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Posts posted by GoodPhule

  1. Two odd questions came up in a game the other day that I am hoping people might be able to help out on.

    The first was on the initiative flip - if you flip a black joker can you still spend a soul stone to reflip or are you stuck with the joker?

    Secondly, there was a height three model behind a height two wall shooting over it. A height two model walks up into melee range which led to loads of questions:

    • Can models attack each other in melee through a wall?

    • Does the height of the models and the wall make a difference?

    • if you can attack does anyone have cover (can you be in cover if you are in combat?)?

    • if you can't attack, then can you both still shoot even if you are in melee range?

    We don't let these oddball things stop our game or our enjoyment but it would be great to know we are playing them correctly if people can help.


  2. So I have been running the Hoff recently and machine puppet is a great ability but has raised some questions that I am hoping you might all be able to help me answer.

    The first question is what abilities does the weapon retain?

    I know it says that it becomes cb6 of rams with critical strike but:

    • does it keep traits such as paired on the weapon?

    • does it keep its other triggers as well as critical strike or are they replaced?

    The other question is who is doing the attack, having looked at other threads it seems that it is the model not the Hoff so he can't use soul stones, is that correct?

    If it is, how does that work with the schemes and strategys? Does it count for Grudge as it is not the master attacking in melee? Does it also mean that Hoffman is not framed for murder?

    Thanks for any help or advice.

    ---------- Post added at 05:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ----------

    Sorry, don't know why this has posted twice. Lets all agree to post replies on the other thread!

  3. So I have been running the Hoff recently and machine puppet is a great ability but has raised some questions that I am hoping you might all be able to help me answer.

    The first question is what abilities does the weapon retain?

    I know it says that it becomes cb6 of rams with critical strike but:

    • does it keep traits such as paired on the weapon?

    • does it keep its other triggers as well as critical strike or are they replaced?

    The other question is who is doing the attack, having looked at other threads it seems that it is the model not the Hoff so he can't use soul stones, is that correct?

    If it is, how does that work with the schemes and strategys? Does it count for Grudge as it is not the master attacking in melee? Does it also mean that Hoffman is not framed for murder?

    Thanks for any help or advice.

  4. I like the model so much and really the chainspear is great - both the idea of shooting through the enemies leg and pulling them back and the ability to confer slow.

    I want to run it but each time I do it just seems to die too easily no matter what I do.

    It really doesn't help when I come up against freekorps or ronin.

    The hunter just never seems to do what I want and need it to.

  5. Looks ok - card says:

    (1) Magical Extension (CC: */Rst: * /Rg: *) This spell may be cast only once per activation. Cast one of the connected Master’s (1) spells. During this casting, this model may use a Soulstone to change its starting total.

    Can't see why you wouldn't be able to?

  6. Sounds like a good crew to me. Perdita's box plus an Enslaved Nephilim is a lot of fun.

    I'd keep to that as your core crew (it will help you get the core rules down if you stick to a small group for the first few games or thats what I found anyway).

    You can then add in a different Merc / Model in each game to add flavour, variety and specific abilities depending on the Schemes and Strats.

  7. Oh wait one more thing from a newer player still trying to get a handle on things, don't forget about the objectives of the game! I often get caught up in reciprocity and when all the blood and dust settles find my self thinking "wait, I was trying to achieve something here...".

    +1 to that and not just achieving your own objectives, stopping your opponent getting theirs works just as well when it comes to beating them!

  8. I use it on everyone only on the first turn and after that only if it's really needed.

    Cool, what have you been doing with Hoff on the first turn? I have tried a couple of things but at the moment usually dig for scrap and hold off with other options till he is in the thick of things. Any other options you have found work well?

  9. Big thing you fail to mention for j is she can hand out melee expert. Give a pair of dogs melee exper, or a pair of marshals or judge. The ability to hand out two modifiers per cast is huge. Her one ap can produce two more Ap to attack.

    I have never really used this, (I think I dismissed it too quickly and never came back to it) but reading your post and going back to the card makes me see how potentially powerful this could be - especially with a range of 10.

    I always thought that one attack with J would be better than two attacks with others but you are right when you say that it lets her stay safe whilst still helping out the combat so she can come in at the end and clear things up.

    I'd guess the range also means she can also boost her minions without the crew having to clump together too badly.

    If you are running a Death Marshals (esp The Judge) then I bet this combines well with Finish the Job to increase damage output.

  10. Hi Ficho - welcome :)

    I have also been playing with Hoffman recently and like the Peacekeeper-Hoffman-Toolkit chain.

    Couple of questions based on what I have found playing him and your list:

    - Have you had a problem with the 2 Wardens and Peacekeeper all needing you to discard cards to move?

    - Do you have an issue with the Guardian keeping up with everyone else?

    - How have you found the avatar? (you might have seen the thread which indicates a lot of people here don't seem to rate it)

  11. A brilliant thread - very thought provoking.

    I love the Executioner but have always found him slow. Have also therefore looked to use him in defense on the right strategy with schemes to support him. I find Holdout is always nice when he is there trying to keep people out.

    Lots of great thoughts on how to speed him up here though.

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