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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. Could do an online chat room. That way you could play in real time,.. just a thought.
  2. personally,.. I think the veining on the arms is insane. As always Mako,.. I love you and hate you at the same time,.. *L*
  3. ok,.. slight baking snag,.. my house oven doesn't go below 170 F. I wonder if that temp is too much and would damage it? hrmm,.. next thought,.. would a hair dryer put out warm enough air to help the clay set up? May just take a longer exposure,... As always,.. thoughts appreciated. *grin*
  4. *swings in on my web and takes my usual spot up in the corner* Hey guys,... what'd I miss?
  5. alrighty then,.. here it is. I think I managed to mirror the other leg and foot well enough. still a bit rough, but perhaps after a baking session, I can fine sand it to smooth it out a bit more. Recommendation on sandpaper grit? Also,.. what's the best way to bake it? oven? hair dryer? sunlight on the window sill? And what temp/time to use? Thanks again Mako *grin*
  6. ok,.. worked on the leg a bit. I think I got the overall form worked out. The shorts on that side got smoothed out a bit and are more to my liking. Shortened the foot up some. How are the proportions looking? Now,.. to see if I can mirror what I've done on the other side. Also, I was having a bit of trouble with the fimo sticking to the tools. Turns out,.. vasoline on the tools is my friend. Hopefully it won't have a bad reaction with the clay. What do you think,.. finish up the other leg and then bake before moving on?
  7. Agreed. Mind you,... the foot is a bit smaller then it may appear at first. As it is sitting on a square that's suppose to end up being the platform of a pair of japanese wooden shoes. I just haven't done the "stilts" beneath them yet,.. (see image below for what i mean,...) Not sure if you looked close enough to catch that or not. Anyways,.. thanks for the extra "eye" on my project,..*grin*
  8. *swings in my web and takes up my usual spot in the corner*
  9. ok,.. started sculpting a bit. working on a foot and some shorts,.. still gotta sculpt the leg in-between. Though,.. they seem a bit oversized/off-scale to me. Not by much, but enough to be noticable. Would like some thoughts before I go any further. clothing inspiration,... and then,.. here's as far as I've made it with the sculpt,.. (just working from the waist down at this point, so ignore the top half of the fig,.. except for scaleing purposes perhaps)
  10. alrighty gents,.. 'tis bed time once more. I'll chat at ya all again later. Thanks for the chat,.. albeit a short one. *spins a web and swings off into the night*
  11. life is full of those little conundrums. like,.. how do you get a job without experience,.. and how do you get experience without a job.
  12. true,.. money is always the thing holding me back from more money,.. ain't that a bitch?? *L*
  13. one of us just has to win the lotto or something and share it with the others,.. that'd be nice. I don't need much,.. just to pay off the house.
  14. so,.. i'm a short way into my scultping, and already i think the proportions are a bit off. I'll need to post pics and get a more practiced eye to look it over
  15. Just work for me. Seems like all I ever do these days. Get up, go to work, come home, grab something to eat, go to bed,... get up, go to work,... lather, rinse, repeat,...
  16. Not much,.. just popping in to say hi. How goes the day with you lot?
  17. *swings in on my web and takes my usual spot up in the corner* Hey guys,..
  18. Don't believe it!!! Omenbringer and Mako are horrible, horrible people,... who like to point and laugh at others mistakes,.. and they ,.. um,.. oh, hey guys,.. didn't see ya standing there,.. *whistles and walks away quietly* (j/k) In all honesty,.. they are great guys. Though, if you become a regular here, I hope you have a good sense of humor,.. as there is a certain degree of underlying "smack-talk" that's bound to come your way on occassion. (see above for an example of what I mean). As long as you can take it,.. and perhaps dish some out too,.. then you'll fit right in *grin*
  19. You're welcome. *grin* If you're new to the site,.. welcome, and nice to meet you. Most folks here are good natured and happy to help with any questions you may have. As for the picture taking,.. I still have problems with it. And a bad picture can ruin a new good paint job. Also, if you're new to painting minis,.. don't be discouraged if your initial paint jobs don't turn out like some of the ones you'll find on this site. It can take a long time to perfect techniques. I have been painting for several years (ok, a couple decades,.. but who's counting), and even still, I would only consider my work in the "upper-middle" catagory. (that is to say, better then some, worse then others). Even then, my work still pales in comparison to some of the other peoples work. But stick with it, and before you know it, you'll be doing better then you ever thought you could. No one here started out as a Rembrant or a Picasso. Hope this helps,.. Your friendly neighborhood Webmonkey.
  20. Take a look at the postings in the following thread. They may help. http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?35252-Photography
  21. well,.. it's a bizarre fetish,... but,... Hey!!! don't judge me!!! *L* ---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:54 PM ---------- anyways guys,.. bed time for me. g'night all. *spins web and swings off into the night once more*
  22. darn,.. forgot that the word c l o w n has been blacklisted,.. not sure why though
  23. can't sleep,.. $$$$$$$$$$$$ will eat me,... can't sleep,.. $$$$$$$$$$$$ will eat me,... can't sleep,...
  24. bah,.. sleep is highly over-rated as a means of survival. *grin* ---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 PM ---------- exactly,... choosing between democrat and republican is like being forced to choose wether to take it with lube or without lube. either way,.. you're still taking it in the rear.
  25. IMHO,.. it just always seems to me that I'm only ever being given two wrong choices to choose from, and when/if you do vote, you get blamed by the other side for having voted wrong. It's boiled down to a matter of trying to choose the lesser of two crooks. I'm not asking for much, just a choice that doesn't suck.
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