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Posts posted by Boshea

  1. Hard finding images of Bishop from the right angle to tell. Its really debatable though, and the posing gives you leeway on how to do it. Speaking of hard to paint eyes do to posing, random Warmachine painting.

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    Continuing my procrastination of painting my Death Marshall box set by dipping into my warmachine. Painting it up in point intervals so getting my 15pt stuff done first. Spriggan is next, followed by Black Ivan assuming his legs get replaced. Yay mispacks. He definitely needs a few touch-ups and I need to figure out a good way to shade the white since it looks rather featureless. I've really been enjoying the results I've been getting out of Snow-Tex for base work. Just took one of my co-workers telling me to use a palleteknife instead of a brush to apply it to get it working well. Debating if I should get fancier with it for my warjacks like some Space Wolves stuff I've seen. As for the color scheme I really liked the image of Sorscha and Beast in the Khador book with her in the white and black. Then I learned of the "The Unbreakable" 111th Infantry Battalion variant scheme, and because I hate myself decided that both my CSM (Pre-heresy scheme World Eaters) and Khador should be done in predominantly white paint schemes. Primed him with Grey gesso since White gesso is near impossible to use unless tinted. I need to look into a different white paint though since the GW white's aren't working for me. Going to see if my FLGS can get P3 Menoth White in since I've heard good things about it. Other available options nearby is a small shop that carries Vallejo product, or check and see if Michaels carries anything decent in an acrylic white. The Golden Fluid Acrylics look to be the only options I noticed though.

    Anyway, next set of images will be the Death Marshal box. Save for the guy jumping over the coffin because he got replaced my Miss T, though he'll likely get painted up eventually. Need to get on them since I need to get back to organizing demos, and painted models make that a far more enjoyable experience. Models perform better when painted, its a scientific fact.

  2. Put some wash to Miss. T

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    Due to the hair color her eye looks completely messed up unless I take really close pictures. Probably should have thinned the wash for her flesh a little more, but its still very pale which is what I wanted.

    Also got my Bishop painted up.

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    Wasn't until I got paint on him that I noticed that his left eye was miscasted. Fairly hard to notice with the way he is posed, and if it bothers me enough I'll likely just green stuff some hair to cover it up. Got motivated to paint him so that he could be used to represent a player in one of my DnD groups. He wanted to play an unnarmed fighter, and Bishop is the baddest pit-fighter there is. Also after painting his hair he kind of looks like a ripped Skwisgaar Skwigelf.

    Now to stop being lazy and paint Lady J's crew and my handler.

  3. Seamus will likely be the easiest. Neither Kirai or Colette are beginner friendly, and both have a somewhat steep starting cost. Kirai needs almost every spirit out of book two along with two more blisters of Seishins on top of getting her starter box. Colette isn't as bad but you will need a pack of doves, and you will want to get the Duet.

    While it will be a bit of hassle to buy the starter box models in pieces separate due to him preferring the alternative sculpt, it is only $6.5 more than just buying the starter. If wanting to go to the upper limit of your budget adding the Grave spirit gives a very solid starter Seamus crew. Belles, Sybelle, Alt.Seamus, and Grave Spirit will run you about $47/£29.

  4. I think there is strong argument to be made for allowing the flintlock to be fired multiple times, or by increasing its damage. Compare Seamus shooting ability to Samael. Under the effects of Flaming Bullets , Sam has a near identical damage spread to the flintlock with his Colt. Granted you may need to burn a reasonably high card to cast the spell, but you're almost always burning a high-card and/or Soulstone to make sure your one flintlock shot hits for a cheatable flip. On top of having similar damage Sam has better range, CB, and the ability to rapid fire with his colt.

    If I had to pick one word to describe Seamus, it'd be Schizophrenic. He does a little of everything, but doesn't really accel at anything. He can shoot, summon, toss magic, melee, and tank but doesn't have one feature stand out exceptionally well. He can't shoot enough to be a ranged piece, his range means he will likely get charged in response, he is the weakest of the summoners, his magic is lacking, while having decent triggers for melee he has average CB and damage at best, and DF4+H2W2 is a double edged sword. He is overly dependent on the opponent fielding either undead or living models since he needs Ministrations to stay alive. Changing live for pain to be non-ranged would likely be the easiest change since it would give him decent healing and make him less reliant on Ministrations to stay alive. He can tar-pit reasonably well from the combination Trail of Fear+Undead Psychosis+Face of Death, but he doesn't do much pre-avatar in melee and tar-pitting a crew is only reasonably useful in the right combination of strategies and schemes.

  5. Fun is unfortunately subjective, but really the best way to avoid it is by not capitalizing on dominating WP duels. Pandora is a NPE primarily for two reasons. The first is that she generally punishes you for trying to play the game. Every WP duel failed within her aura hurts you, which can cause your crew to slowly whither away if you by simply having some bad WP flips.

    The second is she plays a very strong control game, which psychologically almost always has a negative effect on players. Its a weird thing really and their are a couple of MTG articles that explore it. The short version is that a player is more upset when you stop him from casting a creature, versus immediately killing the creature after it hits play. The ability to either dictate the activation order of models, or even effectively stop a model from taking actions at all is generally un-fun. Her other annoying features are that you are often punished for taking strong melee minions against her, and general difficulty to directly target her.

    There is also the ever present "OMG Nevaborn mastas are so OP, blargl blargl blargl...." that comes with the faction in general, but there isn't a whole lot you can do about that as a player.

  6. Crew creator lets you take him for 9, so people may just be forgetting that he doesn't cost extra. It doesn't specify enemy living models, so it would also hit your living models. Makes sense since generally a Dreamer or Hoffman crew would be all non-living.

  7. So had Sam all painted up, then dropped him on the ground while giving him a matte coat. So I'm fairly certain he is now my most repainted model. Have him and a Witchling Handler primed and ready to paint, but I'm putting them aside to get my Death Marshalls painted. So far got the basics for Miss Terious done, just need to touch a few things up and wash it.

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    Decided to do something a little different and painted her Albino. Wanted he still still have some kind of mark for her knowledge of Necromancy, but didn't want to go all pseodo-zombie like I will with the rest of the Marshalls. Thinking I'll do desert bases for my Marshalls instead of the wood ones I've done for my other models.

  8. Lady Justice and Seamus is the classic go to demo match-up. Both crews illustrate different aspects of the game, and both are very forgiving to start with. Each box would allow for a 25 point game where both sides have a full cache of 8 as well an extra stone (2 in Lady J's case) to re-flip strategies if needed.

    I personally don't like the Viks for demo purposes, even though I run them as my main crew. Their lack of synergy is rare in Malifaux since most crews are usually want to run models that compliment each other. The Viks just take what works and kill things, which gives a bad of example of how to play malifaux.

  9. With classes back in session I've been getting involved again with the local tabletop and pen & paper society on campus. The Fighter Guild meets every Wednesday from 6 until 9 at the UNB Student Union Building in room 103. Alex has been putting in a lot of work to change the society from a weekly D&D group to an excellent networking hub for any form of tabletop or P&P gaming. Which is why I'll be running demos for Malifaux every meeting I can make it to for the next few weeks. My goal is to get enough players started to kick off a small league after the conclusion of the 40k campaign that is currently in the works.

    Membership is completely free and its open to anyone. This includes students from STU and NBCC, as well as any non-student in Fredericton. If you'd like to be added to the mailing list either stop by this Wednesday and somebody will gladly add you, or just shoot an email to tfg.unb@gmail.com. There is a lot of people looking to try out new things, so even if Malifaux isn't your thing you'll probably find something enjoyable.

  10. I believe anything other than Criid will give a fairly different playstyle. Criid, Kaeris, and Raspy all rely on their blast damage and table denial to get things done. Rely depends on what you want to go for next. Melee focus, different style of ranged combat, different control aspects, etc. Any models jumping out at you currently that you'd like to paly, but don't work well with Raspy?

  11. The SDE stuff made sense since that is likely how most people even know who Sodapop are. I feel your pain on spending too much, since I was the one who placed the pledge for mine and my friends stuff. Basically everything we could get for every faction except N'oh and Paladins. The final goals definitely all look like they will be amazing models. Candy Rush is a neat concept, looking like a hybrid of Maliya and One-Shot with a candy flare to it. Void Reaper was a surprise, considering most of us were expecting Ayu Beat to get an official model. The Uniques are both very cool looking designs, but Cordelia makes me think the design process was throwing darts at a wall covered in anime stereotypes. Cool concept, and definitely looks like the type of person that would pal around with C&C.

    Now to see if I have the funds to add the C&C plushies when the CKPM gets sent out, lol.

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