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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. A shot of the raw legs. Rather spindly legs though,... luckily the pants will cover them, mostly. (almost as spindly as mine,.. not near as white though *grin*) and with the basic skin applied,..
  2. Thank you. I spent the whole day trying to get the lines right. Still seems a bit choppy in a couple of spots though. But overall, I think it'll look nice underneath kenshin.
  3. took me all day,... but,... still needs a bit of clean up though,...
  4. a few minutes and some basic sketching later,.. and I have my outline,..
  5. only if I get to make mako do 'em,.. *grin*
  6. I've chosen a grey for the base, because I think it'll make the pink and white of the character really pop. It's not much to look at, at the moment though. I still think it's a bit bland, so I'm gonna freehand something on it for the eye to look at.
  7. though this one is cool from the science end of it,... .jpg]
  8. indeed,.. I really don't drink these days. just no cause to do it I suppose.
  9. ladies and gentlemen!!! may I present mako!!,... king of the non-helping help,..... *grin*
  10. Well here it is, the start of yet another anime model. Here's the base. Now I just need to figure out what exactly I want to do with it.
  11. Pink kenshin it is!!! As always, first up is the base. It's approximately 5x5 inches square. Given the pink and white costume, I need to choose a color that goes with it. A grey maybe?,... some kind of flock?,... maybe freehand a yin-yang symbol on it??? Thoughts?
  12. Inks tend to be more heavily pigmented then washes and usually require a bit of thinning to use. They also tend to be slightly more shiney then washes. But otherwise are essentially the same.
  13. I really need to invest in a case to display them in. They just sort of hap-hazardly litter my house. I haven't sold any off, but then,.. no one has ever offered to buy one yet. (but then again, I've only been doing these large ones for a few months now). I don't know if I'd sell these particular ones,... but if someone wanted to commission a piece, I might entertain the thought. Have any thoughts on which kenshin to do? ---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ---------- And I guess I should ask if you guys still wanna see the step by steps??? or should I just post the completed projects at this point?
  14. Here's an image of both looks,.. more or less,.. .jpg]
  15. next up,.. another anime character,... Rurouni Kenshin. Again, I need to decide if black-lining is the way to go here. I'm thinking yes. I also need to decide what color to paint his clothes. The character has two colors, depending on what part of the story you are watching,.. blue, or red. I'm leaning towards red, since I've already done a blue on Kakashi. Thoughts?
  16. I know,.. you actually do it so that you don't hurt the rest of our feelings when you crush us all into dust,.. *laughs*
  17. (decides to complain,.. just because Ed said I wouldn't,.. complain,.. moan,.. groan,.. ok,.. I'm over it *grin*) Thanks!! I really appreciate that you like my work that much. But Ed's right, this doesn't come overnight. It takes years of practice, and trying new techniques, and failing,.. (a lot). You also have to remember that I tend to be older then most folks on this site (by about a decade). So I've had longer to hone my skills. To be honest, I'm a mediocre painter, maybe bordering on just above average. Don't get me wrong. I like painting and enjoy it thoroughly,.. but am I one of the top ten painters in the world??,... not even close. Hell,.. I'm not even in the top ten here on the forums. (if the list of painters is long enough though, I might be able to make it as the very last entry *laughs*) If you really wanna see some good paint, you should check out Mako's thread. He's amazing (mutters something about being complete rubbish under my breath *grin*). He's probably one that most here would put in their top ten list. The next time they do an Iron Painter Tournament here on the site (pokes the Wyrd staff with a sharp stick to prod them into action) you should join in. Chances are you won't win, but it's a great way to challenge yourself, and to see what other people can bring to the table. With my luck though,.. I'll be pitted against Mako in round 1. But anyways,.. as has been said on this site before, but I can't remember by who,... "The key to this hobby is to find your middle ground,.. To believe that you're good enough to keep doing it,.. But bad enough to always think that you still need to improve." Just some food for thought.
  18. *swings off into the night* G'night guys,..
  19. there's a character,.. or a title,... "mildly creepy mako",...
  20. Hopefully this stuff helps some. I just figure that I'll throw a bunch of crap at ya,.. and see what sticks ---------- Post added at 09:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ---------- alright, bed time for me. And I'll try to set aside a bit of time to read parts 3 and 4 soon.
  21. I still like "Programmable Ink",.. (or INC,..) if you prefer,..
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