gremlin player, you learn you have to kill this guy fast. While I don't actually include him in the best "pound for pound" picks (he's a bit expensive and slow of foot) he's got enough potential that if you learn how to use him right, he can actually win you games. Or at the very least, disrupt your opponent enough to allow you to win.

    (the first post disappeared into the aether, so I hope I'm not double posting)

    dude, now I'm curious... how about a short write up on how he's a great minion?

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