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Posts posted by dunce002917

  1. For Sonnia, get Desperate Mercs. Sonnia has a spell that would convert a model into Witchling Stalkers... so the 2 ss Desperate Merc is a "cheap" Witchling Stalker.

    I know I'm repeating myself but that 2 ss minion is usually overlooked but can serve it's perpose almost every game... and I've killed a lot of minions with my Mercs (since opponents underestimate these guys).

    As for other minions, get the Witchling Handler. This minion would help boost the Witchling Stalkers' abilities.

    Also, if you can, get a Guardian for Sonnia... she's kinda squishy so perhaps the Guardian can soak up some wounds...

  2. Sounds interesting....

    Lucius's command of the Guild guards with Molly's Investigative (and undead) skills along with Kaeris' command of fire gamins would be useful in finding clues.

    Let's not forget Von Schill and his Freikorpsmen with Ophelia's Gremlin family would provide the firepower against the enemy.

    All the while, Collodi is in the background pulling the strings of the operation.

    Meanwhile, deep in Ten Thunders territory, Yamaziko is on the hunt to free Misaki from her captors....

    Seriously, the Ten Thunders need a Henchman.

  3. I can't wait to see you Dead Justice crew and those bases you posted looked great! As for pinning, I have not done any pinning but have used green stuff to "cement" the minis on their bases. I just built the Misaki Box set and the small feet would be tough to pin so I suggest sticking to green stuff for that.

  4. Thanks for the tip. Yeah, I'm gonna thin out my flesh paints and ease up the washes... Taelor's Orange/ginger hair popped up more since I did not use a lot of wash. Taelor's abs suffered under the think paint coat...

    Absolutely love the models, and really like the bright hair color ou have used. It makes the models stand out nicely.

    One thing you might concider though, is to use more thin layers for the skin. The skin of Taelor and the top Viktoria seems a bit rough, where Bishop and Johan seems alot more smoothe. This you can do by using multiple layers of thinned down paint, to make the finish more smoothe. And if you add a rough highlight of the models, i am sure they will really pop out.

    Keep up the good work :)


  5. Thanks! yeah, Abuela can be another Obey caster, heal wounds and remove tokens/effects.

    I hate those poison and burning tokens... :)

    She looks really good! I am getting ready to get a Perdita crew together soon. And this is one lady who deff has to be in my crew!
  6. I just finished painting the Viktoria's Mercenaries box set. I also got to play 2 games with them and was happy with their play style.

    All models were washed with a combo of washes: blue, black, Agrax Earthshade and green.

    Note: Johan's photo show the unwashed model.

    As usual, comments, suggestions and questions are welcomed.






  7. Welcome to possible new Guild player!

    take a look at pullmyfinger and see which Master you'd like to start with. I started with Lady J cuz she's pretty much a straight forward beat stick which can help with learning the rules especially the combat/card flip system.

    I've come a long way and I practically have every Guild model and the majority of the Outcasts...

    I hope you have as much fun as I have playing, building and (hopefully) painting Malifaux models.

    I am really digging the guild. Follwed closly by the outcasts and neverborn
  8. One more thing about Desperate Mercenaries...

    DO NOT FORGET "A Last Noble Deed". When a Desperate Merc is killed, it elects a friendly model within 4" and that model makes a healing flip. I was able to save a key minion (and Master) at a crucial point in my game. So if you a near dead minion activating within a Desperate Merc, kill the merc and get the healing flip.

    You'll thank me in the morning.. LOL

    Nothing beats the confused look on my opponent's faces: "Why are you killing your Desperate Merc? Oh, that's why... smart!"

  9. I would agree with the suggestions given by dgraz and adran.

    It would be far cheaper to get the Sonnia and Lady J boxes if you are looking at the Witchling Stalkers and Death Marshalls. At least if decide to bring higher point minions, you have Hopkins and the Judge to help your crew.

    As for Hoffman and Lucius' box sets, that I would leave up to you. The Hoffman box has the Watcher and the Guardian (excellent bodyguard for Lady J) while Lucius has the female Guild Guard model and the Guild Guard Captain both good minions to have.

    If you are sticking with Perdita, I suggest getting the Enslaved Nephilim (for an extra "Obey" spell), Abuella (Another "Obey" caster and healing) and the Brutal Effigy (Healing).

    As for Guild Hounds, I got 2 blisters (4 hounds) and just say "release the Hounds" whenever you deploy them.

    for Mercs, get 2 Desperate Mercs and you'll have disposable "kinda ok" shooters where you can lure your enemies or at least cause some distraction/diversion.

  10. Hey,

    I dunno if you heard about Game Kastle opening a branch in Fremont.

    Although there is yet to be a local Malifaux Meta, I'll be willing to drive to Fremont to have a scrap or 2.

    I drove last night to play a game of WarmaHordes... it was fun.

    Hey All,

    I started playing a couple months ago in the San Jose area. I have since then moved north to the East Bay (Oakland Area), and wanted to see if there are any play groups around. Please let me know. I look forward to meeting up.


  11. Circus Performers - Ringmaster, Acrobats, Strongmen, Bearded Ladies, Magicians and Painted Faced Performers.

    Native American - Like the ideas presented by previous posters and perhaps Marcus could join in the fun. Spirits, beast transformations, etc.

    Irish, Middle Eastern and Asian Indians - Sidir is already a precedent and we need more Black Sheep minions.

    Pirates - Cuz Malifaux would be more awesome and dangerous with Pirates - Thay can also be different races (French, English, Spanish, Pirate Bay, etc)

    Something for Neverborn - The Chupacabra, Sasquatch, Slender Man, Mummies, Centaurs and other horrors from Myth and Legends...

  12. Cool beans! I'll search and download ASAP.

    Yeah, I'm hoping you guys flip the Red Joker over the Black Joker (when it comes to the Malifaux Podcast curse).

    I have not seen how long episode 1 yet (work blocked the site - boo!) but are you going to be 1-2 hours or will you also have shorter "supplemental" episodes? just don't go over 4-5 hours.. LOL it's for your sanity.. LOL

    Well I-Tunes has sent the approval email.. So I would assume by tomorrow evening we will be a searchable entity on the Itunes store.

    Dunce I am seriously hoping the curse can skip right over us. At this point going against us we are utilizing Skype heavily. However, We are managing to record at two of the three points of the triangle. And after listening to episode 2 while editing we will make sure everyone in the Portland area is recording their own audio. Then from there it will be up to me to get everything downloaded to Toledo to edit.

    On the positive side... I have warned the guys that with four hosts, three time zones, and multiple people recording audio, I will edit and release as long as there are two voices to edit.

    Joe, Thank you for letting us know you guys are still plugging along. I may have to see if there is time in the future to find a good store between detroit and toledo and flip some cards.

  13. So after a long hiatus (PP's Cygnar Stormwall in 4 days took a lot from me), I'm back to painting my Malifaux minis.

    I recently got the Vikorias Mercenary Crew, the Peacekeeper and the Warden.

    Here's Gun Vik:


    I used WYRD"s new Asian Zen Base for the Gun Vik. She could almost pass as a Guild Guardsman. I had fun painting her until I had to paint her eyes... I hate painting eyes.

    Here's the Warden:


    I had an extra 40mm Sewer base and used that as the Warden's base. I think I overdid the blue wash but as it dried out, I think the color matched the artwork on the blister box... so not bad. As you can see, my dry brushing was a bit rusty and ended up fully covering the whole body. So I compensated with dry brushing highlights and thankfully, the wash came out good.

    Here's the Peacekeeper (base WIP):


    Let me just say, the Peacekeeper was the most frustrating model I built and painting EVER. This includes my Cryx army (Bane Thralls, Mortenebra, etc) and my Pan-Oceania Infinity army. I can tell you how many times I wanted to Hulk Smash this model or toss it out of the window. Anyhow, I was able to do proper dry brushing on the Peacekeeper. I stuck with the gold and sliver scheme and just did some retouching on the spots where my green stuff tried to hold the Peacekeeper together. By the time I finally had him built, it was already 1:30 am. So the base will be completed tonight. I plan to put snow on his base.

    Anyway, it feels great to get back into painting. I still have the rest of Viktoria's crew, my Levi Crew, Desolation Engine, Miss Terious and my Von Schill crew on deck.

    Thoughts, comments and suggestions are appreciated.

  14. Just from my POV,

    I always thought Lady J (G.I. Joe character) was based on Jue from the Animatrix (The blindfolded fight scene was awesoMe.. spoiler - they both took a peek).

    Viktoria's Masamune was based on the Sword in Chrono Trigger (Frog's uber Sword).

    The Judge was based on Vash The Stampede (Trigun)

    The Executioner is a fan Edward Scissorhands

    The Freikorpsmen look like the enemy from Killzone 2

    Seamus - Jack the Ripper/Mad Hatter

    Sidir - The guy Indiana Jones shot in Raiders

    The Death Marshalls - The Mariachi gnag from El Mariachi/Desperado or some anime..

    Witchling Stalkers - Jawas

    Nicodem - The Undertaker lol

    Sebastian = Igor

    Marcus = The Beast Master/ Brave Starr?

    Hoffman = Professor X?

    Collodi looks like Jigsaw from Saw

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