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Posts posted by Boshea

  1. The whole uproar over the SDE minis was stupid. "OMG there are stretch goals that don't explicitly apply to me, this is terrible." At least SDE players who had no interest in RK were civil in working out the best solution, and gaining the ability to swap the Mercenary charter starter for 5 minis meant you could grab the entire SDE line for 60+shipping. I never thought I'd see greater examples of entitlement after quitting WoW, but kickstarter comments blow those out of the water at times. The Reaper Bones comments after they announced they'd be extending the campaign for people who missed it, but for a higher price, is a great example of pledgers acting like entitled idiots.

    The sodapop forums weren't half as bad as the kickstarter comments, and those are the people I'd consider the community. Mostly waiting for a revised version of the draft rules to play test with some friends that split a GGEA level pledge. There is already a ton of stuff in the draft rules that will be getting changed, so no point in play testing stuff we know is getting fixed.

  2. First batch of gesso primed models. The repainted Witchhunters, except for Sam who had to be rebased due to a very inconvenient air bubble. There are a few on the stalkers but they are barely noticeable.

    th_103_2456.jpg th_103_2457.jpg th_103_2458.jpg th_103_2459.jpg th_103_2460.jpg th_103_2461.jpg th_103_2462.jpg th_103_2463.jpg

    Not a big difference in color scheme other than a little harder wash, and the red masks on the stalkers. Decided to give all my guild models a red accent. Also discovered the trick to eyes. Paint them first then paint your face around them. Finish with a light black wash.

  3. So couple of examples comparing Black, White, and Grey gesso. All three were Bob Ross brand.


    Camera wouldn't focus, but you can still see a clear difference in the white compared to the other two.


    Example of what the base plastic for the chests looked like.


    Comparison of the black on Miss Terious and a Kobold. Fun fact, putting Gesso on too thick makes it near impossible to remove as seen on the other kobold. Definetly noticed a ton of bubbles in the dried white gesso on my palette that I tried the 1:1:2 mix with. At the very least grey seems to be working well so may end up switching to grey if I can't get white working.

  4. When I started looking into using Gesso for basing I was told that white gesso was made by the devil, and the more I try to use it the more true it seems to become. I can't seem to get the same clean finish with white that I do with black. I've tried both Liquetex and Bob Ross gesso both straight from the bottle, and with a 1:1:2 mix (1 part water, 1 part matte medium). Straight from the bottle its too thick and streaky, and mixed its too thin. Part of my problem may be that I've been trying it on vinyl models lately (Super Dungeon explore to be specific), and have a model currently drying in black to test that theory. Anyone have advice on working with white gesso?

    Also any advice on reducing air bubbles in your gesso? Hasn't been a big issue when using it straight other then the odd few, but I noticed it was more common with the mixed stuff. Kind of sucks that I did need to strip Sam again due to a popped air bubble over his eye.

  5. Those who've already pledge probably know about this, but figure I'll share.

    Draft rules are now available


    Also a complete gameplay video is up

    Settled on Black Diamond personally, and likely grabbing any of the SDE minis that become available since can always use more SDE figures. Will be weird playing Black Diamond, almost every crew/army I've ever played has been crazy heavy on melee.

  6. So with the release of book 4, I'm thinking Mei may be a better choice than Raspy for this. As far as I can tell Ramos, Kaeris, and Mei all like their constructs so there may be a little better model overlap. Also I believe Mei can dish out a few burn counters so she has a little more offensive potential than Raspy with Kaeris.

    Swapping Raspy, the Gamin, and the silent one out of dgraz's list for the Railcrew box also works out to roughly the same price.

  7. How good is Sue?

    I forget where I read it, but the best description I've ever heard for Sue is "No matter what minion you take, its never as good as taking Johny Cash". Still waiting for mine to show up, but he is definitely a solid support piece, especially when having to camp a piece of the table. Backed up with a good healing source he can be a nasty card engine with Hurt. Sue+Friekorp Librarian leads to devastating late game Whirlwind bombs with the Viks. The thing that usually makes Sue a tough choice, at least in Outcasts, is his Man in Black hiring restriction. If you take Sue you can't hire Ruthless/Wicked models, and pretty much all the ranged outcast models are ruthless. The big decision is usually whether to take Von Schill or Sue, and that can be determined by what you have to accomplish in the game.

    Guild hounds are a good choice for expanding, and so is Perdita's totem. The Scales of Justice are a little debatable since its spell is fairly hard to cast, but can cycle a card every turn. Brutal Effigy also isn't a bad choice.

  8. While there are some limitations to terrifying there are ways to make up for it. Two examples are onryo and carrion effigy. Both can remove the immunity to terrifying I believe. I don't have the cards in front of me sadly as it is late.

    Carrion effigy can takes away all immunities and abilities that ignore effects within 4 inches of him, and Onyro can take away one models immunity to WP duels and WP bonuses. Both will help get around ItI and Lifer, but you still can't scare non-living models without Anathema.

  9. Seamus in general seems to be the resser master that has the most reliance on terror. Kind of a nice bonus for the others, but Seamus works with it the most. Helps that his Avatar can be a terror to deal with (Ba dum tssshhh).

    Really comes down to what flavor of resser you want to start with, and Iamwyrd outlined them fairly well. Nico summons, Seamus tanks, McMourning kills, and Kirai moves. Even if you don't like your first choice, resser minions are good in just about any crew with the exception of kirai. Kirai's reliance on spirits, and the other master's need for corpse counters just makes minion overlap a little harder.

  10. Lately I've been trying Black Gesso. Stays on metal pretty well, and I figure after I get everything sealed it'll be pretty durable. Heard good things about sandable auto-primer, but I've never tried it personally. Considering I'm willing to put more time into my skirmish size models I should switch over to white primer to get better highlights, I just suck at highlighting. Also if the Gesso experiment works out I'll probably give white gesso a try, but I've heard its a lot less forgiving than black for applying.

  11. Reminds me of the TF2 approach to balance. If everything is broken, then everything is balanced.

    To be fair though, they WILL cuddle them. They DO tend to release things a bit overpowered, but as close as they can get with internal testing to balance.

    Fairly certain every new champion gets a cuddle/tweak within three patches of their release. Diana will likely be taking a ratio drop. I still a get a chuckle over the few weeks were Rumble was dominating top due to his bugs getting fixed but the compensations for them not being removed.

    MtG (eternal formats at least) I feel are a better comparison than LoL for comparing perfect imbalance for table top games. Mainly do to the slower process of bannings and adding new cards. Legacy is one of the healthiest MtG formats due to the large depth of cards available and the number of viable decks in the format. While the viable card pool doesn't expand as quickly as standard or modern each deck generally has option for their sideboard to counter decks they are weak against. I suppose a big factor to this is every set being designed with almost every format in mind, but every so often a mental misstep occurs.

  12. Yeah, I am interested to see when the next level gets unlocked (well, most of the outlines are obviously for existing minis - but the BD one I want to see as it seems like it will be awesome)

    There used to be concept art and a test sculpt of it on the main page before all the factions got unlocked. They're called cyber ninjas I believe. N'oh and Black Diamond look to be the only factions getting new sculpts at boost 2, which I'm cool with since they're probably going to be the two factions I grab.


    They're called dimensional ninjas. Rumor is she's a questing knight and built an elite task force by hopping dimensions and recruiting other versions of herself.

  13. Hi there! thank you all for your help! Theres a few conflicting ideas there, about whether or not to add the ronin. I think removing Johan from the list would make things a little fairer by the sounds of it. If i were to add the ronin, what would I swap them for? My girlfriend doesnt like being overwhelmed with rules at the start, but I was just going to give the the Lady justice box to use, and I'd struggle with the Victorias. I'm afraid I dont see her reading much fluff, and as she lives away from me at the moment, 2 rules manuals would come in handy instead of taking it in turns to read. I still dont get the whole soulstones mechanic (i have only read a little of the rules so far) so will the vics have a tougher time? or will the minion total cost be enough to cover it? Just looked at the pull my finger site, it looks really handy! thanks!!

    Thank you all by the way

    If you want to keep rules to a minimum with the viks, drop Bishop instead of Johan. Johan and Taelor are both very straight forward and similar models to play, where as Bishop has a lot of more rules/triggers and can be a little hard to use. Viks+Taelor+Johan will give you 6 stones for a 20ss crew which would give a little better chance against the Lady J box.

    As for adding Ronin, two is usually a safe bet for any list. Viks+2 Ronin+Taelor is a pretty solid brute force crew at 25ss. The biggest thing you're going to need to get around is the Death Marshall superior ranged combat. Freikorp and the Convict Gunslinger are the best the Outcast have for fire support, but learning to advance smartly is really the only way to get into melee with them in one piece.

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