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Posts posted by dunce002917

  1. You have a few things wrong so let me take this slow

    You may both cheat and play a soul stone on a flip.

    You must cheat first

    Cheating is when you replace the flipped card with a card from your hand

    You may then us a soul stone

    Using a soul stone in this way allows you to flip a card from your deck and add it to your total(not from your hand)

    Oic.. so in my scenario, I'll cheat with my 2 tome and then burn a soul stone and hope to get an 8 and higher to get a 17+ total.

    Ok got it. Thanks nilus! I loved your Cheated Fates radio interview...

  2. Last Saturday I was in a situation where Sonnia (I) wanted to cast the Flame Barrier/Wall or Violation of Magic. As you know it will cost Sonnia cc: 14 tome/13 tome/17 ram and tome respectively. Sonnia's CA and CB already satisfies the ram requirement but I need a tome to be successful.

    Ex: Flame Burst, I flipped a 7 ram. My total is 15 ram and I need to cheat or burn a soulstone for my spell to work.

    My opponent's defense flip total is 16. I know have an option to cheat.

    My control cards have tomes but if I cheat with them, I will lose the combat total. I have a 10 ram but I still need a tome to get the spell.

    He said I can cheat and replace my initial flip with a 2 tome and then use a soul stone to play my 10 ram bringing my total to 17 ram/tome.

    Is this correct?

    I was under the impression that I can only cheat OR use soul stone. If ever I can use both, I have to use a soul stone first then I can cheat to replace 1 card.

    Please clarify. If my friend is correct, this will make casting spells a whole lot easier.

  3. Austringers get a :+fate to attack and damage gremlins and silurid - not beasts. So the Raptor's Enrage trigger has no effect on it's ability to hurt other models.

    You know I hadn't thought about using Sonnia to blast fireballs off a Raptor. The Guild Hound has the advantage of companion, but easy to wound on the Raptor means there's much less need to cheat up the damage total up for a straight or positive flip. Is that worth the extra 0.5 SS? Well combined with it's higher mobility, maybe it is.

    interesting thought.. perhaps we can use the Raptors as Sonnia's easy (and cheap) Witchling Stalker incubator... granted the Guild hounds could the same and the Desperate Mercs are cheaper to blow up...

  4. Thanks for the link!

    This was kinda' my issue with Guardian-- they were very professional and slick (though didn't have the alcohol license when I was there), but worked the sell a bit hard, and it had a bit of an, I dunno, mallish and competitive vibe (felt like just about every WM player was only prepping for tournies, for instance). While there were some good guys there when I played WM, it felt almost like the GW store I went to a few times, years ago.

    Don't know if that was just a weird couple experiences, and I certainly wouldn't write off the whole place, but it just felt a little odd...

    well, if I move to Portland, you can also count on me as a non-uber competitive WM player. I play for the LULZ...

  5. Seems like a no go eh? I guess if the Malifaux Raptors "Comes Cheap" like the Desperate Mercs, we would see more use for them.

    Or perhaps, if the Guild found a friendly undead minion... since they were able to enslave a nephilim I don't see a reason why the Death Marshalls would not be able to steal some of Nicodem's or McMourning's toys...

  6. I would keep the black eye.. it mimics what a bruise would look like on a dead body.

    plus, enough episodes of csi, law & order and other crime dramas have shown some post-mortem contusions and bruising on the victims...

    but it's up to you.

    excellent work on the crew!

  7. I just got to take a look at the Malifaux Raptor card. It says it can be included in a crew containing at least 1 Guild Austringer.

    For Guild crews, it will cost 3 ss (like the Guild hound).

    Is it worth to get 2 Malifaux Raptors (to lose insignificant) or should I just stay with Guild Hounds?

    Anyone found a great use for the raptors?

  8. GoodPhule's concern has some merit. At lower ss scraps/brawls would limit Hoffman's effectiveness in certain strategies and schemes and you have to be careful in selecting non-construct models that are fast and can help you win in some scenarios.

    An example of Hoffman's strengths and weaknesses was shown in my 1st game with him (sorry to make this into a mini battle report but please bear with me).

    I played the Hoff in a 20 ss game.






    Death Marshall

    Strategy: Treasure Hunt

    Schemes: Frame for Murder (Death Marshall) and Kill Protege (Female Drowned)

    @GoodPhule's concern manifested itself as my construct crew were almost always within 6-8" from each other. Only my Watcher and Death Marshall were given permission to go on their own. I lost my chance to have the Kill Protege Scheme as my opponent place that Drowned Minion far away from the action (he had Reconnoiter as his strategy) and even with the Watcher's speed, it would be nearly impossible to get the scheme.

    I instead focused on the Strategy and had Hoffman's drawn to metal ability help him keep up with his crew. He used Machine Puppet to wipe out the defending spirits (yes, at half damage but what can you do?). My lone Death Marshall I sent to his death but Kirai was too Pitiful and weak sauce to kill him herself... she instead sent a Shikome to do the job (overkill if you ask me).

    One thing I found out though... an all-construct crew against Kirai would starve the girl of souls for spirit food. She then had to sacrifice her spirits to do her thing and my Guardian fought valiantly to protect Hoffman and tie-up Kirai's meaner spirits giving Hoffman a chance to pick up the treasure and run away. The Hunter died an honorable death and the Watcher did some covering fire. The end of the encounter resulted with a tie.

    The take away: Hoffman's abilities and spells make Hoffman a viable Master. He can be fast and can take the best features of your constructs to help him achieve his goal. In smaller scraps, he may be only effective in certain schemes and strategies. In bigger ss games, I would include fast minions that can hold their own (or get to objectives fast). I might get some Guild Hounds and more watchers.

    I hope this helped.

  9. Guild hounds do not add extra soul stones, they add extra stones to the masters cache.

    As far as how well they work. They can do some good things. They can mass companion with Ortegas, Sonnia can bounce spells off them, Lady Justice can give them melee expert and increase there CB. They are okay objective grabbers as long as they stick close together.

    Where the really shine at for me is being more models that can destroy counters.

    thanks for the clarification... I should have known when Ratty's crew builder only place the 2 ss to my master's cache... I thought it was a glitch...

    anyway, i still think 4 hounds is great investment in higher ss games (35 and above). PLus, depending on strategies and schemes, fast paired significant minions will make a huge difference.

  10. Von Schill is a very good Henchman - grabbing the Freikorps boxset can be a good idea.

    Sue can be useful to give you some Wp control.

    And yes, desperate mercs all the way! Faster than your average guild human, cheap, ranged attack which becomes stronger when it takes damage, and a ton of other things make it the best investment of 2SS you could have - barring some totems.

    I will check Von Schill and Sue out.


  11. The difference between the WIP and the finished product is night and day. They look really good. The only thing i'm not entirely behind is the Witchling eyes. They always seem off to me when you don't source light the interior of the hood a little.

    Otherwise nicely done.

    Thanks... I was kinda worried my Witchlings would look like Jawas... any suggestions on how make the eyes better? I'm sure my crew scheme would survive a minor edit of the eyes.

    Do you think I should dab a thinned light green color inside the hood?

  12. Hey guys,

    I have all the Guild's masters (box sets) except for Lucius.

    I'm currently making my next order which includes:

    2 Guild Austringers

    2 pairs of Guild Hounds

    1 Executioner

    I read up on the Desperate Mercenaries and figured it could be a cheap way to get 2 extra Witchling Stalkers for Sonnia plus at 2 ss, it's a cheap way to get more models in play.

    So right now, I'm deciding whether to include the Desperate Mercenaries (both the make and female) into my order. What else should I get from the Outcasts faction? Or should I just stay pure Guild?

  13. They look awesome!! I see, nevertheless, that you took your pictures under a yellow light, and I wonder how much does that detract from your intended color scheme and general look.

    Great work!!

    Thanks! I know, I should get better lighting... my wife and I just set up our new computer workstation with my side of the table doubling as my paint "studio". Since my table would be right next to a white wall, finding better lighting should be a bit easier.

  14. Awesome crew! I was also thinking of a pink theme for Perdita.. nice to know it works well with her.

    I might change up the hair color.. hehehe... I'm going with my red head Guild masters theme (Hoffman of course will not be a red head).

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