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Posts posted by dunce002917

  1. Also, unless the spell has the :ranged icon in its range, (which Dispel Magic doesn't) as long as you have LoS you can target Sam normally even while in melee, no randomizing. The Witchling could also be in melee and cast the spell out of melee into another melee that Sam is in or any other situation you could think of. It's only the :ranged that makes targeting problematic.

    cool, thanks for the tip!

  2. There is no problem with a Witchling Stalker targeting Hopkins with Dispel Magic, and Paralysed can be removed by the spell like any other effect.

    He would make a resistance flip on a successful cast as normal, however, after establishing dual totals you can have him reduce the difference in the dual totals to 0 because he is a friendly model (So he just fails to resist).

    After Paralyzed is dispelled from Hopkins he can activate as normal that turn

    As for the extra credit, I know you can't dispel counters from models, and I am almost 100% sure you can't dispel tokens.

    Hope that helps.

    Thanks! will keep this in mind the next time I face Ramos and his darn spiders...

  3. This is the situation:

    Sam Hopkins was paralyzed by Ramos' spider. I still have 2 Witchling Stalkers to active and Sam has not activated during this turn (but paralyze forfeits his activation).

    Now, can I use the Wtichling Stalkers to cast Dispel Magic on Sam Hopkins (assuming I get to target Sam Hopkins - he's in melee after all)? Second, can Sam pass on the Resist: Df flip? third, if Sam is a legal target and the Witchling Stalker successfully cast Dispel Magic, does this remove paralyze on Sam Hopkins?

    For extra credit: Does Dispel Magic remove Poison tokens on my friendly models.

    Please give me an answer because I have a spider and shikome infestation to deal with...

  4. Thanks!! So I took your advice and added some color. Since it was a scrap base, I went with the two tubes sticking up and painted them red with a silver dry brush. :D I think it looks a lot better. Thank you! Jeremy's male desperate merc's base has some red on it so they match :D

    Here's the updated Female Desperate Merc!



    Also, in my procrastination, here is my repainted Convict Gunslinger.

    Mr. M&M Killer himself. :D



    Let me know what you think! :D

    Your convict gunslinger looks awesome! looks like a dangerous Cat in the Hat... how did you make the hat?

  5. They look a lot of fun and will be really useful in the game.

    Heck if you like them - that's basically all that matters.

    Have you thought about getting them printed on actual poker chips - that could be very cool.

    yeah, those tokens can be prizes for local tournaments.. or at least a nice souvenirs.

  6. So I busted through some of my reading and as a reward, I added some work to the Female Desperate Merc. The shirt just got it's first coat... It needs a lot of work.. I'm going to add colored stripes to give it a plaid effect to mimic my favorite shirt that I stole from Jeremy. :P Let me know what you think. Hopefully she'll be finished this weekend. I have a lot of other stuff to do though... so we'll see. :/

    Like I said, let me know what you think! :D


    Awesome! looks hot!

  7. What are folks using for lighting and/or magnifying minis while you paint them?

    I'm inclinded to just get a clamp on your desk combination magnifier/light that will allow me to do the detail that i'm suddenly inspired to do with painting malifaux that I never was with um... other games.

    I do see there is the nifty looking magnifier clamp gizmo on think geek that holds a mini or two and has a magnifier though and was thinking that along with a full spectrum light (clamp on the table or freestanding) would work as well.

    Thought I would see what other people find works and if there are significant differences between types/brands first.

    do you have the lonk from think geek?

  8. For blood, use tamiya clear red. mix it with some devlan mud and wait a few seconds until it begins to dry, then apply to miniature.

    You'll like it ;)

    Edit: a small tutorial


    Thanks! that was a great tutorial.... I can still add this and leave it as is so that the blood/gore would be the highlight of the mini.


  9. I just finished building, painting and washing my Executioner.

    I got the inspiration to make him be covered in blood from a few entries from cool mini or not.

    It makes sense for him to be covered in the blood of his enemies.

    What do you think?



    after GW black wash:


    at first, I wanted to just do some blood splatters per PP's Legion of Everblight blood instructions. But unfortunately, the paint won't blow out so I decided to thin some Skorne Red and splatter it on his belly. I also combined it with some thinned Khador Red base. I think it showed that there were multiple victims at different times.

    I now think he looks like a fat Freddy Kruger or Edward Scissorhands.

  10. OK, please bear in mind that the base concept (master/sub-faction specific tokens) is a really cool idea, so I'm trying not to be too harsh in my criticism here. I think you could redo this into something that fits better- if I didn't I wouldn't bother posting about it.

    This is about 90 years too modern. Showing that much skin (as in the silhouette) would be completely unheard of in anything but an actual whorehouse, and even then, only behind closed doors and drawn shutters. A silhouette of Colette's art or even of one of the Performer minis would be a better fit, I think.

    I'd also use a nice deep blue (Arcanist, plus even at the turn of the 20th century purple dyes were still slightly more expensive, IIRC) instead of the purply-pink. Maybe even a blue curtain to frame it, though just a night sky background would work too.

    The fonts are too modern- this is more of a nitpick but fonts that were used back then would add a nice touch of authenticity.

    Now, all that said, the poker chip idea is great. I could absolutely imagine some card playing off in side rooms or when there's no show going on. Consider adding different colored chips to represent normal soulstones and Colette's artificial one- that could be double-sided to indicated whether or not it's been spent.

    I think you're on to something here- I just think it needs to be dialed back in time about a century *wink*

    I agree. Try looking into the old Victorian newspaper fonts.. since most printing during that time would be in a letter press-style and the caligraphy would be more of the handwritten style.

    I suggest looking at the Moulin Rouge marquee or even the movie poster. That's how I imagined the Star would look like.

    I hope this helps.

    All in all, good work.. I like the poker chips... perhaps the card decks would resemble the fate decks?

  11. Yes, Devlan mud is talent in a pot. I am not sure about the new paint range but the old Devlan mud is magical. Rumor has it that its made from the tears of Golden Demon painters.

    FYI since GW just changes there paints and names. Devlan mud is now called Agrax Earthshade, no word on whether is still contains fluids of amazing painters or not :)

    ok just the Devlan Mud/Agrax Earthshade wash. However, I already applied the GW Black wash on the Ortegas.






    The black wash gave them a gritty straight out of the soul stone mines look.

    Should I decide to wash them with the Devlan Mud... can I just apply it on top of the black or is there a way to just "wash" off the wash without damaging the paint job?

  12. As soon as i can get my hands on Miss Demenor, i'll do it. :D Any thoughts on if the female guild guard's face is visible enough? otherwise, i might do this with Perditia. i gave her green gloves... but i am somewhat unimpressed with them. :/ she would look cool with red lipstick though... :D Great call, thank you.

    dude, Perdita would look like Jessica Alba on Sin City... if you can model a lasso... there you go!

  13. Nope, I'm just good at everything :)

    On a serious note (no pun intended) I think there's a time and a place for being serious and a time to play for kicks. For example, UK Masters is a time to be hyper serious - I took my best lists and power-gamed all the way. Other "local" tournaments (assuming I'm not practicing with my main crew at the time) I like to take fun lists and still try and win stuff (i.e. LadyJ and 8 DMs having never played Guild before). Around that I'll always try to win (and sulk if I lose) but I play fairly laid back.

    Plus, not matter what event I'm always happy to answer questions and point out abilities I'm planning to use later which I don't think my opponent is aware of (i.e. "just to check, are you planning on x? Did you know my model does y?") it's better to win on skill than because your opponent doesn't know something you do :)

    I agree... tournaments... yeah, all bets are off... but still no need to obliterate your opponent unless the losing guy is a sore loser. :P

  14. Yeah, but it's probably not quite so fun when he calls it wrong, and I point out that it's wrong, and he (repeatedly) ends up loosing the game because of it. I can't tell if he's a poor learner or a poor cheater, but army-specific rules are the ones you should know backwards and forwards (like the summoning example for a resser player).

    I usually learn because i was once on the receiving end of army-specific rules... like Kirai's Instinctual and Spirit summoning spam...

  15. Off topic-- I play WM against someone where, every game, he incorrectly cites Eyeless Sight, Cover, and Concealment. Guess which army he plays?

    On topic, yes, Malifaux has tricky rules-- I'm sure I'm still playing something wrong. If something seems off, ask on the forums. Alternatively, learn the book-- it can be hard to find things, but if you start to understand how the layout is designed, it becomes a lot easier than you'd expect.

    As a fellow Legion of Everblight player, I find it hard to mess up eyeless sight, cover and concealment. But sometimes, it can get tricky.. hehehe...

  16. Yeah I have it. The problem is the guy I was playing against has been playing for a long time so I just expected him to know his rules. Guess I'll be studying that little book again lol


    I get that experience with Warmachine/Hordes players... ;)

    But one game I played, I "cheesed" my opponent by using Hoffman's Linked In ability incorrectly... I still activated my Linked In target model...

  17. So that's why I struggled so much. Nope he had all three out at one time. I was wondering about whether that was allowed, but didn't know the rules well enough to call him on it. Truthfully, just that right there would have been a huge changer in the game. Now I feel stupid lol. Oh well. Another thing I just found that he was doing wrong: For You, Master. He was using it across the entire table. I'm realizing that I just ended up getting beat because a lot of rules were completely skewed in that game.

    oh... you got cheesed... do you have the mini rule book? best $15 you can spend on Malifaux.

  18. As a Warmachine/Hordes player, I got attracted to Malifuax because of the models... Teddy, Candy and Baby Kade freaked me out. It does help to have fully painted models to show and impress possible players.

    What also caught my eye is the low price to start. 15-20 ss crew starts between $25-$45. Then the $15 mini rule book plus fate decks (which can be proxied by a regular card deck). So basically, demo a 15-20 ss scrap and pick suitable strategies (no reconnoiter!) and show them that for less than $50, you can have decent size crew.

    Also, try selling them the skirmish combat and characters. I had the difficult choice of picking between Seamus, Lady Justice and Lilith. I ended up with Lady J cuz her nickname reminded me of an old G.I. Joe character and her model looks awesome!

    Plus, it is a great time to hook in Warmachine/Hordes players because we are currently waiting for the new Colossal book. I pretty much own everything that PP released for my factions and I'm just on standby. Other player may leave the game since they feel that the Colossals are PP's GW moment. I disagree but that's their choice.

    Good luck and don't forget to CHEAT!

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