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Posts posted by zanntos

  1. I find it to be a dangerous line in my experience.

    The large competitions that have been held in the area are great for building a sense of a larger community, and the desire to be competitive is a natural extension of that.

    The problem is that players get left behind, which can form dangerous schisms in a store play group. People end up not wanting to play other people because they don't have a good experience playing against them (and i'm not innocent of this, i can be a grumpy bastard at times if i can tell my game is over turns before the match is actually done).

    I'd say encourage the heavy hitter players to learn new things, and table their 'uber' combos periodically. Sure they have move sets that can crush a 'scrub' every time, but that can end up causing less experienced players to quit, and that in turn can deprive them of interesting match ups in the future.

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