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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. ok,.. shaded them down a bit. Need more???
  2. morning daylight photo. not as bad, but still a bit bright. i'll tone them down tonight.
  3. And then there's the question of which sharingan eye? Regular or mongekyo? (probably spelled that wrong)
  4. The lack of depth on the toes is definitely due to the flash white-washing the image. The red tones between the toes are actually quite prominent in correct lighting. But thanks for the compliment. *grin*
  5. Yeah,.. I'll check it again tomorrow when I can see it in real light.
  6. I really gotta take some daylight photos,.. the colors are always off when I do the night-time shots. I'll try to get new ones tomorrow when I get home, while the sun is still up. ---------- Post added at 08:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ---------- And I may in fact need to darken the pants down just a hair. The shoes seem a bit darker as well,..
  7. Got home from work and set about working on the torso section of the model. here's a couple of shots of just the vest by itself,... and here's a couple of shots with the vest added to the rest of the model,...
  8. Very nice. I like the stockings and the freehand. The raked soil look of the base is also cool.
  9. alright,.. bed time,.. again. G'night guys,...
  10. I'm giving you all my good ideas. Since I'll never probably use them. But if you become a Gagillionaire off this book,.. I want a cut *grin*
  11. Very nice. I always enjoy clean lines on models.
  12. Oh,.. and to answer your question about the eye,.. I have two choices. The model came with 2 heads. One with bandana up and the other with bandana down. Not sure which one I want to use. I also have a choice of arms. I'll post more on all of this as I start getting to that point.
  13. Enter a hacker,.. who somehow is watching what she's doing, and occasionally leaves her hints or messages through the tech, to help her stay one step ahead of her pursuers. (he may also be able to remotely access doors or something for her when she has no other options,.. in order to escape) She never meets him or even hears his voice. Their only communication is through written text. And always, he signs his work with the hacker alias -Common Knowledge ---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ---------- Not sure why,.. but it always sounded like a cool hacker alias to me,...
  14. and then, after she escapes the capture, she finds out that one of the pieces of her stuff that she retrieved before she left wasn't actually hers,... and has a bit of forbidden/unknown tech in it (be it a chip or some software or what have you),... and they want it back,...
  15. no,.. this is just airbrushing
  16. Ok,.. here's a pic of where I started,.. And here's a few pictures of it in mid-process. This is about 10 or 15 coats or so. (I didn't count really,.. got the idea to post this during working on it.) Thought it might be interesting for you guys to see that doesn't all happen in 1 or 2 passes. If you'll note, it's still thin in spots. There are several layers still to be applied before it'll look "solid".
  17. ok,.. here's the bottom half mostly done. Still need to do the small pouch on the side of the leg and the brown belt pouch on the back. But, it's coming along,...
  18. *takes a quick break from painting to see what's going on in here* ---------- Post added at 03:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 PM ---------- nice picture. better then I could do.
  19. Before I move onto the next step, I have to make a decision,... to black-line,.. or not to black-line?? Below is a pic of both feet set beneath the legs (just for visual reference for judging the overall look). Most of you reading this thread won't need this little tutorial. But for those who may be new to the hobby, here's an example of what I'm talking about,... Black-lining: The process by which one uses a black line to separate colors from touching one another. Or, (as is the case with the leg bandages on this model), used to deepen the creases or valleys of a model, and help pick out some of the details that might be otherwise hard to see. But if you look, you'll see that the black lines weren't just added to the bandages, but also the blue of the shoe as well. As well as used to divide the flesh color from the blue. I left one shoe leg undone, so that you guys can see the difference that a simple black line can make. This is a basic technique, and many people don't use it on their models as it tends to make the model feel a bit,.. "cartoonish". But given that this is an anime character, I think it might help keep the feel of a "cell shaded" cartoon/anime character. Though, I could just as easily do without them, and try to bring this character "to real life". But personally,.. I'm thinking that the Black-lining is the way to go. Thoughts?
  20. base coat on the feet,... and after a bit of pastel shading,... I know the difference is slight, but if you look for it, you should be able to see it. The flesh of the toes is a bit reddish, and the blue of the shoe has been ever so slightly highlighted.
  21. Now that I think that I have the base figured out,... onto the feet,...
  22. (sorry,.. painting a bit, in between talking. I think I got the base sorted. next up, the feet)
  23. see,.. Fell comes in here,.. drop a single line bomb in the room,.. and leaves again. I'd say that Fell is the one stirring up trouble, despite the accusations that it's the rest of us,...
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