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Posts posted by bigbopper

  1. Thanks, love your reports!


    Nice matchup, but I do agree with your assessment, this was a case of Crew made for Strategy vs Crew made to just Play.


    Tara is not a great choice for Turf War compared to other Ressers/Outcasts.  I did feel his Crew was almost perfect for what he was trying to do.


    A simple Tara suggestion is to select only one large Beatstick model, whether it's NB/KJ or a Rider or whomever.  Then use Tara to deliver that model. I find Tara then spends the rest of her game either running VPs or mucking it up with Minions.  Her Sword has that trigger which can become really nasty with a decent hand + some stones...  an opposing crew with that many Witchling Stalkers could see them all dying in drove with one turn of Tara activations.....

    All good points. If i had thought of the sword Trigger in game i would have tried it, but alas I did not. Glad you enjoy the reports, and thanks for the comments.

  2. What's the wording on the trigger. If it's after damaging then yes. Or succeeding or resolving.

    The valedictorians ML attack. The trigger is transfer student "after damaging an enemy, push target up to 4" in any direction, then push this model into base contact with target model" . We played it that I can't happen as the target model was killed and needed to be removed immediately.

  3. For Assassinate, Vendetta or anything that needs to die, I have morti, nurse, and Punk Zombie. Nurse gives hallucinogen to Punk the morti fresh meats him to your target and Nico gives him fast then the punk flurries and attacks target for four 4/6/7 swings minimum damage on all of those is still 16 damage.

    Sorry to be that guy, but a model with hallucinogen on it can't flurry. Hallucinogen says the model can only take melee actions, flurry is a tactical action so therefore cannot be taken. Not that this invalidates your tactic though three attacks at 4/6/7 is still brutal. I look forward to trying it some day.

  4. No problem!

    Basically, I've tried to make use of push effects to get free attacks on enemy models, usually from Lilith (thanks to Thirsty Mandrake) but also the Terror Tots. The pushes generally come from Barbie (who is AWESOME! ;) ) and the Wicked Mistress upgrade, although the Young and Mature can do it too with some smart positioning, as can Kade, Teddy and the Beckoner. If you wanted something different, theres also a few Mercs who can push other models around - I know I've tried Bishop once (he was great, but didn't actually do any pushing)

    Terror Tots are good for claiming wayward objectives, but after that they sprint to wherever they're most likely to cause trouble, either through damage/pounce or simply being in the way. Black Blood Pustule from Lilith has also been handy in this sense - if I don't need the Tots they basically become fodder for Lilith to blow up and score some irresistible damage.

    Speaking of objectives, don't forget about the Silurid! For schemes like Power Ritual or Breakthrough they're solid gold. Tots may be cheaper, but they're also slower and can be locked into combat. So for anything that requires me to mess around in or near my opponent's deployment zone, a Silurid is almost mandatory IMO.

    Lilith doesn't do so well charging head-long into the enemy - the best thing to do is to let them come at you and either counterattack with Lilith & co or pull them in with transfixing gaze or tangle shadows, allowing you to seperate them from their crew and kill them off more easilly.

    Waldgeists complement Lilith really well too. Unlike most nephilim they're actually tough to kill, and with their forests they can make up a respectable front line for your crew, allowing your big hitters (basically most of your nephilim) to follow up and dish out the damage.

    Re: Lilith's Ca5 actions, I think both Wicked Vines and Tangle Shadows are useful for dealing with enemy models without putting Lilith out of position (like into your opponent's crew). In the few games I've used Lilith I did try both, but with limited success. They're not easy to get off so alot of the time, just punching the offending model in the face is going to be a better option. But as above, sometimes you just don't want to expose Lilith to any retaliation, at which point you'll definitely value those spells.

    Other than that, just make sure you focus on the objectives. :)

    Thanks for the prompt reply. last game I did charge headlong into the enemy and paid for it. next time I was planning to hang back and pick at the enemy crew. I have used waldgiests with lilith and agree they are good with her. you dont need to sell me on silurids they are fantastic. I think I just need to play her more.

  5. Funny you should mention this. In my latest game I took lynch and co, I Had bodyguard on the HD and Bad Juju with the nexus of power upgrade within six of it( didnt realise at the time Hd would get the upgrades ability if he took it himself). when I announced Bodyguard on HD my opponent got Lilith into him quick. it took till turn five before she could finish him off( I ran out of SS). After the game my opponent worked out that Lilith had inflicted between 33-36 wounds on the HD. HD had to heal wounds on himself with some of his abilities, but yes with this upgrade it takes serious effort to kill it.

    On the other hand it required 5 of my 6 SS to keep him going. SS that could of been handy elsewhere.

  6. After agonising for literally months over which Faction to focus on post-Gencon, I also decided to settle on Neverborn. :D

    Neverborn were my first faction in Malifaux but after playing Zoraida until my eyeballs bled, I moved on to find new challenges (ie. Marcus ;) ).

    My aim is to ensure I have a fully themed and painted crew for every Neverborn Master, and to use all of them enough to feel as though I know them inside and out.

    The former will be interesting - I have all 7 masters and almost the entire range of models for them, but I'm only truely happy with my paint job on two of them (Dreamer and Jakob - my latest efforts). I'll either be buying new models for the rest or just sprucing up what I've got. I've already ordered the new Lilith starter, but I really want to do something distinctive for her. That is, something more than just adding bright pink to the scheme. ;)

    In terms of games, I've played all 4 currently available Masters during the Beta. I really enjoy how the new Lilith and Jakob crews play, and Zoraida is still pretty much how she was, minus the unlimited range voodoo doll silliness - it's going to take me a while to fully plunge the depth of her options. ;)

    Pandora I'm still up in the air about - I like that she's no longer a negative play experience for my opponent. However it's going to take a few more tries of her before I can really get a feel for her capabilities, and how she fits in relative to the rest of the Neverborn Masters.

    I'm very excited to see how the Wave 2 models turn out. Especially Collodi. I really disliked him in 1.5 (both for his power level and how involved it was just to move him around), so I really want to see how he'll function in M2E.

    Hi Rathnard,

    thanks for the post. would you mind expanding on how you are using Lilith, just to give me some insight in to how I might be able to get her to work for me? not getting her at the moment. also have you been using her CA 5 options?

  7. Neverborn are my first love in malifaux first edition, and I have been playing them exclusively in the beta. I have used Pandora the most and she feels about right, althought I do have a concern that she could still be a bit of a neg play experience against low Wp masters and crews. When I used her against McMourning she and candy had him paralyzed for three turns which was frustrating for my opponent. I also used the fudge state upgrade for the first time and managed to make quite a few of his minions insignificant. So she still has a lot of "no you can't " abilities. I think she is nowhere near as bad as last edition, but still think I will have to be careful that she doesn't wear out her welcome.

    Used Z twice, she feels just right. Love the fact that her two limited upgrades are both good, and I can honestly say that neither is better than the other and will depend on what you want to achieve. Lilith is the master I am struggling with, just can't get her to work. Barbaros is a riot to use, but I have to admit that the rest of the nephilim feel weak and fragile. I still think a sprinkling of companion in the crew would be nice. Two of her spells are CA 5 so I really havent tried to use them much as AP are so precious in this edition I can't waste a action on a spell that most models have a good chance of resisting. Having them target defense would make these spells a bit more reliable without raising the casting value.

    Last game I played I used lynch. Man is he and his crew good. I can really see myself using him alot. Clicked with me straight away.

    Anyway i rambled too much, overall the Neverborn are great fun to play, have retained their flavour, and are not as OP as before. Good times ahead folks.

  8. It's one of the few things that I've been worried about in 2E; Bodyguard on Taelor for Neverborn seems like a bit of an auto-win Scheme.

    Mind you, Bodyguard won't always come up. And Taelor's expensive, and a supply of Soulstones is even more so. There's plenty of stuff to cushion the blow, but it still seems a little ridiculous to me.

    I agree it does seem really good, maybe a bit too good. Still nice thinking outside the box by you, I never would have thought of taking taelor with a neverborn crew.

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