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Posts posted by Boshea

  1. In the 'free models if you spend over $XXX' bit am I correct the Perdita is the model on the left?

    Our local club is doing a ToWG next year - I was toying with the idea of Guild but the new boxes look fantastic so I'm definately in!!!

    Perdita is the one on the left

  2. In the 'free models if you spend over $XXX' bit am I correct the Perdita is the model on the left?

    Our local club is doing a ToWG next year - I was toying with the idea of Guild but the new boxes look fantastic so I'm definately in!!!

    Perdita is the one on the left

  3. I've been liking the Vallejo wash line, but I mix it 1:1 with Pledge to get good results out of it. Availability of paint is likely the biggest factor. As much as I want to try Reaper, P3, and Coat d'Arms I'd need to order them online. GW, Golden, and Vallejo (Panzer and Model ranges) are my only local choices. I airbrush with Vallejo, and any non-airbrush paint I have is to make colour matching easier. Golden I use more for mediums and some different things. I like the GW line, especially after the revamp. Only use the layer, bases, and washes though. The new washes work far better. There new technical line is interesting and I've tried the cracked earth effect. I know how to achieve a lot of those effects with medium mixes, but crackle medium is giant pain to work with on its own.

    The only thing I've ever seen used from Army Painter is their quick shades and Sprays. Both get pretty good results and I know several undead players who only have painted armies because of the bone spray.

  4. Been in a bit of a hobby lul. Had planned on painting up my Seamus box for the facebook group, but doe some reason I could not get bases to mold right and didn't have enough time to paint anything. Was also planning on painting up my Tuco for Rotten Harvest, but just couldn't get motivated to paint. With wave 2 out in the open hoping to get some more games in since a large part of my collection and many of my player's is now playable. Once I get a better feel over what I like in this edition I'll probably start getting more Malifaux painted. Right now I have a pile of Sisters of Ba..... Adepta Soritas based and primed. Need to at least get a troop choice painted up by the end of the month for the best painted category. Also got that Seamus crew primed and based so probably paint them as breaks between the Sisters.

  5. Wave two is going to affect the state of Malifaux a lot. Sure, Ophelia and her kin are powerful... but they aren't unbeatable. Many combos are going to be found that seem to break the game. It may also have been a combination of models and objectives. Viks certainly can not accomplish certain schemes and strategies without a lot of effort but they will mop the field in other games. There are too many factors.

    That said, I will say hypoking is mostly correct and Ophelia is borderline OP... her name even starts appropriately.

    Vanessa will very likely add a third upgradable sister. Not having to put all your abilities on to the glass cannons will help a lot.
  6. I'm sure its already been mentioned in every hobbyist circle online, but for those who have missed it.


    Considering the astounding success of their first kickstarter I'm not going to be surprised if they break 1 mil in the first 24 hours. So if you need a pile of minis at stupidly low price for the sake of having a pile of minis this is the project for you. Has mouslings as a $10 so you know it has to be awesome.

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