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Posts posted by Jewomie

  1. those look great guys! exactly what i was looking for. thank you so much.

    just one problem...

    The headless horseman is EXACTLY what i planned on doing. :3

    yours looks fantastic, and don't worry, i wont copy it. ;) I was thinking more along the lines of the tim burton film and having him leap out of the bloody tree.

    Still, great minds think alike, eh?

    Thanks again you guys. Muy perfecto!

  2. Well, first of all, welcome! :D

    If you're picking up Sonnia, i would grab witchling stalkers (unless you meant you picked up her box as well)

    The constructs all have various wonderful uses, Lucius and the guild guards are lovely to work with, and i think every guild player around here has an austringer... i love mine. :D

    You do have a pretty solid list there however, so building a good 35 ss game shouldn't be too hard for you. You'll figure out what else you want/need as you go. :D

    Lady Justice is where i started as well. Good luck!

    and again, welcome to Malifaux

  3. So, either tomorrow or saturday i am ordering my dead rider along with a couple other pieces for a start up McMourning crew. I have a conversion in mind, however, i can't seem to find too many good photos of the rider.

    would any of you mind uploading a pic or two of yours?

    I'm looking at getting an idea of his typical positioning on a base, and where his scythe usually fits... etc.

    Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!

    I will post mine once it arrives and i begin working on it!

  4. Yeah, that's kind of where i'm stuck now too. My girlfriend printed them off at school, and we are going to put them in some old card protectors left over from my Magic days. We'll probably try to stuff a playing card in there too to hold it all together and make it more sturdy.

    ---------- Post added at 02:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:31 PM ----------

    Take them to an office place like staples or FedEx office. They will print them and you can work with them to get it cut and such. It might cost you a little bit but it shouldn't break the bank.

    Will they do this since it's copyright protected?

  5. Decent tactic, but you could have a Crooked Man for this same corpse counter, same effective Cb (Ca), better ranged attack, much harder to kill, ad Shafted on top of it all. Downside being spell vs ranged attack and no + to damage flip, but Crooked Men drop their corpse counters again when they die.

    Damn... i can already tell this is going to be an expensive crew. *wink*

  6. Hmm, it's nice to see the flip side of things with these guys. i suppose careful placement could really change their apparent lack of defenses. the cover would nicely make up for the easy to wound 1, now wouldn't it? :D

    and i always forget they can shoot. lol

    Thanks Cannon Fodder!

  7. edit: Just in case anyone raises it; my post about no one accepting was being typed before the other responses came in ;3 having to pretend to work and respond between.

    I have a reliable way to play: I can set up a board, or we can use GameTable; I even provided an option for untamperable deck play~ Hell we could just use Vassal.

    Not like I haven't already said it in posts.

    I'm not familliar with GameTable, but if you're serious about this, i'm all in.

  8. I've seen you use 'there' instead of 'their' >=[ Though I've seen far more of the American players use loose instead of lose... gosh darn that winds me up. Not as much as to instead of too!

    Re: Gencon; it really doesn't change the fact for the majority of people here, that's a vast expenditure and which usually eats into holiday time. I like to go to places that provide a break from my day to day, not stomping the exiled Protestants. Especially with all those better countries to visit, like Bangladesh or Somalia!

    Exiled? naww, we ran! ;3

  9. The old sculpts especially, using the old perdita as an example, seemed smoother or better looking. The new sculpt I just think the face is less graceful.

    Now, i haven't seen the alt in person, so i cannot comment on the new one. But, my perdita's face seems a little on the bland side. Not to be overly critical as her hat hangs so low on her face that it's hard to tell anyway. I am a fan of the original, so don't take that comment the wrong way. Though, based on the photo's i've seen, i don't dislike the alt for her. I'm not a fan of the cigar, but the silly, almost care free, pose is pretty cool. I always thought of her as the badass chick who says a catchy phrase right before shooting a bullet around a building or something, so the pose kind of fits my idea of her.

    as for the Viks, for now, i like the new ones a lot more. My girlfriend loves them. So i'll be able to see them in person, and see what they look like in a more... homestyle... paint job. I know how i paint things, and i know what i like, and they are not painted the way i paint, so it's hard (for me) to form a good opinion of them. i almost always have to hold the piece in my hands before i can tell if i actually like it... even better if i get it primed and the smaller details really pop. =] I do like the idea of the mirrored poses. it feels more like the lore with the doppleganger, and less like a couple twins.

  10. Ah, thanks everyone. It's pretty much as i feared. I'll still probably pick them up, in case i flip a claim jump... that way i can summon a couple in case i need them. Because, as i said, I really do like the sculpts.

    So, given their cost of 3ss. would it be a fair trade if they did leave corpse/body part counters, but were insignificant?

    For me, i find the non-insignificant to be a reason to keep one on deck for a quick summon. Though i agree they aren't worth hiring outright.

    You can drop 19 of them turn 2 in McMourning with Rafkin.

    Also theyre a cheap significant model to summon.

    Use pretty much ends there. If they didnt have 'too far gone' theyd be ok as a summonable ranged option but as it stands, you cant afford to lose corpse counters in most games.

    With Rafkin aside from insane corpse counter antics with dogs in turn one, is he really worth his cost to McMourning? I see that he is with Nicodem, but since Doug has no need for corpse counters, i wasn't sure that he'd want Rafkin hanging around.

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