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Posts posted by dunce002917

  1. She does look good pn the flame base, if I ever rebase my Sonnia I may have to borrow that idea.

    I like the brown scheme on the witchlings, the blue sword is offset nicely too.

    I got the flame idea for the Sonnia Avatar model... i was planning to just use the base insert but the small flames were not impressive enough so I used the fire pillars it came with.

    Now that I have washed the models, the black shade made the flames look more dangerous/comic style.

    The blue witchling sword sword idea also came from the Lord of the Rings... so orcs are in the area.. LOL

  2. Stats wise he may seem slow but his drawn to metal ability will fix that plus using assimilation with a construct with abilities that affect movement would give the Hoff that extra movement.

    Machine Puppet is also an excellent tool to use your constructs weapons with improved CB.

    So as a Malifaux noob, I like Hoffman and is still my favorite model I painted.

  3. So I finnally finished my Sonnia Criid crew. As of now, they are pre-washed. I'm thinking black GW wash on Sonnia and Samael and blue GW wash on the Witchling Stalkers.


    Here's my Sonnia Criid. I chose to paint her coat red and painted her hair orange. I'm going for almost devilish look and the Wyrd Flame base insert and accessories really gave her the inferno look. I'll probably try to have the outlines "pop" with the GW black wash.


    Here's Samael Hopkins. He kinda gave me a hard time due to the detail of his clothing. But I think it came out well. The red poncho kept to the "red devil" theme that Sonnia had. Again, I hope to "pop" the outlines with a black wash.


    My Witchling Stalkers almost became a disaster. I initially painted their cloaks in 1 color (brown) and they came out boring. So I decided to "wash" the lower cloak area with a darker shade of brown and used a tan wash for the upper cloak area. The end product reminded me of an old Jedi robe. The swords I painted with P3 Pig Iron and washed it with Arcane Blue giving a "runed" light saber-y effect. The eyes I decided to color green instead of yellow - I didn't want them to look like Jawas. I'll wash them with GW Blue to hopefully give the blue hue effect.

    I hope you like my crew. Suggestions and comments are appreciated.

    I'll post the post-washed models soon.



  4. So I got my first game with the Hoff with Treasure Hunt as my strategy and picked Frame for Murder and Grudge schemes.

    My list: 20 ss





    Death Marshall

    Death Marshall

    I went up against Kirai and her endless horde of spirits. I failed my Frame for Murder scheme because Kirai used a Shikome to kill my Death Marshall (Target for Frame for Murder) and I was unable to kill the Female Drowned (for Grudge). Kirai had her spirits draw the line and complete 3/4 of the reconnoiter strategy.

    The game ended with a tie (3VP = 3VP) since Hoffman was able to get the treasure and survive the final turn attacks.

    Lesson: This game showed the importance of announcing the scheme. Hoffman's movement and attack cheese with constructs are awesome! I need fast, cheap tarpit/position Minions. Perhaps the Guild Hounds and Austringers (for some uber ranged options).

  5. Welcome!

    I currently have all the Guild Masters except for Lucius. If you are facing Arcanists such as Ramos, I suggest getting the Hoffman box. His movement cheese and Machine Puppet is just awesome.

    As for individual Minions, I suggest the Austringers, Guild Hounds, the Guardian and the Watcher.

    I hope this helps.

  6. Updates:

    So I finally finished up C. Hoffman's crew.

    I tried to follow Hot-lead.org's tips on dry brushing and washing. You will see the progression from the Watcher, Guardian and the Hunter. I used Wyrd's Sewer Bases for the base and milliput/green stuff and some glue to put the model on the base. I maximized the points of contact to avoid any breakage while gaming.

    Here you go:

    C. Hoffman final - I used GW Black wash


    The Guardian final - I "accidentally" used GW Blue wash... turned out good.


    The Hunter final - I used GW Black wash


    The Watcher final - I used GW Black wash


    At first I thought the Guardian would be easy to build but out of all the models, it gave me some headaches and I had to re-glue and re-touch the paint at least 3 times. The Hunter only gave me a headache with it's pose of the sewer base. I was able to figure out a pose with 4 points of contact which made me happy.

    I'm still learning to paint, shade and wash properly. Hopefully when Hot-lead's dvd comes in, I can watch it and learn more. So far, I learn through practice.

    Check out my album to see the models unwashed. Did I do the right thing by applying washes on the crew? Please leave comments and tips.


  7. I'm planning to apply a light coat of GW black wash tonight. I took that picture at 1 am this morning so my hands were already cramping (which explains the slight blur) and my eyes were tired.

    I just finished basing it during lunch and he's not drying up the glue+green stuff... tonight, the Watcher is on deck.

    @SpiralingCadavr I'm all ears for more tips and tricks with painting miniatures. I'm relatively new and spent my early painting days on Warmachine minis... which are larger than Malifaux. I think both deserve some highlighting and washes.

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