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Posts posted by Jewomie

  1. While i know Per dee ta is correct... i do think it sounds kind of silly.

    not in a mocking way, it's just... a little on the chipper side for a game like this. lol

    sadly, someone got me stuck saying per DISH a... even though i know it's wrong, i can't help it. now when i hear people say it, it sounds silly to me.

  2. Thankfully, the Viks avatar is just a beefed up version of their regular form, so I have less to worry about when it comes to completely different playing styles.

    But at least now there is only one... ;) yay for the end of sisters in battle shennanagins! :D

    So, the thing that got me thinking about this was actually a post i saw about Ramos.

    People are building crews with the sole purpous of manifesting Ramos on the second turn. and that's all well and good and everything, except that means Ramos isn't really in the game until turn 3! that seems like more of a set back than anything to me. not to mention you're scraping your own stuff. i think something like 8 SS work of models are killed on turn 1 and no one leaves your deployment zone until turn two... With Marcus or Lillith i could be nearling inside your deployment zone before you had a chance to activate Avatar Ramos. with alpha strike crazyness i could maybe even kill him and be out of there before you got any sort of benefit from having the avatar...

    I will say though, i'm not sure when a good time to manifest Lady J is. She seems like a mid game change IF you have enough friendlies around her to benefit from her buff spell. But that's assuming Rebecca doesn't kill her on turn three!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

  3. I can't wait to see your lillith crew!

    Your lady justice crew is superbly done. one of my favorites on here for sure. Raspy as well!

    Splended work here, keep it up!

    ---------- Post added at 04:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:07 PM ----------

    where did your post go? lol. i hit refresh and it vanished. D:

  4. This looks really great, i wish my first minis looked that good! haha

    I second the GW washes. I don't care a whole lot for their paints, (use p3 and vejello myself) but bahab black (For metals), delvin mud (for dark flesh/mud), and ogryn flesh (for lighter skin tones) are must haves for me.

    Keep up the fine work! you'll be out painting me in no time! :D

  5. I actually bought a woodland scenic kit about a year ago because it was on clearance and had some things that looked useful (mostly the static grass and such) I couldn't figure out what to use the trees for though, as they were oddly tiny compaired to the malifaux scale.

    Well, after some quite heavy modifications to some of the trees, i actually ended up using them, but without the poofy moss for leaves, but just a little bit of brown and yellow static grass on some of the branches. They kind of have a creepy bog feel to them. i also painted themgrey instead of brown, this added to the creepy and took away from the steryotype brown tree with green leaves.

    Just a thought. in case you have the trees lying around somewhere. otherwise, the wire/flour/glue trees were what i used when i played 40k. they are a bit of a chore to learn, but they look pretty good! :D

  6. Thanks for the reply.

    I guess my real question isn't so much does it change the play style, and more about How often are people using them? ik now some, like Lillith, will require a different crew than some are used to, (mainly myself as i run a Nephillem crew with her, not a waldgiest crew... although i saw a really neat crew with lillith, her avatar, silurids x3 and waldgeist x2 and a tots for filler to get you to the ss required for the game... might have to try this)

    anyway, i went on a tangent there... but it's still somewhat relevant. I've seen that in most cases a single requirement is easy enough, but... i guess my question really boils down to,

    How are you guys (and gals) deciding when the points are worth it? and if you decide they are, how do you decide when the time is right to manifest?

    and i'm just looking for personal preference, not like... a standard that i can use... just opinions. =]

    thanks everyone

  7. So, i have been pouring through book three, and drooling over all the new avatars, eagerly awaiting the relase of most of them, (some that i don't even play... yet)

    A couple weeks ago, my girlfriend and i started proxying some of the avatars for our regular crews, and i realized something...

    This is the first model that i've hired that i don't get to use right away... i have to wait... i have to actually DO things in order to use the avatar. (not including the turn 6 auto manifest... but what can you really do with a single activation?) and i like that. i'm not complaining about the requirements at all.

    Then i noticed my play style changed... for instance, my first game with lady j's avatar. I had a stragey and a scheme... and a list of manifest requirements... can you guess which one i was more focused on? :/ :facepalm:

    I thought i would ask you all the question... mainly to those of you who have/use the avatars.

    I know they are good, i know they have their uses, and i actually want quite a few of them, but how often do you actually take them, and how do you decide when to worry about the manifest requirements, and when do you focus on the VP?

  8. I'm pretty sure she takes the hit. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever actually lost a Df duel while using blinding flash. I usually keep a high enough tome in my hand for just such an occasion.

    this could be why i thought she didn't take the damage. lol. she's pretty tough if you have the right tome stashed away!

    well, if someone could possibly find the marshall ruling on this, i would be very thankful. if i find it first, i'll be sure to post it on this thread... that way, if nothing else, we'll know where it is. :ShortLeg_Puppet:

  9. In response to Rebeccajo's post it seems there has been a bit of a mix up... we are both searching the rules pages for clarification, but it would seem my card is wrong. Here is what i found to be the wording on Colette's card by others:

    Blinding Flash- After an attack has resolved, the model that attacked this model receives Slow. Switch this model and one other friendly Showgirl within 18".

    however, reading it right off my card this is what it states: Blinding Flash: The model that attacked this model receives Slow. Switch this model and one other friendly Showgirl within 18".

    Now, i bought my Colette at Gencon in 2010, before she was technically out, so i don't know if maybe mine has a type-o, or whatever... But from what i read, this trigger has no indication of happening after the attack resolves but instead would happen when triggers normally happen as per the rules manual. which is before the damage.

    I guess Weird Sketch made a judgment on this, but i cannot find it. does anyone know where it is?

  10. its about victory points not just smashing your opponent. its about how you play not who has the strongest unit.

    I could be wrong, but i really feel like a lot of the people screaming broken aren't takinig the need for VP into account. Sure, if you flip slaughter, that's one thing... but even then it's about the points, not the bodies. :) again... just my two cents... i should probably stop before i go broke. ;)

  11. I think i disagree with you on a couple points. first off, number 1 on your list... just because there is more pieces in your faction doesn't mean suddenly you have to play a 100 ss game. the game wouldn't become a total war game unless wyrd wanted it that way.

    with the introduction of henchman, they cut down the need to add masters, instead compacting an entire force into a smaller sized crew... not really a move i would expect to see in a full scale army game. just my opinion though... i jumped the 40k ship ten years ago...

    also, i will throw this out... if you think people are screaming balance issues now, just wait! with 3 new factions (the ones you named) that could throw off the balance for real... or at least give the neighsayers more crap to scream about... :/

    i also am not sure about picking specific areas for the other breaches to go... if you have the 5 existing (and pretty diverse) factions now, and add an asian faction, a russian faction and an african faction... you're going to end up with a lot of cheesy steriotypes... It's pretty clear they are working in a lot of reginal variety into the factions. i don't think it's nessisary to devote an entire faction to a single ethnic group.

    if Wyrd really does want to add new factions in, i doubt ( or at least hope) they wouldn't limit themselves like that...

  12. Eh, i figure i'll go ahead and throw my 2 cents in...

    I pretty much echo the feelings of most of you. When i was still demoing games at the Lgs, most people had never heard of Malifaux. We had a small group of 40k players and about a million Magic the gathering players... so we didn't exactly turn heads, but when we did, the people didn't start on the forums... they started with my demo and then played some games and formed their own opinions. It sucks to hear that some of you all had people who were down about the game before they even picked up a book or sat in a demo. :/

    Personally (not being a tourney player btw) i don't think this game has all of the terrible issues that i read about on here. Sure, my group has a house rule or two, or we make a mid-game judgement call here and there, then get a clarification later. but broken? unbalanced? not at all.

    viva la malifaux! :1_Happy_Puppet2:

  13. I would like to see two things for Misaki

    [*]Her upgraded in the next book to full Master (with crew and the entire book closing out the current factions an introducing new Eastern themed crews).

    I guess i am slightly confused... are you implying new factions all together here, or just crews? Closing out the factions doesn't sound appealing to me... but new masters could be really cool.

    Personally i think misaki would be a neat master, but it does depend on the crew they give her. I think a ten thunders crew might be really cool, but they would have to take care to make it FEEL different. I would hate to see something that looked really cool for her, but in the end was really just an asian Von Schill...

    Basically she would need her own "thing" and most masters that have been given one are all considered over powered because they have something they are really good at. on the flip side of that... i would be leary of her crew becoming one like Colette or Kirai who need a certain group of minions to work effectivly. But maybe more like lady j or Nicodem who can function with a wider array of models.

    (note: i said effectivly, not competitively... no hijacking intended, i promise!)

  14. Calmdown's list is really spot on. for 25 that is a pretty solid list. one i plan on running actually! :D

    I also like the Black Blood shaman, and terror tots are underrated in my opinion... although i'm not terribly into the grow shenanagins, if you were playing a 35 game a tot and a shaman might be a good addition, still leaving you a couple stones.

  15. As an avid Lillith Player, I must agree with Q'iq'el. Lilitu would only heal the number of wounds Lelu healed.

    The way i explained it while helping someone try out the twins was this: (assuming you use the bullet holes to keep track of wounds like we do) "Lelu can be healed for 1 or 50 wounds, it doesn't matter, Lilitu is only going to heal the number of wounds you actually wiped off of Lelu's card. So, he has only 1 would, but is healed 2... you take your paper towel and wipe a single wound off of him, then you get to wipe the same number off of lilitu... so wipe one off her card as well and BAM you're done" :D

  16. My sincerest, to me, saying "I am also saddened to see that neither Taelor nor Misaki have made it onto many Viks crews on here" reads that you find that not many of the Vik builds people put up here on the forum have Taelor nor Misaki, which confused me given how very often one or both are taken.

    i can see why you thought that, but honestly, i don't see misaki hardly at all, and i've seen taelor on some lists, yes, but not nearly as often as Von-awesome and the convict gunslinger. it's understandable, i mean, von schill is pretty epic, and from what i hear the convict is pretty good too. I think Rebeccajo was just saying that for what people post on the forums, not a lot of people still list Taelor and Misaki in their lists. even if they do bring them and regularly use them.

    i know first hand that Rebeccajo loves the melee chicks in her Viktoria lists... lol. she's just keeping the love alive. =]

  17. Black Joker

    Can be cheated as per usual cheating rules.


    this is the only part i disagree with. i think the idea of a failed attack from the black joker is important to the way the game plays... everything else you suggested i can actually agree with completely. i might try it on my games this weekend. (assuming my opponent is cool with it.)

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