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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. There's a few. Depends on how far back you wanna go. Classic??? I'd say Robotech fits the bill
  2. Though the witchblade plot is kinda cool. But honestly, I liked the comics better. Truly, I'm more interested in The Darkness, and The Angelus,.. then in the Witchblade itself though.
  3. you'll find mostly pics of her in red-head form. it isn't until she pushes herself to phase 2 that she goes all white-haired.
  4. she's not much of a ditz. She is chesty though
  5. I don't know the last one to use it,.. but the last one I saw,.. Witchblade,...
  6. Shine>> but calling them cliché is so,... cliché,...
  7. Teenagers is a common thread. As are certain other things. There usually has to be one, big boobed ditz of a girl,... and the guy with the white hair, is usually a bad-ass,...
  8. Agreed,.. is has gone a bit of a dragonball z route,.. just one endless fight after another.
  9. Not to shift topics,.. but in the realm of video games,... If Square doesn't get FF14 running soon, I'm gonna start getting unhappy. I'm usually a patient man,.. but I've had the game since it's release date (Aug 27th). And only managed to get on about 3 times. All the other times, the server is full, or they have everything down for maintenance for hours on end.
  10. Heavy Metal was awesome. It a classic. STERN!!!!!
  11. I can see the comparison,.. but I think that's over simplified. The definition ignores the whole "spirit/afterlife" concept of Bleach. But arguments about storyline aside, the drawing in bleach is 100 times better then in pokemon, even in that image you just posted.
  12. As compared to pokemon??? absolutely,... ---------- Post added at 10:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 PM ---------- Going even more-so in that direction would be things like Cowboy Bebop. Much more adult oriented. ---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 PM ---------- There is, of course, a range,... and some things overlap more then one
  13. Vic>> all discussions go in circles,... and continuiously morph from one topic to another. In another 10 minutes,.. we'll be on politics or religion or discussing mako's silly haircut,.. *grin* j/k And a week or a month from now,.. we'll be back on anime again
  14. see,.. that's what I mean. Adventure Time is just plain terrible,.. but then, so is sponge bob. Ed>> Bubblegum is a term for child targeted anime. Again, pokemon and yu-gi-oh would be prime examples of this genre. There are also stylized differences in the picture cells themselves. Bubblegum tends to have a lot less shading details, more primary colors on the characters (to help keep the kids' attention), and the episodes tend to be "stand alone" for the most part. (ie; you could play them in just about any given order and it wouldn't matter much) Unlike more adult oriented anime. Which tends to be more linear and series oriented. These, you have to watch in order. I mean, lets face it,.. if you skip ahead 2 or 3 seasons of bleach and try to catch a single random episode,.. you're gonna be super lost,..
  15. Most of all this is subject to opinion though. I guess you just have to find the genres that work for you. Horror, action, adventure, (hentai if you're a perv),.. I mean, there's something out there for just about everyone. I, myself, dislike bubblegum anime, as well as most giant robot animes. I tend to gravitate toward horror, and other animes that are targeted to a more adult audience (at least as compared to pokemon and the like) And I can't even watch American cartooning anymore,.. it honestly offends my eyes, it's so badly drawn. ---------- Post added at 10:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 PM ---------- So,.. no Dr. Who for you then,.. *grin*
  16. Black Blood Brothers could have gone much further. In fact, it was just starting to get good. It always seems that the ones that I really like don't ever get a second season. And yet, Pokémon and yu-gi-oh will go 7 thousand seasons,... I just can't seem to figure it out,... ---------- Post added at 10:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 PM ---------- If you like just plain, good ol' fashioned story telling. I recommend Mushi-Shi. It's got a bit of a "Japanese Twilight Zone" thing going on,...
  17. sadly, many animes have this flaw. It has a good concept, compelling story,.. etc,.. right up until a certain point, where either the story doesn't make sense, or it just seems like the writers couldn't figure out what needed to happen next. At which point, it just falls apart. Or the other flaw, where-in they get too sidetracked with "filler" episodes, and too far away from the main story arc. Sometimes they ride this train so far that by the time they get back to the main plot,.. you've all but lost interest in it. Naruto would be a good example of this.
  18. I'm liking "future diary" ---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ---------- it's sort of,... deadman wonderland meets deathnote,...
  19. Most people hate word problems. I was actually always really good at them. But that being said,.. there's still the question of,.. "if a train leaves Chicago heading west at 35 miles an hour,.. do I really give a ****???"
  20. but the point remains,.. "genius" is a matter related to the subject in question. A person might be a total idiot at advanced math or filing their taxes,... but might be an ultra genius at repairing car engines. So, from that perspective, teaching to a persons strengths just makes sense.
  21. Today's Quote,... Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. In other words,.. if a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.
  22. I meant the pastel sticks. Use the pastel powders to achieve highlights and shadows. It's far easier then trying to wet blend or what have you.
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