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Posts posted by MudgeBlack

  1. I am still in the process of getting Parker's crew painted up (Parker, Mad Dog, & Doc complete) and have begun the road to becoming a Parker player.  My first game (last Thurs) was vs Kaeris.

    Parker (Black market, stick up, hail of bullets), Doc, Mad Dog (lucky poncho, oath keeper), Hodgepodge Emissary (stolen goods), Sue (return fire), dead outlaw x2.


    Kaeris (seize the day, heat wave, set everyone on fire from above?), Fire starter, Emissary, fire gamin, wind gamin, Johanna, plus one or two more.

    Strat was extraction

    I took show of force and FfM (Sue).  Nick took claim jump and dig their graves.

    The board has heavy terrain and cover which caused some difficulty for me.

    Nick ended up winning 5 to 9.

    Turns out Parker really helps an opponent with dig their graves.

    I managed 3 points for extract, 2 with show of force (I forgot 0 cost upgrades don't count), and nothing with FfM (Sue burned to death right after I killed Firestarter).

    Parker is a handful first game with all the upgrade juggling and SS generation.  It's going to take a few game to get that down and learn when to use each upgrade.  Many of my choices were less tactical and more "let's see what this will do".  Parker was great fun though.  The number of SS his crew can go through is crazy.  I wish I had kept track but I think I went through 12-15 Stones (most of the trying to keep Mad Dog alive.

    Doc got in some heals but wasn't really pivotal.

    Mad Dog didn't do huge amounts of damage.  Between lots of cover, opponent flips, & not getting Blow it to Hell off once he didn't do a lot offensively but he was a huge AP sink for my opponent (at one point tanking 7 attacks (3 from Johanna) while on one wound.  Lucky Poncho was a life saver (literally).

    Emissary was interesting.  Good card engine with handing trinkets then taking one back.  Somet trinkets were handy (Regen & Companion) the others mainly just for take backs.  Good scheme runner if I had taken claim jump.  Got in a couple decent attacks.

    Sue did Sue things.  Bad flips on my part and suspicion of FfM kept him out of much of the action.

    Dead Outlaws were great.  Very durable with their heals (kept them close together to maximize) and their curse was great for keeping the Arcane Emissary in check.

    Thinking of swapping Sue for Johan and a Bandito for tonight's game to test Bandito and some Johan condition clearing.

    • Like 2
  2. Very well done.  Lots of good information/detail.  I like the crew run down at the beginning, not only spelling out the crew but showing the models.  This both familiarizes watchers with any model and shows off the paint jobs.  The card flip camera was nice but occasionally got out of sync with the narration.  The post action discussion was also a nice touch.  Watching this is was very clear that a lot of time went into post production as the whole video had a very polished presentation.  Nicely done.

  3. I've taken SD once (just getting back into playing Viks).  After seeing my Opponents line up I chose not to start buried.  Later, when I should have buried after deleting Kang, I forgot about it until too late.  So while I got no use out of it, I saw it being more me than the upgrade.  For me, the jury is still outuntil I get in a few more games.

    I do like the ideas above, I will try to use them in upcoming games.


  4. I have had some luck with running Hans in a Levi crew.  He provides a solid backfield safety anchor for one of the waifs and since one of my common opponents plays Gremlins, he is a threat to most things on the boards which gives me substantial board control from an elevated position (everything is scurrying from cover to cover).

  5. 1 hour ago, Phinn said:

    Thank you :)

    I made the same post on A Wyrd Place, asked local Tara player, read more and listened to some podcasts to learn not just about Tara, but about The Outcasts as such, because I realized how little I know.

    At the moment my plan is to purchase:

    • Scion of the Void
    • Miss Terious, Female Death Marshal - As I was told that a single Death Marshal is enough most of the times.
    • Talos - If I am not mistaken he should be released at the end of october.

    Would this be enough?

    I do understand why a box set of 3 more Void Wretches would be useful, but can't see myself painting 6 of the same model, so they will have to wait.

    I will also wait with buying Guild Autopsies and Punk Zombies for Karina to summon and instead ask local Resurrectionists if I could borrow a single model of each.

    Is Aionus considered a core Tara model or is he just a nice model to have?

    Should I also get Bishop, Johan, Sue or Hans? I am not a fan of Killjoy, both sculpt and rules.

    I have Aionus, he is great fun to run with Tara but in my opinion not cost effective (I could be using him ineffectively too).

    On the Killjoy front, you could also go with a Carver (if you like the model) as he is an official proxy for Killjoy.

    As far as summoning, I haven't had much luck with Karina and summoning (again, I am probably doing it wrong).

  6. 1 hour ago, EnternalVoid said:

    I am going to like Hinamatsu though I just noticed something about the art that struck me as odd and now cannot unsee it.

    The puppet is holding two swords.  It has 4 sheaths at its waist, all good so far.  But as it draws a third sword you can see it still has two more additional sheathed swords.  So a Total of 5 blades but 4 sheaths.

    Who know what she's got tucked away in all the folds of those robes?  Also, she is a puppet, not restricted as we 'meat sacks' are, part of her could sheath the blade (down through the shoulders into the torso?) to keep it hidden when needed (just look at coryphee).

    Or maybe she just took someone else's blade.

  7. I'd say for your first tournament, go with 2 or 3 masters you are comfortable with.  It looks like you would be set for Ressers or Outcasts.  The Outcast crews you have should be able to handle most Strats/Schemes, have some common models between them, have limited summoning (since you were trying to stay away from summoning).  All three of those Masters can be very strong players.

    As far as the Ressers, Reva is strong but somewhat of a "one trick pony" in that if your opponent knows her thing they can limit her effectiveness.  Seamus is considered one of the lesser masters but wave 5 may have changed that.  McM can be a beast depending on how you run/build his crew.

    Keep in mind these are just my opinions and I am horrible at this game (but still love playing it).

    In the end, just go with the one you like best and have fun with them.

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 9/2/2017 at 4:30 PM, -Loki- said:

    Remember it's not one box at Black Friday. They've split it into a Cat Herder box (2 Rat catchers/Cat Herders) and a Cat Princess and Alley Cats box (Rat King/Princess and 4 Rats/Alley Cats).

    That way you can get more than 2 Rat Kings without doubling up on Rat Catchers that you can't use.

    Thanks for the heads up.  With it looking like an LE I want to make sure I get the order right.

  9. On 8/29/2017 at 4:13 AM, Adran said:

    I sometimes Hire 1 ratcatcher, but never in a Hamlin crew. Some times you really want  a model with don't mind me. 

    Just a warning, if you still need to buy the brotherhood of the rat box, I believe they have confirmed they are doing a cat version at black friday

    Thats a big part of why I asked, so I know how many Brotherhood of the "Cat" boxes to get Black Fri.


    Thanks for all the feedback.

    • Like 1
  10. New Hamlin player here.  As above, typically, how many Rat Kings and Rat Catchers do you hire?  How many on hand for being summoned?

    Been playing for some time and just completed my Outcast collection with Curiosity Killed the Cat and Fist Full of Script from the Gen Con sale and looking for suggestions as to what I need to add to the Hamlin/Cat crew to get up to speed.


  11. Thanks to everyone for coming out!

    We had:
    Arcanist x2
    Neverborn x2

    1st Nick (Arcanist)
    2nd Eric SB (Neverborn)
    3rd Amber SB (Ressers)

    Thanks again to all and a special thank you to Eric K, even though he couldn't make it due to conflicting plans he made special arrangements to deliver terrain for the event.

  12. Strats & Schemes

    Round 1 – Turf War, Standard Deployment
    Turf War
    Set up
    Place a single Turf Marker at the Center of the table.
    Victory Points
    At the end of each Turn after the first, a Crew earns 1 VP if it has two or more non-Peon models within 6" of the Turf Marker.


    Always: Claim Jump
    Time to mark your territory.
    This Scheme may not start revealed. Reveal this Scheme once this Crew has scored any VP from it.
    At the end of every Turn after the first, if this Crew has at least two Scheme Markers within 2” of the Centerline of the board, not within 2" of an enemy model, and not
    within 4" of another friendly Scheme Marker, this Crew scores 1 VP and removes all friendly Scheme Markers within 2" of the Centerline.

    Masks: Accusation
    You've been accused of something vile. You can't let it stand!
    This Scheme may not start revealed.
    All non-Peon models in this Crew may target a non-Peon enemy model within 1” that has not yet Activated this Turn with a (1) Interact Action to give the target the
    following Condition for the rest of the game:
    Accused: This model gains the following Action: “(1)Hold It!: Remove the Accused Condition from this model. This Action may not be taken while this model
    is engaged.” No other Action or Ability can remove this Condition.
    The first time an enemy model gains the Accused Condition, reveal this Scheme. At the end of every Turn after the first, this Crew may end the Accused Condition
    on one enemy model in play to gain 1 VP.

    3: Show of Force
    Sometimes showing up well-armed is all you need to put down a riot.
    This Scheme may not start revealed. Reveal this Scheme once this Crew has scored any VP from it.
    At the end of every Turn after the first, count the number of face-up Upgrades with a printed cost greater than 0 attached to each non-Master model within 6” of the center of the board for each Crew. Upgrades which began the game attached to a Master do not count toward this total.
    If this Crew has at least one qualifying Upgrade and has a number of qualifying Upgrades equal to or exceeding the opposing Crew’s number of qualifying Upgrades, this crew scores 1VP.

    Ram: Frame For Murder
    Convince the enemy leader to kill some poor sap!
    This Scheme may not start revealed. Reveal this scheme once this Crew has scored any VP from it.
    When you choose this Scheme, note one of this Crew’s non-Peon models as the “sucker.” If the chosen “sucker” model is killed or sacrificed by an enemy model, score 1 VP. If the enemy model was a Master or Henchman, score 1 additional VP. If this Scheme was accomplished on for before turn 3, score 1 additional VP.

    1: Covert Breakthrough
    The Crew must push into enemy territory, but keep quiet about it!
    This Scheme may not start revealed. At the end of the game, this Crew earns 1 VP for each of its Scheme Markers within 6” of the enemy Deployment Zone.

    Round 2 – Headhunter, Flank Deployment
    Headhunter (t)
    "Maybe this time they'll believe me when I say I killed 5 men" he muttered to himself as he cut off the next fellow's scalp. It was gruesome work, but this time he was going to get paid.
    Special Rules
    Whenever a model kills or sacrifices a non-Peon model which it considers an enemy, the model which made the kill must place a 30mm Head Marker within 3" and LoS of the killed or sacrificed model before removing it from play. This Marker may not be placed in base contact with any model. If there is nowhere it can legally be placed, the Head Marker is not placed. Any model in base contact with a Head Marker may make a (1) Interact Action with it to remove it from play.
    Victory Points
    At the end of every Turn after the first, a Crew earns 1 VP if it removed at least one Head Marker from play that turn.


    Always: Claim Jump
    Time to mark your territory.
    This Scheme may not start revealed. Reveal this Scheme once this Crew has scored any VP from it.
    At the end of every Turn after the first, if this Crew has at least two Scheme Markers within 2” of the Centerline of the board, not within 2" of an enemy model, and not
    within 4" of another friendly Scheme Marker, this Crew scores 1 VP and removes all friendly Scheme Markers within 2" of the Centerline.

    Tome: Leave Your Mark
    Let the world know you were here.
    This Scheme may not start revealed. Reveal this Scheme once this Crew has scored any VP from it.
    At the end of every Turn after the first, this Crew may remove one of its Scheme Markers which is on the opponent’s half of the board, not within 6” of the of the Centerline, and not within 4” of a non-Peon enemy model to score 1 VP.

    5: Hidden Trap
    Even an empty chest is useful, if your enemy wants to see what's inside.
    This Scheme may not start revealed. At the end of the game, this Crew earns 1 VP for each enemy non-Peon model within 3" of one or more friendly Scheme Markers. Then, remove all of this Crew’s Scheme Markers which are within 3” of an enemy model

    Masks: Accusation
    You've been accused of something vile. You can't let it stand!
    This Scheme may not start revealed.
    All non-Peon models in this Crew may target a non-Peon enemy model within 1” that has not yet Activated this Turn with a (1) Interact Action to give the target the
    following Condition for the rest of the game:
    Accused: This model gains the following Action: “(1)Hold It!: Remove the Accused Condition from this model. This Action may not be taken while this model
    is engaged.” No other Action or Ability can remove this Condition.
    The first time an enemy model gains the Accused Condition, reveal this Scheme. At the end of every Turn after the first, this Crew may end the Accused Condition
    on one enemy model in play to gain 1 VP.

    13: Last Stand
    Never go down without a fight.
    This Scheme may not start revealed. Reveal this Scheme at the end of any turn.
    At the end of every Turn after the Turn this Scheme has been revealed, if this Crew has at least three Enforcer and/or Henchman (any combination of at least three)
    models in play completely outside their deployment zone and this Crew has fewer models in play than the enemy Crew, score 1 VP.

    Round 3 - Interference, Close Deployment
    Interference (M)
    "What do you think they're doing?" the Handler asked, looking over the stationary Gamin spread out across the field. "No idea, but let's stop them just in case."
    Set Up
    Divide the table into four 18" by 18" table Quarters.
    Victory Points
    At the end of each Turn after the first, a Crew earns 1 VP if it controls two or more table Quarters. To control a table Quarter, the Crew must have the most unengaged non-Peon models within the table Quarter. These models cannot be within 6” of the Center of the table, or partially within another table Quarter.


    Always: Claim Jump
    Time to mark your territory.
    This Scheme may not start revealed. Reveal this Scheme once this Crew has scored any VP from it.
    At the end of every Turn after the first, if this Crew has at least two Scheme Markers within 2” of the Centerline of the board, not within 2" of an enemy model, and not
    within 4" of another friendly Scheme Marker, this Crew scores 1 VP and removes all friendly Scheme Markers within 2" of the Centerline.

    Ram: Frame For Murder
    Convince the enemy leader to kill some poor sap!
    This Scheme may not start revealed. Reveal this scheme once this Crew has scored any VP from it.
    When you choose this Scheme, note one of this Crew’s non-Peon models as the “sucker.” If the chosen “sucker” model is killed or sacrificed by an enemy model, score 1 VP. If the enemy model was a Master or Henchman, score 1 additional VP. If this Scheme was accomplished on for before turn 3, score 1 additional VP.

    Tome: Leave Your Mark
    Let the world know you were here.
    This Scheme may not start revealed. Reveal this Scheme once this Crew has scored any VP from it.
    At the end of every Turn after the first, this Crew may remove one of its Scheme Markers which is on the opponent’s half of the board, not within 6” of the of the Centerline, and not within 4” of a non-Peon enemy model to score 1 VP.

    9: Mark for Death
    It’s always good to keep the slaughter organized.
    This Scheme may not start revealed. All non-Peon models in this Crew may take a (1) Interact Action to give a target non-Peon enemy model they are engaged with the following Condition for the rest of the game: “Marked: This Condition may not be removed or ended.” Reveal this Scheme once an enemy model gains the Marked Condition. When an enemy model with the Marked Condition is reduced to 0 Wounds or leaves play, gain 1 VP and remove this Condition from that model.

    13: Last Stand
    Never go down without a fight.
    This Scheme may not start revealed. Reveal this Scheme at the end of any turn.
    At the end of every Turn after the Turn this Scheme has been revealed, if this Crew has at least three Enforcer and/or Henchman (any combination of at least three)
    models in play completely outside their deployment zone and this Crew has fewer models in play than the enemy Crew, score 1 VP.

  13. For all of us that can't make Gen Con:
    Malifaux tournament
    San Luis Obispo
    Captain Nemo's

    2017 Gaining Grounds
    August 19, 2017
    Captain Nemo's
    563 Higuera St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
    50 SS
    Single faction
    2017 Gaining Grounds using the 3rd quarter strategies
    10:30 check in, 11:00 Cards flip
    3 rounds
    $10 entry (goes to prize support).
    RSVP asap so I have a head count for # of tables.
    Paint encouraged but not required.

    Any questions, fire away.
    New players welcome.
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