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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. The only thing left to do from here, is put a gloss clear-coat over the eyes. But I have to do all shading and add the eyebrows and hair and such. Anyways,.. once it's all together, it'll look something like this,..
  2. Step 6: Color the eyes. On this one I chose a purple. It might be a bit dark and hard to differentiate from the black of the pupil or the outer lines, but hopefully you can see it well enough in the photos. Step 7: Light sourcing. (this is the part that really brings the eyes to life). You need to decide where the light is coming from and put a white dot there. In this case, I chose the upper left corner. This is a large-ish dot, and can bleed over into the white of the eye. Then, we do a much smaller dot, diagonally across and down, and into the color of the eye. These dots are adjustable. You could put the big dot in the upper right corner instead, and the small dot in the lower left. It just depends on where you want the light source to come from. And if you are doing gems and such on your model, I suggest making sure that all the light sourcing is coming from the same direction,.. otherwise it'll feel confused.
  3. step 4: Add the pupils. Placement is the key here. Try to imagine them both staring at the same thing. This is important, because if they aren't placed correctly, your character can end up being cross-eyed or googly-eyed. In this case, I chose more of a straight forward look, but if you wanted (or if the pose of the model dictates otherwise), you can make the eyes look to one side or the other. (this would also be the time to decide if you want some other kind of pupil, such as cat eyes or what have you) Step 5: Add the Iris lines. Try to keep the distance from the pupil uniform all the way around. Also note, that slightly more of the iris is hidden under the upper lid then under the lower one. This is the norm for most eyes, and is why the pupil placement in step 4 is so important.
  4. ok,.. got both arms on. Still need to do the weapon. But I thought I'd move on to a little step by step of the eyes,.. since I've been asked how I did them on the fairy. Step 1: Flesh color the whole face. Step 2: Add the whites Step 3: Add a black line across the whole edge of the upper lid. And also a bit on the lower lid, in from both corners. But note that I haven't connected the line across the bottom. I like to leave the flesh exposed here. Connecting them across tends to give a bit more of a "mascara" look. But that isn't the look I'm going for on this one. I need to clean the lines up a bit, but wanted to be sure that you could see them. (stay tuned,.. more to come)
  5. Miss Creant Miss D'rection Miss Unda Stood Miss Taken Miss L'Toe Miss Ann Hit Man,... this list could go on forever,...
  6. Both are true. The fairy and this elf are both just random models and as such, I'm choosing the colors as I go. But kakashi is a character from an actual anime, so the colors for him were predefined. So its a case by case basis as to how the colors come about.
  7. what can I say,.. I'm always happy to point the new guys to the proper forum etiquette *grin* ---------- Post added at 10:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 PM ---------- alright,.. it's way past my bed time. G'night all,..
  8. a long day isn't as bad as the curse of the eternal Monday. You know,.. when you've already worked more days then you can remember, and there's not a day off in sight,..
  9. oh,.. and to help you improve,.. always remember to tell mako that he's rubbish *grin* It deflates his ego some, and might make you feel, even for a fleeting moment, that you're better then he is *grin* (but then again,.. sooner or later you'll read his thread again, and reality will set in, and your hopes and dreams will be crushed once more. But then you just gotta tell him that he's rubbish again, and then all is right with the world once more!!!)
  10. And don't beat yourself up about not being top-notch right out the gate. I consider myself to be a little better then average perhaps, but there's lots of people who are so much better then I am,..(mako, for example),.. and I've been doing this for years. Either that, or I'm full of my own ego,.. and everyone's been far too polite to tell me that I'm outright crap,.. *grin* But the long and short of it, is that we are here for you as a community. You can learn a lot by asking, and even if you don't wish to ask, or feel like you're bothering someone,.. there are a multitude of threads on here on various techniques. But don't ever feel bothersome. Most of us are more then happy to share our knowledge. I, at least, am always happy to share, or at least be able to point you to someone who is better at a given technique then I am. ---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ---------- they are super easy to use,.. only cost about $5 a set,.. and if you want to see the result, just check out the skin-tones on my garage kit thread (since I know that you read it). All that reddish skin shading/shadowing is done using the pastels. And it works well with other colors too.
  11. you may be right,... maybe make the cloth of the shirt more sheer??
  12. ok,.. got the jacket on and started it. I've only got about half of it done, and there's still some touch up and such that needs doing. Plus, I have a bit of greenstuff work to do on the seam down the back, and then I have to paint the other side of it. But at least this should get you a feel for where I'm going with it, and what it looks like with the jacket on. One of the beautiful things about these models is their versatility. In this case for example, I could have left the skirt off if I had wanted,.. (but I guess that I'm just not that much of a pervert *wink*). Also,. I could have chosen to leave the jacket off and the model would have looked just fine without it. But I like the jacket look, so that's what I'm going with. Anyways,.. enough prattling on for now,.. here's the photos,.. Next up,.. finish the jacket, and then on to the arms.
  13. And I highly recommend using pastel powders. The gradual fade is much smoother. I too, have problem with the "step/line" from one layer of paint to the next. Always seems that no matter how many layers I do or how thin I make the paint, there's always a "step/line" in the color. The pastels have really helped me out with this. Just my two cents.
  14. very cool,.. but why Guild?? Neverborn are better,... *come to the darkside,.. we have cookies *sagely nod*
  15. *waves to ratty* ---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 PM ---------- I need to get painting on my elf mage,..
  16. yes,.. but the sword of the stoned, has a nifty handle that converts into a bong,..
  17. how about, instead of a sword in the stone,.. a sword that makes you stoned,... when you wield it?? Would be much funnier to role-play,..
  18. You'll have to wait a bit for that. I have a jacket, arms, and a weapon to sort out first. Also, I've had several people ask about how I did the eyes on the clockwork fairy. So I'll do a step by step on this one to show how. It may slow me down a bit, but hopefully some of you can gleen some insight from it. *grin*
  19. No worries,... he's only allowed to ban people that paint better then he does *grin*
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