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Posts posted by Jewomie

  1. afterwards, wash your mini. Basicly you can do all the minis with Badab Black or Devlan Mud (choose whichever you like more) EXCEPT the skin - but don't dip it, use the brush! wash the skin in Ogryn Flesh (that's how I do mine (see my avatar to the left) - I know some people wash with Devlan Mud but I find it a bit too dirty looking).

    Now you're done washing..

    So, last night i tried the Ogryn Flesh wash on some of my show girls..... OH MY GOD, you aren't kidding. Easily the best wash for skin that i've used. I'll admit, i used the bahab black thinking, "shadows are black... dur dur dur" but i was never stoked about the end result. once the black wash dries they look like mechanics with greace all over their faces. But the Ogryn Flesh wash is brilliant!

  2. My brother took elmer's glue, sand, and junk from the bottom of our bits box, and made junk yard bases for his ramos crew. when you go to paint it, paint all the "junk" greys or rust colors and boom, it looks like scrap bases. it was quick, and if you are selective about the "junk" people wont even really know what you're using.

    P.S. in this idea, bent paper clips look like re-bar! :D

    Good luck!

  3. Thanks for all the tips, so if I mess up you recommend just priming over the entire figure again and starting over? or am I misunderstanding?

    won't the paint layers pile up too much?

    Also I think I just realized everyone's Seamus bases are different. Does the box not include base inserts? will I have to make my own?

    I'm guessing he means to just re-paint the mistake... but....

    If you want to start over on a mini, an overnight in a bath of simple green will take the paint right off and leave your mini looking good as new. :D of course, i think everyone on here uses something different to strip their minis but i like simple green due to it being really gentle on the pieces. Paint thinner works too, but i left a terror tot in there too long and now he's somewhat ... porous... lol

  4. The regular sculpt for Ramos is one of (if not THE) best models in the game. i just think he's both simple and super stylish. i am a big fan. lol. marcus too.

    for me one of the interesting things about the arcanists is the unit choices. they have a really diverse selection of masters and have a bunch of synergy with the units that are "supposed" to go together. But unlike some other factions, they even benifit from careful choices of hiring odd units into your crew. Ramos + Ice gamin oddly useful. Cerberus with Colette was kind of hilarious if not suprisingly good. Hoarcats... always a riot.

    while they don't seem to be the strongest faction, hit for hit, spell for spell, i win more games with them than the others. sure, my lillith or lady j crews are capable of clearing a table, but my Ramos, Colette, Kaeris, and even Marcus crews can complete objectives and win VP better than any one else i play.

    I could just be how i play them compaired to the others, but i really feel like they are better at the strategies, and with so many having armor or just being generally hard to kill off, they make defensive games a lot easier. (i take hold out 75% of the time and just keep the SS miner or Mole Men close to my deployment zone and BAM 2 vp for me.)

  5. I feel like I am that guy that's always "discovering a band" just as they hit the radio and looks like an idiot when he tells all his friends to check them out and they're all like "dude... those guys sold out months ago" "loser"... lol

    I was so excited when i saw Collodi coming out, and everyone else was all... "he's not so great, one-trick-pony" yadda yadda, then when i finally ignore everyone and buy him anyway, i find out that the community hates him because he's "Over powered"... then I start looking for a new way to try out Ramos... less spiders, more variety in the construct front... i read about the miner... people seem underwhelmed, but i like the sculpt so i get him. i find him pretty useful even without the cheesey bury combo... and i get on here and people are screaming for a change cause he's op... hahaha

    Not making a comment about any of you, (at all) it's just funny to me that i seem to be just behind the curve on here. ;)

    anyway, i like him. i found him to be pretty useful. and 6ss isn't too bad when my options are still somewhat limited to Ramos' box, Joss, and Kaeris' box. He helps round out a crew and if you can get him unburied a turn in advance, he's a great objective holder. once that insignificant wears off that is. lol

  6. I could be wrong, but here is my reasoning: It is not named terrain under the spell (like Ice Pillars are), and it doesn't have a stated end time (Like Pyres do).

    According to the RM (pg 18) Markers have different traits, but are not considered terrain (except when the rules on the card trump the RM), and remain in play for as long as it takes to resolve the effects (which, unless otherwise stated, is the end of the turn).

    Again, I could be totally off (and if I am, someone had BETTER tell me ;)). Hopefully I'm not though. :)

    I agree with you 100%. I just picked her up and reading though her card, i was under the impression that they only last untilll the start close phase. =]

  7. Jalepeno... on a shtick.... :D

    I have to say, even though i am not partial to playing Ramos, he is one of my favorite sculpts from wyrd. I almost want to pick him up just to paint him.

    It's looking good, i look forward to seeing him completed.


  8. The other thing that would need to be done in order to "properly" test these masters against each other is to have each player in this test play every master... that way we can rule out obvious differences in skill level. we would also have to take the same strats and schemes in every game, or include those in the test as well... every master with every combination of strats and schemes... throw in different tables and terrain... we're looking at a completely unreasonable number of games. something a tourney couldn't acccount for.

    i have beaten the dreamer and hamlin both with careful choices of schemes. i know which ones i am good at completing with the groups of masters i play, and i have learned their limits... a well chosen "hold out" or "body Guard" has snuck me a win in more than a couple games. even against the "broken" masters.

    I agree with whoever mentioned the "flavor of the week" hating. this year it's neverborn. maybe the ressers will be the "broken" ones next year?

    it all just comes down to skill.

  9. Pinning is a real pain & should be avoided where possible

    I have to say, i really disagree. i pin just about everything. although i will admit to using the glue/greenstuff joints on some people's hands that you were talking about. namely the sword-toria...

    the coryphee's arms were... fun... to pin. i believe i stabbed myself twice while drilling their arms. However, i have not had any of them break while hoasting games at me lgs. XD

    I've never tried paper clips, i will have to investigate that. :D

  10. Man, i see all these pictures of Nekima and i really want her... then i look at the lillith crew i usually run... and she wouldn't fit at all. twins, waldgeist, a terror tot or two, sometimes the shaman, and a totem... but she just is to pricey, and the rest of this crew isn't really all that cheap. but she's sooooo coooooool! :'(

    lol. she looks good, though i have one question, could be my eyes, my work computer or the photo itself, but i can't tell what's going on with the (eyes?) in her wings... it looks cool, but i can't tell what it is. :P

    anyway, keep it up, they all look good! :D

  11. do what i do... just start... see what happens.

    I litterally spent three weeks trying to come up with a color scheme for Collodi himself... last night, i just started and said "screw it"...

    Sometimes you just have to start. lol

    plus, if you start with regular shears, you could always add the spirit effects after you've painted up Kirai... assuming you don't like the regular shears.

    just a thought.

    Good luck! :D

  12. Ah HAH! that last photo you sent is the style that i was actually thinking. the one you made is what she wants... but i agree, there will be issues.

    So, did you just make that? that's pretty awesome. i will have to try to make one tonight when i get home. it shouldn't be too bad. i have plenty of balsa wood in my shop.

    thank you for this.

  13. I could see it either way honestly. There is nothing wrong with a spirit picking up a set of shears and playing psycho... and i also think it would look really cool to see them painted with a glow or something showing that they were spirit shears. it's your call, both sound like splended paths to me. =]

  14. Yep, the title pretty much says it all...

    anyway, in more detail, my girlfriend wants Colette's bases to resemble an old timey western bar, and she had a great idea of finding a piano for Colette herself to be either standing on, or in front of... ideally she was looking for an upright baby grand esque piece so it wouldn't take up all of the base.

    Do any of you know where i might find something like this? I'm not even sure where to begin looking. i usually just make this stuff myself, but if i could find a nice looking peice, i would rather go that route.

    Thankies in advance!


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