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Posts posted by F3ARMonger

  1. Huntsville Henchmen are taking a road trip and we is heading South! By popular demand and the kindest of invitation this Saturday Night there will be demos at Legion Comics in Birmingham, AL!

    5pm till 9pm

    There will be Henchmen on hand to answer (at least attempt) all questions, hold demos, and play games.


    Come on out and have a great time!

  2. I hope everyone had a great Holiday. Time to dust off the models on the shelf or unwrap those Wyrd Packages under the tree and get your Malifaux on! Back at The Foundry your local neighborhood Henchmen will be running demos and playing a few games. Come on out. Learn about the Official Dead Winter Campaign from Wyrd.

    1800 - 2200

    Stay Wyrd See you all there.

  3. Hello all. Back up and doing even more awesome demonstrations at the Foundry. I shall be there from 1800 to 2200 this Wyrd Wednesday. Come on out play a game bring questions, bring friends, bring your friends questions, just don't bring a bad attitude :Sad_Puppet1:.

    Hope to see you all there.


  4. The Foundry Achievement League


    Oct 31, 2012 - Dec 5, 2012

    Last Game results must be in by 1159 Dec 5, 2012

    League Results will be announced in person at Wyrd Wednesdays on Dec 12, 2012.

    Standard Gaining Ground Rules with a few extras.

    There is no minimum SS cost for a crew. But there is a maximum which will be determined at each weeks Wyrd Wednesday. Crews do not have to be static though if your a beginner we highly suggest it. There will be 15 achievements released each week. Each weeks achievements can be completed later on in the league but, will become progressively more challenging.

    The Cost is $10 to enter. Additional $5 if you think your a "veteran" and want to play Nightmare mode. :)

    All monies goes directly toward prize and league support.

    Want to know the really cool part? You get your own hanging tree when you enter to display your achievements! That's right we are going to show off your coolness to the world! Or at least those at the Foundry.


    So come on down starting Oct 31, 2012.


    Full Rules per PM request.

  5. Huntsville, AL Henchmen F3ARmonger, tthp2009, and Dream_weaver will be at GMX in Nashville showing everyone the amazingness that is MALIFAUX!

    Our local game store https://www.facebook.com/foundrygaming is nice enough to let us go on a road trip with them!

    Here is the event info:


    We will be in the dealer room / game room!

    If you are there for the weekend please stop by we would like to meet all players and henchmen.

    And if you have never played before this is a great time to get a demo and hang out.

    We look forward to seeing you all out there.


  6. Update on Wyrd Wednesday

    We have open gaming and demos on Wednesday nights from 6pm to 10pm every week.

    Come on out and have a great Wyrd Time!

    Henchmen are on hand to answer questions and other general help.

    Remember the achievement league is right around the corner this is a great time to test your crew.

    See you then.


  7. Alright guys back and ready to rock! Lets get ready for the flip. Wyrd Wednesdays are back again at the best Gamestore in the country!


    Or at least one of the coolest!

    Open gaming with other players 6pm to 10pm

    Demos for those who would like to get into the game.

    Henchmen on site to answer questions and run a game or two.

    Look forward to seeing you all there. CHEAT FATE OR LOSE YOUR SOUL!

  8. Thanks for the response. But, I don't agree. A player could deploy as far back as possible in the table corner, especially if they deploy second. Then just Pandora bubble their way down the field. Are you sure this isn't like Assimilate with Hoffman?

    ---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 PM ----------

    Sorry forgot to say it would take a grand total of one turn to set up.

  9. @ Cunning Stunt is that legal? I mean seriously? I saw this happen on a table the other day and kept thinking there must be something wrong with it. Because, if set up properly then if a model ever lost a WP duel to Pandora for any reason would take a mess of wounds. I would really appreciate if this one was spelled out. I think that the Mimic ability would be similar to the assimilate ability of Hoffman. That it has to be spelled out on the card of whom you "take" the ability or talent from in order for it to work properly.

    Regardless please comment back when you have time.

  10. All,

    Now that we have seen so many new persons come into the World of Malifaux I would like to see everyone's Mad Skillz at painting. So I propose a painting competition.

    Time of Competition:

    July 1, 2012 2200 - July 15, 2012 2200

    The Theme:

    Look at My Mad Skillz!

    Entry Fee:

    One dollar per model (for prize support). Payment must be made at time of entry.

    All models must be submitted in person at the Foundry. Please leave models with the Foundry, don't worry they will be safe. Submission entry will close on July 15 @ 2200.

    The Rules:

    Models must be Wyrd Miniatures from the Malifaux line.

    Models must be on a 30mm, 40mm, or 50mm base either standard or custom.

    Models must be painted by person submitting entry.

    Multiple Models may be submitted.

    Those judging will not submit models.

    One Champion will be named, prize to be determined based on entries. Individual awards maybe given based on entries.

    Results will be made in Person by me at the Foundry during Wyrd Wednesday on July 18 @ 1900. Persons do not have to be present to win.

    How the Judging will work:

    Models will be judged by three persons. Two will be prominent members of the local Malifaux community. One will be a special judge, name to be released at Contest completion.

    Models will be judged on a 15 point scale total from 3 categories. Technique, Theme, and Overall. In the event of a tie a sub category of originality will be used.

    Questions? Let me know.

    Stay Wyrd and Good Luck


  11. Maybe I am just old school but, I prefer my models to be metal. I also do a much better job at painting metal.

    What I hope does not happen is when GW went from metal to "resin." They raised their prices to offset their "new" production costs. Although, we all know it isn't true there were no new production costs past new molds. Which is the cost of doing business. I really hope Wyrd doesn't go that route.

  12. Met a lot of great people this weekend. Now lets get ready to play some Malifaux. Take those sets and study hard! Wyrd Wednsday at the Foundry is coming soon. From 6pm to close they are going to have a lot of table space for us. If you need help putting together your sets or just have general questions there will be professionals on hand. (Or just normal Henchmen that's kinda like professionals. :) )

    Cheat Fate or Lose Your SOUL!


    aka F3ARMonger

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