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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. there's actually a picture of the mongekyo sharingan in the center of the base. here's the regular,... and the mongekyo,...
  2. Magnets is a thought. Could possibly do the same thing with the head and both of them interchangeable.
  3. Of course we're interested!!! Looks like their coming along really well so far.
  4. anyways,.. bed time folks. G'night all,.. *swings off into the night*
  5. really?? mine involves peanut butter,.. velcro,.. and a 3 foot pee-wee herman doll,... oh wait,.. sorry,.. that was a different experience all together,...
  6. Ed>> you should be glad that we aren't your enemies,... *lol*
  7. Is there any way to get contact lenses in his eyes (while he's asleep), with little painted images of mako in a doll outfit on them,.. so no matter where he goes he just keeps seeing it,...
  8. It'd be creepier if you were the one dressed up as one of those dolls (complete with bonnet) And were just staring at him in his sleep,.. and THEN started laughing creepily when he woke up,...
  9. Hey Redd. I don't think we've met. I'm phil. I've seen you on a few times as of late. But I think we run opposite schedules mostly.
  10. now if only we can get their heads to follow him as he moves around the room,... or maybe motion activated creepy little girl laughs,....
  11. no,.. but for those of us who can't go, we are gonna need detailed reports, photos, video,.. and snarky commentary,...
  12. If I were to do the book reading pose, I might swap out the teapot arm with the other left arm. But I think I'm doing the battle ready set.
  13. do it,... you know that everyone in the forum waits in antici,.... pation, for your next post,..
  14. In some ways it's easier,.. a lot less pieces. I think this one ends up 8-10 pieces or so,.. the clockwork fairy was somewhere around 30 or something.
  15. Alright then,.. next up,.. the arms. As I said before, I have a choice of arms. I did a bit of a "dry-fit" of the pieces and took a picture of each so that you guys can see the choices. First up,.. the "lazy kakashi" arms,.. There's actually a book that supposed to sit in his raised hand,... And then there's the "battle ready kakashi" arms,... (I'm sorta leaning towards these arms),..
  16. well,.. there's room to do both,.. we can kill mako AND have sandwiches. Though, the meat in a mako sammich is probably chewy and grissley,...
  17. Sadly, I got held up at work, and while there's still some sun in the sky, there's not enough to take a good pic. So I had to use the flash again. There's a bit of obvious color-shift. But still the over-all effect looks good I think. Though I was considering maybe painting in a bit "flatter" of a paint scheme. I'm wondering if the highlighting is too much, and if it might look better in a more solid "block" of color??
  18. I suppose that's better then focusing on trying to fail,....
  19. *swings in and takes my usual spot up in the corner* hey guys,...
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