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Posts posted by F3ARMonger

  1. Hello all,


    My wife and I will be giving demos on almost everything Wryd Related during the monthly "Beer and Board Games" at the Lowe Mill Arts & Entertainment Center in Huntsville, AL.


    The Time and date : 2pm - 10pm  11/2/2014


    The Facebook Event is here...


    Say your going!


    Please feel free to come out and get a demo of some great games.  You won't need anything but a good attitude.


    We have all the new 2.0 Ed stuff so come out and enjoy!



    F3ARMonger and TTHP2009

  2. James glad to be of help.  But, I am intrigued by your answer.  If you would allow me to dive down this rabbit hole, when you begin your "new" RPG expereince what is your expected price point?  I do assume that you want to spend something.  If you wanted to play D&D 2nd Ed. way back in the day you would need at least two books and dice.  I guess I am trying to find out what the barrier for entry is for you.  That information would be really helpful for Wyrd to produce a possible quick start package.  And saying Free is a choice, but I would ask you please justify your answer.


    Hopefully you will induldge my curiosity.  Thanks.

  3. Remember you can use a normal deck of cards to create individual fate decks.

    Total Cost + Breakdown ( Think these are the prices. ) for 1 FM and 4 players.


    Fatemaster Almanac (40 USD) + The Fated Almanac ( 40 USD ) + 1 communal Fate Deck (7.25 USD) + 4 individual Fate Decks (29 USD) = 116.25 USD


    That is all you need to play, but again you drop the price point by using playing cards for Fate Decks if you want.  


    100 Bucks gets you into the game and gives you everything you need to play.  

    100/5 people is 20 USD each.  I think its a pretty easy price point to hit for most gaming groups.

  4. Hello all,


    My wife and I will be giving demos on almost everything Wryd Related during the monthly "Beer and Board Games" at the Lowe Mill Arts & Entertainment Center in Huntsville, AL.


    The Time and date : 2pm - 10pm  9/7/2014


    The Facebook Event is here...


    Say your going!


    Please feel free to come out and get a demo of some great games.  You won't need anything but a good attitude.


    We have all the new 2.0 Ed stuff so come out and enjoy!



    F3ARMonger and TTHP2009

  5. Just can't help but poke the tiger, can you?


    Am I glad there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel that is this 19+ month journey (I'll be one of those waiting on a hardcover too :-D )?  Yes.


    But 'omg they're delivering now you can all just shut up about it' kind of stances aren't exactly helping salve things over here.

    What do you mean... ::poke:: ::poke:: Tigers are cute... :P 

    But, in all honestly I am glad we did get some closure.  And I never said your last sentence and if I came off with that tone I apologize.  

    And if anyone out there wants to sell their stuff because they are angry I have a few friends that are looking to buy.

  6. Let me clarify, there are smaller games of only one session for $6 and longer games with three sessions for $12.  You don't have to buy multiple sessions you get all three for $12.  (Which is a steal in my opinion.)  

    You will not need anything to play the games just come with a great attitude and get ready to have a blast.

    Any other questions do not hesitate to ask.

  7. Regarding the second point, what of companies refusing to give refunds to shareholders who just want out? If the TtB KS comments section is to be believed, there are at least a handful of backers who just want their money back.

    Which, at least from an outsider's perspective, seems win-win to Wyrd. They give back the money they've borrowed, which has either earned them interest in the traditional invested in a savings account method, or it has earned them interest in the form of profits made from using said funds to make product which sold at whatever level of markup. Meanwhile, it frees up the rewards for Wyrd to sell for additional units of profit, especially if done so during Gencon, where they already get to take home a much bigger slice of the pie.

    I am not a Wyrd Spokesman so I have no "official" ruling in anything Wyrd related.  But, if it were my kickstarter and you wanted out.  Then just send me a nice letter asking for your money back.  But, remember if you accepted the PDF and Wyrd were to attach a value to that then you could be liable to pay for that license.  

    That or they could minus the refund of that from the money they owe you back.  Which unless you pledged in excess of 10k you might owe Wyrd some change?   :D Perhaps up to 9k USD or so... :P 

    But, I really doubt Wyrd would be that mean.  I know I would be.....


    I am not a fan of the GenCon release idea but it does make a lot of sense (and money) to have it available if you are going to be running events.



    Just FYI the "official" GenCon TtB events are having to use the PDF copies as well.  While I understand everyone's frustration one should realize the funding Kickstarter is not the same thing as being a consumer.  It is being a shareholder of a project.  That does come with with a different set of priorities that Wyrd must do.  Do I think everyone should get everything that they were promised as reward?  Most definitely.  If you don't like being a shareholder then don't support kickstarter projects.  But, here is some food for thought...

    Taken Directly from Kickstarter's Webpage,

    • The Estimated Delivery Date listed on each reward is not a promise to fulfill by that date, but is merely an estimate of when the Project Creator hopes to fulfill by.
    • Project Creators are required to fulfill all rewards of their successful fundraising campaigns or refund any Backer whose reward they do not or cannot fulfill.
  9. Wyrd usually does a good job of only releasing a set number of new products each day.  I don't know what the "official" policy actually is for GenCon.  But, normally if you are proactive enough (contacting Wyrd being nice) they might just set you aside something.

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  10. P.S. if you haven't stopped by for this you are really missing out.  We have an active group that shows up every Wednesday to battle it out.  It is well organized and if you ever have questions there are more than enough nice (no joke really Don is amazing!) people to answer any questions you have.  

    We would love to see you there on a Wednesday night.  So please come on out and step through the breach!

  11. Hey guys Wyrd is working something out about trying to get demos out.  If you have interest in playing something send me a PM just so I have visibility on it.  I am trying to help champion the cause for TtB.  If I have your info then I can look at Wyrd and say hey look these people want this and they are available at X time.  

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