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Posts posted by Lagapul

  1. Hey there Bavarians and Munichlovers,


    Time for the first Campagne in Munich in Malifaux.

    After the Success with the League last Spring and Summer, now it's time to test the new Beta rules for the Campagne system and your Skills.

    We'll be almost the whole Community of Munich, so if you want to join, watch, get in touch with the other Players, want to get a demo, drop by, grab a crew and start playing ;)


    Like always, we'll play at the Pub, after there is still no Malifaux-supporting Store nearby.


    Pilsquelle Neuherz Ana
    Heideckstraße 14
    80637 München
    Phone: 089 15893542


    We'll start at 19:00 (Some may be there from 17:00 though) till Midnight.

    Pilsquelle Neuherz Ana
    Heideckstraße 14
    80637 München
    For any questions, contact me :)


    Hope to seeing you there,


  2. Es ist soweit! Das erste Malifaux Turnier in München ist da!
    Gespielt wird auf 35Soulstones mit einer fixen Liste. Standartstrategie und die 2 Schemes werden vor jeweiligem Rundenbeginn geflipt. (sollte eine Strategie zum zweiten mal geflippt werden, wird eine neue Strategie geflippt, so dass man keine 2x spielt)
    Bei der Paarung wird zuerst gelost und dann schweizer System benutzt.

    Anmeldungen bitte bei T3: http://www.tabletopturniere.de/t3_tournament.php?tid=13887


    München - Pilsquelle Neuherz Ana
    Heideckstraße 14
    80637 München

    • Like 1
  3. Hey Girls and Guys!


    There will be a great Demonight at the P3-Stammtisch München!

    Meet encouraged Painters of Munich, drink some Beer and have an easy entrance to Malifaux tomorrow night! from 18:30 till Midnight!

    Most of the Munich Malifauxplayers will be there too!


    Obergiesinger Wirtshaus

    Bergstraße 5
    81539 München
    Tel.: 089 / 55 05 16 66

  4. Hey there guys and girls,


    The first League in Munich starts on the 8.3. and again on the 25.03 - both dates are suggested to do the Game for March

    We'd start at around 15:00.

    the first Game is 20$$s and

    Strategie: Turf War
    Schemes: Line in the Sand, Distract, Assassinate, Outflank, Deliver a Message


    Leaguerules would be the following: sorry, they are in German - I can translate if someone needs them in English^^


    - wir starten mit 20$$s
    - jede Woche +5$$s
    - Die Victorypoints (VPs) die man in einem Spiel erbeutet hat zählen direkt als Kampagnenpunkte 1:1
    - Bericht nach dem Spiel +1KP (Kampagnenpunkt)
    - beim letzten Spiel werden die VPs beim einrechnen in KPs verdoppelt (damit es bis zum Schluss spannend bleibt!)
    - Man legt sich am Anfang auf einen Master(Dualmaster) ODER einen Master mit fester Fraktion fest.
    Regeln dafür:
    Bei DualfactionMaster: 1. + 2.Spiel hat man nur legale Henchmen des Dualfactionmasters zur Auswahl. 3 - 4. Spiel kann man sich immer zwischen beiden Fraktionen entscheiden
    Bei Master mit fester Fraktion: 1. + 2. Spiel hat man alle Henchmen der Fraktion zur Auswahl. im 3. - 5. Spiel muss man den gewählten Master mit der gewählten Fraktion spielen, kann aber einmal einen Joker ziehen um einen anderen Master der gleichen Fraktion zu spielen.

    So if you are interested and/or want to join just show up at the Hohenwarth in Munich

    Gietlstraße 15
    81541 München
    089 69760041
  5. Hey Folk,


    In advance to the League we're playing, we're having two or three more Demo- and Preparationnights thins month, so we can start prepared and all knowing the rules :)

    We'll meet in the Hohenwarth again.

    Gietlstr. 15
    81541 München
    Phone: 0049 89 6970041

    Saturday the 8th around 16:00 - 23:00


    And for a Club of (mainly painters) There will be another Demo in the Hohenwarth on Wednesday the 12th from 19:00 till Midnight!


    I'm hoping seeing some new faces :)

  6. Hey there,

    We are going, to start a little League with rising Soulstonecrews from the 22.2. - Beginning of March.

    2 Sessions each month, One Game will count for the League.

    We'll try to make it a bit based on storytelling.

    The two Dates in February will be the 22.02 and the 25.02.

    Later on we'll play regularly on the 2. Saturday and the 4.Tuesday. But for sure we'll meet often besides these two fixed dates.

    There will be a little prize for the winner of the League ;)

    Demos will be given on any of these Days, if interested People show up.

    So You can just come, have a look, play a Game with us or get a demo. :)

    Looking forward to seeing you at the regular meetings.

    More details will follow soon!

  7. Hey there guys & girls,

    It's time again for a lovely night in the Pub and for playing Malifaux :) on the 9th of December

    Again it will be in the Pub Hohenwarth.

    I'll be there from 18:30 till midnight. So if you are interested, just show up. No need to bring anything. I'll provide you with everything you need.

    they offer drinks and food for normal prices.

    Adress would be


    Gietlstr. 15

    81541 München

    Phone: 0049 89 6970041

    You won't be able to miss the table with all the Terra Clips and other Terrain, I think :)

    Maybe we'll meet again at sunday the 15th, because a friend asked me for a Demo there. so if you are not able to show up on tuesday, you can be there on Sunday afternoon :)

  8. Hey there People,

    It's time again for a Demonight in the Pub Hohenwarth in Munich.

    Wirtshaus (Pub) Hohenwarth

    München 81541 (Giesing)

    Gietlstraße 15

    Germany - Deutschland

    Phone: 0049 - 89 - 69760041

    It will start around 19:00 on Tuesday 5.11.

    Leute es ist wieder Zeit für eine Malifaux demo mit Spiel.

    kommts einfach vorbei und machts mit!

    Kein Vorwissen nötig und man muss nichts mitbringen außer guter Laune ;)

  9. Hey there Malifolk,

    On next Wendesday, 23.10.2013 around 19:00 in the Pub Hohenwarth Gietlstraße 15

    81541 München

    089 69760041

    I'll show some People how to play Malifaux. If you want to learn how this game works, too, or you allready know it and want to play or simply want to have a look show up and grab a beer. :)

    Servus Leute,

    am nächsten Mittwoch dem 23.10.2013 im 19:00 wäre ich im Hohenwarth Gietlstraße 15

    81541 München

    089 69760041

    und zeig ein paar Leuten die nach einer Demo verlangt haben wie man spielt. Wenn ihr auch lernen wollt wie man spielt, schon wisst wie man spielt und einen Partner sucht oder aber einen zwangsfreien Blick auf das Spiel riskieren wollt, kommt einfach vorbei und schnappt euch ein Bier :)

  10. Hey there Guys and Girls,

    On the 9.10. there will be a Demonight in the Pub Hohenwarth in Munich (Giesing).

    around 18:30 (maybe a bit later) we'll start, I'll demo as long as there is someone there ;)


    Gietlstraße 15

    81541 München

    If you are interested, just show up! There will be some playing, for sure as well.

    It's free! ;)

    If there are any questions just contact me!

    Liebe Mitbayern,

    Kommt einfach mal vorbei und schauts euch an. Es kostet nix und es gibt gutes günstiges Essen und Trinken vor Ort. Sehr nette Leute und ein paar Freunde von mir kommen auch und werden unabhängig von der Demo auch spielen. Anschauen kostet nix ;)

    Bei Fragen oder Unklarheiten einfach ne PN o.ä. an mich schicken! Ich freue mich immer über interessierte Leute

  11. Same Thoughts here,

    One of the best Things of Malifaux is the Card System.

    Everytime a player is not sure what to do next they check their cards quickly for options. I do the same thing, often. Because you don't have all of the rules and Abilities in mind.

    Nevertheless you can print out a PDF and use it. Like usually done for the Dreamer or Hamelin.

    I'd be sad, if I had to buy new Cards for all my old Minis.

    So I'd love to have a PDF to print out all the used Cards, which have been changed.

  12. ******Got Canceled - Sorry***

    There will be another Event in the Shop so I was told we wouldn't get any space. Sorry!

    I will be running demos on the 03.11.2012. There will be plenty of variety of crews you can pick your minis from for the first game.

    If you are interested just show up and talk to me (Marcel - the one with the red Malifauxsuitcase). There will be some other "freshers" - so don't be shy!

    Where? Create & Play Augsburg - Vorderer Lech 43, Augsburg

    When? 03.11.2012 I'll be there about 14:00 and probably till 19:00

    What do you need? Nothing - I'll provide you with everything you need to play Malifaux for this day!


    again in German:

    Am 03.11.2012 werde ich Demos halten. Ich hab ziemlich viele Crews zur Auswahl wo ihr euch Minis für euer erstes Spiel raussuchen könnt.

    Wenn ihr interessiert seid, oder es schon immer mal ausprobieren wolltet kommt einfach vorbei und sprecht mich an (Marcel - ich hab den großen roten Malifauxkoffer). Es haben sich schon ein paar "Neulinge" angekündigt - also kein Grund schüchtern zu sein.

    Wo? Create & Play Augsburg - Vorderer Lech 43, Augsburg

    Wann? 03.11.2012 ich werde ungefähr 14:00 Uhr da sein und vermutlich bis Ladenschluss um 19:00Uhr

    Was brauchst du? Nix außer interesse und guter Laune - ich werde dich mit allen Materialien für das erste Spiel versorgen.

  13. The way the guy from the vid does eyes is: painting eyes it in advance, before you paint skin. Too late for Sonnia, but maybe you want to try it on the next mini :) Now I always paint like that.

    he shows really good how to make skin and flesh tones. I learned so much from him!

    [code] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-rsH9wdaVg&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w2xL3elInA&feature=plcp[/code]

    Edit: BTW, the highlighting on the robe of the stalker is very good! I never do good highlighting on black.

  14. I do like your Colour theme of Sonnia herself and the dogs look really good!

    The Stalkers are a bit too dark for me, but that's personal taste I think^^

    I don't know if it's just the pic-quality or you didn't "give her eyes".

    But for Painting Faces I can highly recomend this youtube tuts:

    ~Edit:double ninjaed, Darios!

  15. Yeah and my Hand consisted in turn two and tree (when the action happend) only of Aces to 5s nothing more. At least some crows were with them, but anyway - without Soulstones or possibility to cheat Fate I was screwed ;)

    Poor Molly - I always have sympathy for her!

    @Pierowmaniac: Thanks for the update ;)

    Yeah I read this yesterday, just after it was edited^^ I probable should get a totem for her. After I don't like the Necrotic Machine from the look, I'm thinking of taking an alternative Mini for that or getting the Grave Spirit.

    And of course the Dead Doxies. I'll definitly will get those ;) (Love the Minis)

    I'm looking forward for revanche - maybe Molly will tell Seamus and will payback next time :D

  16. We thought of all Terrifying tests, but all were past without trouble(I know - boring^^).

    the Mature Nephilim even got his "Rip in Half" Trigger, but all the undead managed to stay calm anyway ;)

    The Rogue Necromancy did hit Lilith really hard, true. Paired Claws are really really good and the minimum Damage is not too bad - so yeah. If I remember correctly most of the time I had a double negative on the Damageflip

  17. We made it a quick and simple game – because an interested but inexperienced Person watched.


    Molly Squidpidge VS Lilith



    à Molly

    à Rogue Necromancy 10SS

    à Madame Sybelle 6SS

    à Rotten Belle 4SS

    à Crooligan 4SS

    • SS left: 1SS

    Mission: Supply Wagon (we used the small crater for that)


    à Lilith (Cache 4SS)

    à Mature Nephilim 10SS

    à Terror Tot Nephilim 3SS

    à Terror Tot Nephilim 3SS

    à Terror Tot Nephilim 3SS

    - SS left : 1SS + Cache = 5SS

    Mission: Treasure Hunt (fist we used the stone pylon and switched it to the “stonesnake” because we decided to use the pylons as corpse counters)




    The Brood was close together, where Molly’s Undead were more spread out with the Crooligan next to the Arc de Triumphe.

    1. Turn: entering the Battlefield

    Lilith won Initiative.

    All of the Models moved towards the treasure in the middle. Lilith casted a Forest (yellow blast thingy) in the corridor where the Ressurectionists wanted to go. After that she made Blood from Stone and one Terror Tot Nephilim grew into a Young Nephilim (which we proxed).

    Sybelle run forward and called the Rotten Bell towards her and placed her near the middle place. A Terror Tot sprinted and stopped in front of her. After she activated Terror Tot had 3Wounds the Belle 2 (Black Blood). The Rogue Necromancy tried to outflank the Nephilim and stood on the other side of the house.

    End of Turn 1




    Molly Point of view: everything looks fine!

    Turn 2 the killing begins

    Molly had Initiative and the Rotten Belle killed the Terror Tot, which caused all the Brood to move 6`` to the killer (the poor Belle). Suddenly the Place was crowded with Nephilim. Now the big Murdering started. Lilith killed the Rotten Belle and smacked Sybelle. The Mature Nephilim smacked Sybelle. She attacked the young Nephilim 4Wounds + he wasn’t so quick anymore. Molly walked into the Forest and saw the Mature Nephilim and tried to cast shocking truth (flipped badly – And had really bad hand all the time!).

    Meanwhile the Terror Tot Nephilim picked up the Treasure. And the Crooligan began chasing him.

    The Young Nephilim killed Sybelle (got a Blood Counter) and finally the Rogue Necromancy came around the corner and attacked Lilith twice thanks to the ThreeHeaded Actions and did a good amount of Damage.

    End of turn 2.


    3. Turn Molly struggles

    Molly won initative

    The Rogue Necromancy tried to finish off Lilith – but flipped pooly (Bad Handcards again) – Lilith cheated and soulstoned away the Damage and now started slicing the undead Chimera to death.

    The young Nephilim grew into another Mature Nepilim and attacked Molly as well as the other (only one pitiful did work) because of the lack of good handcards and no soulstones left.

    Molly survived and failed in reviving Sybelle.

    The Terror Tot Nephilim with the Treasure ran to his Deployment zone followed by the Crooligan.

    End Turn 3



    Molly’s Point of view: Not looking good – two Mature Nephilim


    Lilith won Initiative

    The first Mature Nephilim punched Molly three times. She manages to just survive but using almost all of the good cards. Then she revives Sybelle and fails again with every other Spell. (Molly really had bad Luck). Then the other Mature Nephilim killed her (then we stopped using CorpseCounter), destroyed the Supply Wagon. and managed to hit Sybelle pretty hard. Sybelle meanwhile killed Lilith.

    The TerrortotNephilim with the Treasure punched the Crooligan who tried to fight back but failed.

    End of Turn 4.



    Two Mature Nephilims – more then enough to kill Madame Sybelle

    Turn 5 Nephilims show their Value

    Sybelle died again. Then the Mature Nephilims flew towards the treasure.

    The Crooligan just managed to hit the Terror Tot Nephilim once with weak damage and got 2Wounds herself.


    Turn 6 Nephilim looting the wagon and spending all the money from the treasure.

    The last turn was rather predictable. Team Nephilim won initiative and killed the Crooligan.

    End of Game

    Ressurectionists: 0VP (Wagon destroyed)

    Neverborn: 4VP (Treasure in the Deploymentzone and carried)

    It was a fun game though for both sides.

    And I saw the mistakes I made with Molly: taking too few Soulstones; should have focused on killing the mature Nephilim and played more defensive.

    Hope it was an interesting read

    Best wishes,


    PS: Do Crooligans have 5 or 6 wounds? that’s not clear on the card under Wd is 5 but there are 6 small circles on the left.

    Edit: Don't get confused as I was, when writing this Rep - it was a 20SS Game, but after Molly is a Hench(wo)man5 she has 5SS more. So ignore the 25SS in the Topic and imagine it's 20SS^^

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