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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. Tired mostly. Just wanna try to push through tomorrow so I can get to my weekend. And I forgot, no game this week? ---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 PM ---------- How are you these days? Elbows deep in your Gen Con swag yet??
  2. (woo-hoo!! 12,000 views on my thread!! *does happy dance*)
  3. well,.. no feet to worry about,.. or facial features for that matter. (except a mouth, but that should be easy enough),... now I just gotta work out the hands. And figure out what the glowy type runes on the summoning glyph are going to look like.
  4. I have a few things coming,.. but they are still in transit, and may be a few weeks before they actually get here from Thailand or wherever. In the meantime, I have ordered a colossal base from privateer press that's supposed to be in next week. Since I've been doing these oversized models, I thought I'd try my hand at an oversized sculpt. Specifically, I was thinking of "upscaling" my Nameless model, so that I can get more detail in it. (especially the base). In a bit of a different pose of course. I Know you guys have already seen this piece from me in small scale, but I wanted to redo it anyways.
  5. Thanks guys,.. *grin* I always appreciate the kind words. Sometimes makes me feel like my skills are above mediocre,.. (at times) *grin*
  6. I think you thrive on the stress of trying to accomplish these things. A bit sado-masochistic, to be sure. But I think it also helps relieve your OCD,.. *twitch*,.. OCD,.. *twitch,... OCD,... *twitch,twitch*,.... But the doctors say that you're doing much better now,... *grin*
  7. individually themed group bases that all cross-perform when necessary??? .jpg]
  8. It's getting pretty close to done, just need to do the other head, and touch up the blade.
  9. ok,.. how about some right side up pics this time,..
  10. I really gotta stop posting images from my phone,... *sigh*,... I'll fix them when I get home,....
  11. this mornings quick pics before work
  12. I think I might need to go just a bit orange-ier on the hair. I think I got pretty close, but I had to custom mix the color, as everything I have is either too brown or outright orange. I had to mix the two to get something close. I spent ages re-doing the scar over and over, to try to get the placement right. I think I got it pretty close too.
  13. I think it's just the angle of the photo,.. lemme get another one,..
  14. Yeah,.. I was thinking about doing those wavy patterns too. Just to put a little more detail on the blade. Still a bit of shading and such to do of the hair, but the first head is coming along nicely I think.
  15. models masters skin tone #4601. It's what I use. I had a problem with most skins being too orange or whatever, but this one fits the bill pretty well. And, you can get it in an oil or a water base to suit your preference. ---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ---------- a bit too red
  16. I'm having a hard time getting Kenshin's hair color right. Everything I have is either too brown or too orange. I'm probably gonna have to custom mix something.
  17. Anyone know the dates yet? I need to pre-apply for my vacation too,..
  18. not 2014? ---------- Post added at 08:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 PM ---------- Woo hoo!! I'm up to 8 friends here!!! *grin*
  19. How's everyone been,...??? oh yeah,.. at Gen Con,.... *pouts*,.. I hate you all for getting to go!!! *grin* j/k ---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 PM ---------- Bleach!!! you don't hang out in here much,... special occasion?
  20. yep,... he's rubbish,.... *grin*
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