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Posts posted by Boshea

  1. So forgot to take notes from my last game to do a good battle report.



    • Convict Labor
    • Take Prisoner
    • Exhaust their forces
    • Undercover Entourage
    • Frame for Murder

    I took Exhaust and Entourage with the following

    • Somer
      • Family Tree
      • Liquid Bravery
    • Liquid Bravery
    • Trixie
    • Bayou Gremlin
    • Bayou Gremlin
    • Bayou Gremlin
    • Slop Hauler
    • Lenny
      • Love it and pet it
    • Burt
      • Dirty Cheater
    • Skeeter
    • Skeeter


    Opponent played Kirai with Frame on an Onyro along with Entourage. Forget the finer details but he also had Izamu for a heavy hitter and the Nurse+Construct combo to summon off.

    A lot of the game came down to my opponent still grasping Kirai as well as not being overly aggresive. Turn one I recklessed Trixie up to lure Somer and the Hauler in and allow for 3 new Bayous. The following turn I was able to do the same again giving me extreme activation advantage along with easily controlling 3 of the table quarters. Managed to get a piglet out and have it engage two Onryos for most of the game before getting killed by Ikiryo. Due to some bad movement most of the models I was damaging were not in LoS to Malevolence.

    I definetly got a better handle of moving my crew forward and when to switch from summoning/support to offence. I also see the appeal of Piglets if you can manage to control them. DF 6 goes surprisingly far with a decent Eat any Thing trigger or two.

    • Like 2
  2. 32 minutes ago, Myyrä said:

    Anything costing 8ss or more and has an attack stat lower than 6 is practically useless.

    Examples include: Slate Ridge Mauler, Rail Golem, The Sow, Rat King, Sue, Ama No Zako, Cojo, Steam Arachnid Swarm, Candy.

    Those are all the models that I could find quickly that are without (1) attack with attack stat of 6. I don't see anything that can really hold their own without some exceptional support from their crew. Candy might sometimes make it on a list with her own merits, but more often than not you would also want some other Wp gimmicks to go with her.

    Slate Ridge can throw out slow with potentially 3 attacks along with high durability

    Rail Golem can generate as much AP has you have burning and tomes

    Similar to Desolation Engines, you almost never hire a Rat King you always want to summon them

    The Sow can summon models, and take advantage of several Gremlion based WP effects

    You take Sue for his anti casting aura and card draw. If you want a ranged piece take Convict Gunslinger

    Ama No Zako brings an Obey along with mobile area denial. She also literally eats Gremlin crews

    Cojo can push models around for area denial and removes schemes

    Steam Arachnid Swarm, see Rat King

    Candy is a pure control piece that also brings a decent heal.

    I mean not every model in the game is designed to go kill other models.... In fact the majority of schemes and strategy models don't directly involve killing other models


    I feel like this is less of an issue that there is a power creep problem, and more that playing "thematic" isn't optimal to building towards the scheme pool.

    • Like 5
  3. So finally looking at putting more table time into my Gremlins. Primarily I've been a Viktoria player with Sonnia and Pandora as my next two most played masters. So its been a bit of learning experience getting used to the controlled chaos and fragile nature of Gremlins, as well getting more familiar with the GG2016 format. Currently I'm looking at focusing on Sommer to get the faction down since I feel he represents Gremlins the best. I have access to most of the faction (excluding Book 3) save the following models.

    • Ulix's box
    • Wong's box (Except Wong himself)
    • Gators
    • Hog Whisperer
    • Waldgeist

    As for a core to list building here is what I'm considering as a starting point

    • Somer
      • Family Tree
    • Skeeter
    • Skeeter
    • Bayou Gremlin
    • Bayou Gremlin
    • Bayou Gremlin
    • Slop Hauler
    • Trixiebelle

    So its a fairly standard summoning core, with around 20 points to build towards the scheme/strategy. Depending on how bad I need additional 0 actions the skeeters can be swapped for Ol' Cranky. Trixie is including in the core to help my crew advance forward while still keeping the engine running as well as the ever useful Ill Omens. Coming from primarily offensive masters, my main problem has been keeping my support pieces moving while still having the AP to actually support things. For the purpose of getting a feel for the crew and I'm looking at Lenny with his upgrade, and the Sow to round out the list. Both provide me some heavy hitters for the crew as well as additional summoning. It also forces me to learn how to control Set'er Off once I get some piglets out, which means I'll likely add in Pig Feed for Somer.

    Anyway kind of a rambley first post, but hopefully I'll have a report or two up by the end of the week,

  4. Aware that the scheme/strat pool is the great decider, but just curious what you'd grab based on those factors. So far broken out gremlins twice


    First List


    --Hex Bag

    -3 Rooster Riders



    --Dumb Luck





    Second List


    --Show Off

    --Family Tree


    -3 Stuffed Piglets

    -2 Bayou Gremlins



    -Slop Hauler

    -Ol' Cranky


    I think a lot of my problem has been getting my force to move forward while still doing its thing.

    • Like 1
  5. Cool, was just looking at posting a thread like this. My main problem is I find I never have enough points to take what I want. Roughly how many points should I be dedicating to heavy hitters and support pieces versus just cheap activations?

  6. With interesting resurging back in the province time to get together and make some "Bad things happen".

    -May 28th

    -511 Mountain Road, Moncton NB

    -11AM Registration, 12PM Games start

    -Gaining Grounds 2016 rules to be used

    -Painting is NOT required

    -$5 Entry

    -Prizes to be announced

    -3 Rounds at 105 minutes each

    Please familiarize yourself with the Gaining Ground strategies and scheme pools since these are fairly different from the core book. As well be familiar with how scoring will work for the event (TP, Diff, and VP).

  7. Monthly update with some new information

    Demos are still happening every Thursday at Gamezilla Fredericton

    Monday demos have been moved to Metagamez downtown at 98 Regent Street starting at 6pm.

    A tournament is being planned for May 28th at Gamezilla Moncton. I'll create a seperate post for that when I get the details hammered out, but likely keeping it simple as a 50ss Gaining Grounds event.


  8. Monthly Malifaux Update

    Didn't get a chance to toss one of these up last month due to other commitments, but Demos are still happening every Monday starting at 6pm. My Thursdays have also freed up so I will be attempting to offer demos on that night when not conflicting with Spartan night. I'm also looking at organizing a hobby/game day at both/either the Fredericton or Moncton location based on interest. I'm post additional info if/when those events happen.

  9. Apparently I put the announcement in my local groups, but not here.

    Currently I'm looking at having a regular Malifaux night every Monday at Gamezilla Fredericton starting at 6pm. I'm usually there until 8pm if not doing a demo or game. Other options are Tuesday, and Thursday if either of those days would work more for players. So far its mostly just demos, open play, and hobby time but I organize other events with interest.

    Easiest way to contact me outside of these forums would be on the Fredericton and Oromocto gaming groups



    As always Gamezilla is located on 1211 Prospect Street.

  10. Some of you may remember this guide from M1E where we looked at the most value you could get out of each faction when starting out in each of them if your budget was the equivalent of Warhammer Battlebox. With Battleboxes getting smaller, and the crew boxes getting a bit bigger the metric needed to change slightly. So our new metric is how much value can you get out of your starting Malifaux purchases for the same price as an Imperial Knight.

    So some guidelines

    -All prices are USD to make things simple.

    -Price limit is $140.

    -Malifaux prices are based off Wyrd store. This is to ensure everyone is working on the same baseline.

    -Each list must use two masters. This is to provide better flexibility in covering schemes and strategy combos, as well as provide a little variety. If you're looking at playing one master exclusively, just check their entry on the pullmyfinger wikia.

    -I'll likely add something in regards to the two player starter since that will likely become a common entry point. Personally I think the starter rules recommendations are perfect.

    -Try to include reasoning for your choices.

    -The end goal of this guide to eventually cover every starter.

    -The "rule of cool" trumps all recommendations when making your own purchases. While this guide looks at maximizing competitive viability on a fixed budget, it is in now way the only correct choice. Its your money, buy whatever shiny plastic you want.

    A big thanks to the Wyrd place facebook group for helping me get this rolling.

    Som'er box (45), Ophelia box (50), slop haulers (16), extra bayou gremlins (24)

    Von Schill box (50) + Viktoria box (45) + Lazarus (18) + Johan (11) + Vanessa (11). Alternatively, drop Lazarus and Vanessa to purchase Hannah (35).

    Lynch's Dark Debts ($40), McCabe's Relic Hunters ($45), Katanaka Snipers ($18), Shadow Effigy ($11), Dawn Serpent ($15), Yin ($11).

    Lady J box ($45), Perdita box ($45), Austringers ($21), Guild Effigy ($11)and Guild Guard ($18).
    Of Metal and Flesh (50), The M&SU (50), Metal Gamin (21), Steam Arachnids 2-pack (18)

    Hide and Seek ($50), No Shelter Here ($45), Insidious Madness ($24) and flavor in any of the following until you hit ~$140, Bishop ($11), Doppelganger ($11), Widow Weaver ($11), Mr. Graves ($11), Teddy ($18)

    Reasoning, formating, and some additional entries to be added later.

    • Like 1
  11. Sorry for the short notice, but I apparently forgot to announce this sooner around here. Since we all hate snow around here, Enbicon has moved from a winter con to fall con. Thus this Saturday will be Enbicon 2015 2.0

    Capital Exhibit Centre
    361 Smythe St., Fredericton NB

    Saturady October 17th-18th

    Events start at 10am


    On top of various other events I'll be running Malifaux demos most of the day Saturday and Sunday, as well as some drop-in Through the Breach Saturday evening. Check the convention schedule for full details.

  12. With the edition at full stability, as well as my ability to actually coordinate events, trying to see what else I can find for players in the Atlantic. Outside of my own group in Fredericton NB, and possibly some players in Moncton, the game seems to be dead in any other location I know. The Saint John group looks to all have moved to infinity, or changed play locations, and there doesn't look to be any activity at all in Nova Scotia. Been trying to get a hold of the few players I know in NS, but haven't heard anything back. To my knowledge PEI never had a player base to begin with. So besides trying to get my local group back to a regular schedule, the only group I've managed to locate nearby are the guys in Standish, ME, which is about as bad of a trip as Halifax with the added fun of the border (if you read this turtleclub, run a weekend event with decent notice and I could probably make it).

    So if anyone knows any groups or players I may not be aware of, let me know.

  13. Looking at finally getting my hobby stuff properly stored by investing in more foam and a better case. Kr and BF I know are the main two most people tout around. I suppose I'm mostly looking at what kind of trays should I be looking at for my games.


    -My Soritas are pretty standard, so not much debate there

    -Malifaux has a pretty diverse range of sizes and bases, so looking for advice on that one

    -I also have Dindrenzi fleet for Armada. Just wondering where would be a good spot to look for trays for that game.

  14. So I managed to sell this lot to a local and said I'd run them through the game this week. Just wondering if anyone has recomendations on what would be the best starting crew options to run with for giving a feel for Neverborn. My go to would be "Box Opens" Pandora, but that is mostly because its the list I play the most so have the most familiarity with it. Also ram your master down your opponent's throat is a pretty simple concept to teach.


    Note:Pretty sure I have a Barbaros card in that lot as well.

  15. Enbicon is back again, and this time we didn't have to wait 20 years. Come play your favorites, or check out some new ones. Now with more flashlights!!!


    Once again I'll be running Malifaux demos all weekend for anyone interested, and should also have a table available for open play





    The schedule is always being updated with new content

  16. I'll be running an open play event for Malifaux from 12:30pm until 6pm. There is no cost for this event, and i'll have a couple of items to give away at the end of the event. Anyone who comes in for a demo has a chance to win a "Shadows of Redchapel" box set, and for any one just there to game I have some Nightmare edition models I'll be raffling off based on games played. If you got the itch to play more after that demo, I'll also have several spare crews with me. So stop by and cheat some fate.



    1211 Prospect Street
    Fredericton NB
    E3B 3B9
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