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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. but then, if that's the criteria,.. America fails too. Britany Spears, Miley Cyrus,.. (insert teeny-bopper of the week/or boy band name here) We've pumped out copious masses of this drivel,.. And I can only apologize whole heartedly to the rest of the planet for all of it,...
  2. and I guess we're even on the tv stars,.. we gave you Barney,. you gave us James May.
  3. Though, being American,.. I'm not sure that the Brits actually speak English. I'm still not sure what banger is. Here in the US, it's a gang member,... ---------- Post added at 06:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 PM ---------- and they insist on calling fries, chips,... and chips, crisps,...
  4. Well,.. it's at least an English speaking country from which to be able to scout out the others and find where I like. I'm not opposed to learning a new language in order to fit in.
  5. not sure. but we are supposed to find out by the end of the week. They said they'd let everyone know within two weeks, which gives them until Friday. but still,.. hanging in limbo sucks ass. I just want to know if I need to start picking up cardboard boxes or not,... ---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ---------- Maybe I should just ride Mako's coat-tails,.. and just go all the way to the UK,.. (but they probably wouldn't have me *grin*)
  6. Quoted from another forum,.. for truth,... Ever notice that no matter how much paint you own, that when you read a tutorial or see an SBS , they use five colors you don't own?
  7. haven't really done any tonight. I suppose I should shut down the laptop and get to it,.. but I'm just not feeling it tonight.
  8. yes,.. but mako makes them cookies and hogs all their attention.
  9. not much of one though,.. no thugs, no hookers, no shady back alley deals going on,.. But we do have raccidgeons, flying-zombie-ninja monkeys, and a portal to the land of lost socks in the basement. So that's something I guess,...
  10. true,.. I guess that does make us the "dregs of wyrd society" as far as the forum goes. Does that classify us as the forum underworld??
  11. Though I must say,.. the fact that you share my sense of humor is one of the things I love about you. It's nice to know that there are others out there just as "broken" as I am,.. *grin*
  12. as a mod,.. can you ban yourself with the push of a button???
  13. well,.. he is a sexy beast,... *wink* ---------- Post added at 07:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ---------- I really should stop though,.. because these jokes can go WAY dirty,.. if I let 'em,...
  14. I'd offer to help,.. but I doubt you'd be inclined to give me access to the back-end stuff. Just out of curiosity, is this forum a e107 shell?
  15. Can you meet in the middle, and find a way to row with your legs???
  16. I need to start working out. I'm getting old and fat these days. ---------- Post added at 06:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 PM ---------- Ratty>> What brings you out tonight?? I don't usually see you much down here in the OTT thread. Social visit?,... or is somebody in trouble??? *grin*
  17. Just 'cause I know you're always on the look out for new rat images,... ---------- Post added at 06:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:45 PM ---------- *swings in* How goes it folks,,...??
  18. Agreed,.. I'm the terrible painter here,.. But your stuff looks great. I think the eyes came out quite well.
  19. anyways folks,.. tis bedtime for me once more. G'night all
  20. mako,... if we took away your brushes and/or figs,.. I think it'd only be about 15 min. before you started twitching,.. *grin* ---------- Post added at 09:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 PM ---------- yes,.. even Atari counts
  21. The game is good,.. for me, painting is better. But the people here on the forum are the best part of it all. 99% of the people here are really cool. There's a few hold outs,.. I won't name any names,.. but you'll pick them out on your own soon enough.
  22. let's see,.. war games? check,.. RPG's? check,... strange views on things? check,.. As long as you play the occasional video game and perhaps read a comic or two,... then you'll fit right in with the rest of us*grin*
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