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Posts posted by dunce002917

  1. So, getting around to posting these has taken way to long... sorry about that. With finals, family visits, lease signing, job hunting, Diablo 3, and wedding talk... I've been really busy these past couple weeks.

    So without any other excuse, here is my Alt Viks. I will post my aViks soon.. they've been done just as long as my alts have but I still need to pin and glue gun vik onto the base. lol. These were a lot of fun to paint. most of the colors are mixed with god knows how many colors. I really hope you like them. I think they are my best work yet. :D

    Here's Gun Vik: She was sooooo much fun. I was looking at the Avatar box wondering what color to paint her coat and I saw the purple on the concept art. So, I just mixed until I got this shade. :D



    Here's Sword Vik: She was tricky...I had to paint and attach the swords on her back separate. But overall, I think she looks good.



    And here they are together. :]


    As always C&C is welcome and encouraged. :D


    I love your Viks! When I get the box, I'll refer to this scheme for painting inspiration.

    Note: I paint my Malifaux stuff pretty much un-assembled.. I find it easier for some reason especially the hard to reach nooks and crannies..

  2. Next Nico in particular LOVES corpse counters, so take minions that can take out his corpse counters or deny him some.

    On this idea, perhaps a C.Hoffman all-construct crew is in order. I remember starving Kirai of souls that she eventually had to sacrifice her own model just to feed her spells. Plus, C.Hoffman puppet mastering the Peacekeeper and the Warden could be a killer and the Watcher is great for objective grabbing.

  3. Any of the Death Marshalls especially Lady J would be great against Ressers.

    for 25 ss I'll probably play this list (pending Strategies and Schemes):

    Lady J 4+1 ss

    Judge 7 ss

    Executioner 7 ss

    Death Marshall 4

    Exorcist 6

    You can switch out the Judge and the Exorcist with Nino or an Austringer for more ranged support.

    I know you said it would be most likely Nicodem leading the Resser's but in case you see Kirai, I would switch out the Death Marshall with a Witchling Stalker and would definitely keep the Exorcist (he can give other model's melee weapons Magical). So either switch the Judge with the Witchling Handler or keep the Judge and use his attack spells against Kirai's spirits.

    Good luck!

  4. I finally painted my Desperate Mercenary duo.

    I gave the dude a white coat that looked old and dusty. Perfect for the broke-down his luck look.


    The female Desperate Mercenary was a bit tricky. I think I put in too much flesh paint and it made her look like she had too much make up. So I decided to make her look like a washed-up aging dancer who turned to a life of being a mercenary to pay the bills.


  5. I am assuming you're using Lucius as a Henchman since you want Nino in your crew.

    Anyway, Reinforcing Nino can be an annoying move from my POV.

    My Theory-Faux: (Corner Deployment)

    Deploy Lucius and Nino at innermost edge of your Deployment zone.

    1. Walk Lucius 10" (2AP), cast (1) Issue Command on Lucius (Legal Target?) so he can make another WALK action. With Lucius 15" + 12" inside the board and within 18" of Nino, cast (0) Reinforcement on Nino. Place Nino with 4" of Lucius. End Lucius' Activation.

    2. Depending on enemy's deployment, A model or 2 should be in Nino's Threat range (16-20") and LOS. Assuming a Kill Protege target is within range, Nino casts (0) In My Sights and then shoots the target with 9 ram (If I don't have a high mask or crow control card, I'll probably FOCUS the shot to get a positive flip and hopefully get either card for my triggers). Depending on triggers, most likely the target will die. Scheme Objective achieved.

    Basically, this may bring Nino or any friendly model within striking distance of an objective.

    A huge downside would be that Nino or any friendly model would probably be killed before Nino/Minion activates or after Nino/Minon activates so don't count on this to carry the objective back to your deployment zone.

    I would probably do the Lucius Slingshot towards the end of the turn preferably with you having a 1 model advantage so that Lucius' actions would be a set-up for the alpha strike.

    That's what I'll do.. but again, this is just Theory-faux

  6. I don't have the above mentioned models so I can't comment on that yet... but are the difference in size/scale the same as PP's Cygnar Black 13th Mage Strike Team and the Arcane Tempest Gun Mages?

    The Black 13th models look like stick think fashion models compared to the Gun Mages.

    I think the sculptor and casting of models does make a difference.

  7. Or just walk away from Papa's epic Cb 4, and have some other minion kill him after leaving the blast radius...

    true.. but that would work if the master has a companion model. So if Master walks away, I'll just have Papa activate and follow the Master and cast his Take Ya With Me. Either way, opponent would be spending 1-2 activations avoiding Papa while I continue to harass the Master of move forward to my strategy or schemes.

  8. Over the weekend I used the Executioner with Lucius.

    So I kept the Executioner in my deployment zone and have Lucius activate first. I then used (0) Reinforcements and place the Executioner within 4" of Lucius. So as long as I keep Lucius within 18" of the Executioner, it's an easy way to bring the fat dude up to within 22" of the board.

    I saw this on the Lucius/Lady J slingshot tactics and this gives the Executioner up to 30" threat range (Lucius positioned 18" away, casts Reinforcements, place Executioner within 4", Executioner either charges or walks 6/4 and his 2" Melee range).

    Cons, the maximum range would take 2 activations from Lucius and if you're using the Executioner to complete Hold Out or to guard something in your deployment zone, then you lose that option. But then again, if you're within reach of a high ss or a master model, then it may be a good idea.

  9. You could go all-in Super Executioner Strategy with something like this:

    Guild Crew - 35 - Scrap

    Perdita Ortega
    4 Pool

    Enslaved Nephilim [2ss]

    • Executioner

    • Freikorps Librarian

    • Guardian

    • Witchling Stalker

    • Witchling Stalker

    Two sources of Obey, with some bonkers Healing and Damage siphoning from your support models. With any luck your Executioner has Armour 2 and can dump Damage on the Guardian, while the Librarian keep them both alive. Perdita and the totem Obey them places or get extra hits off fatso. The two Witchling Stalkers could be changed out for anything else depending on the Strategy/ Schemes etc, but these two in the vanguard to soften up the enemy before the big guy hits them would be fun.

    Obey could be used on the Librarian for extra Healing casts, but not on the Guardian as he is I2I.

    Interesting list...

  10. Instead of Abuela and Latigo why not go for Hamelin the minion? for roughly the same amount of points you already have the Ghosted Mask suit AND its possible to Cast Obey twice! In addition think about clever use of Piper's Lure to shift the Executioner or any model where you need it..

    Hmmm.. interesting choice... I'll look into his card when i get home.

  11. Can I ask a question? Even though Hoffman can hire outside faction models, he still has to pay the outside faction cost right? I'm not sure how this rule works.

    yup. He still has to pay the cost. So the Swarm would be 10 ss instead of 9. Although there are some models that would not cost extra but it is a trait... i can't think of one right now except for the Desperate Mercs (Comes Cheap)

  12. Here's the other Guild Austringer. Took me a while to finish him so I got him done along with my Lucius box.


    this dude was also washed with the new GW Agrax Earthshade.

    Now I only have the Desperate Mercs duo to paint before I make my new Malifaux order.

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