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Posts posted by dunce002917

  1. What I've notice with the Executioner is either you buff his movement or buff his defense.

    On buffing defense, would a Latigo Pistolero and Abuella help with his low def?

    First, have Abuella do Shotgun Wedding. Giving the Executioner Family.

    Then, have the Latigo Pistolero use (ALL) for Look Out - Gives +2 Df on Executioner (as long as he has not activated yet.

    Granted it will be a 17 ss investment... but probably worth looking into...

    What do you think?

  2. With Hoffman I generally find the peacekeeper to be the better choice. It's faster, and can generally put out more damage. Especially with relentless and flurry.

    There is no guild minion with melee master, but the arachnid swarm has it and the soulstone miner can get it. The only way I can think of for a guild master to get it is for Hoffman to assimilate it.

    That's what I'm thinking... Hoffman getting the +2 Melee Master so after using Machine Puppet on a Target, Hoff,an can still use his Soulstone Torch 2x. Not bad.

  3. Obviously, I'll get the Steampunk Arachnid Swarm (cheaper by 2 ss) but the real question would be, is it worth it?

    I've played a few games against these spiders and the +2 Melee Master has been hurting my crew and would like to be able to fight back with my own +2 Melee Master. Sure, Lady J is a +1 Melee Expert and a beat stick, but she is only 1 model.

    Since Hoffman is the only Master who can hire the Swarm, I'm asking if it's worth doing so or should I just invest in a Peacekeeper or get 2 Wardens?

    For extra credit: Is there a way for any Guild Master and Minion to get +2 Melee Master? Either by spell or some Outcast help. Please let me know and explain how I can do this.

  4. Here's my painted Lucius crew:

    Lucius (I went with the British Redcoat officer theme - Inspired by this thread )


    Lawyer (I made him look like a carnival performer (or carrot top)... no offense to real lawyers out there)


    Guild Guard Captain (with his movie poster pose)


    Guild Guard [female] (again, I went with the British Red Coats theme)


    Ryle (Made him as pale as I can and had his bandages still soaked with dried blood)


    I'd appreciate comments, suggestions, etc.

    Thank you!

  5. It took me a while, but I finally finished Lucius' crew box.

    Do you use all of the models in the box?

    The box is 26 ss, what would you replace in a 25 ss game? What will you add/replace for a 30 ss game?

    What schemes and strategies would work with the Lucius box? Any tactics?

    finally, here's Lucius and the gang (I'd appreciate comments, suggestions, etc):

    Lucius (I went with the British Redcoat officer theme - Inspired by this thread )


    Lawyer (I made him look like a carnival performer (or carrot top)... no offense to real lawyers out there)


    Guild Guard Captain (with his movie poster pose)


    Guild Guard [female] (again, I went with the British Red Coats theme)


    Ryle (Made him as pale as I can and had his bandages still soaked with dried blood)


  6. Yeah, they're nice design, I just am tired of people calling themselves or their creations steampunk when they really mean "made out of brass and leather." Then again, steampunk got co-opted by other unsavory folk, long before designers got their mits on it, so maybe I'm objecting about not being true to what no longer exists...

    BTW-- love the sig pic

    I understand what you mean. I guess, we just have to accept that anything that becomes mainstream would end up being corrupted by the non-purists... grunge, emo, steampunk, and now Zombies... oh well.

    Hehehe... my opponent thought he had won last week when he tried to kill Lady J with 3 positive damage flips (which a severe flip would have killed her) until the last card came out as the Black Joker... we had to review the rules just to be sure.

    Well, that's Malifaux.

  7. Just finished the perfect Warden proxy till the real ones come out!




    Here is my wagon marker in theme,


    And a group shoot


    I figured that the dalaks invaded earth and were defeated, these sneaked away into malifaux. The colors are classic dalek colors so if you think they need to be gold or power ranger colored I assure you these came first.

    I painted the daleks battle damaged, since they were defeated and went though the rift. I think they are working with the guild till there evil plan is ready.

    So what do you think the best proxy ever or the most awesome one ever... can you tell im a doctor who fan?

    Once the real wardens come out I will have to come up with house rules for running a dalek army.

    Let me guess, your favorite Scheme is Extermination.. EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!

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