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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. Shenlong looks fantastic! If possible it would be nice to include the existing sample art in there for him. Also, the font seems to be some kind of unsual font from cut and paste, different from the rest of the site. Those are the only things I can think to edit or change. Really nice work!
  2. Hoffman is Great. The only thing I could see to add to this page is a link to model pages in the Crew section.
  3. Nicodem is one of the articles I'm now definitely listing as Great. Excellent work to everyone who worked on this one!
  4. Colette looks Great. The only thing I could think to add would be links to individual models in the Crew section.
  5. The McCabe article is fantastic! All it needs is art, and links to models, and it's ready to add to the Great list. Nice work!
  6. The Lucius page is Great. The only thing I can think to add is links to individual model pages for the Crew section.
  7. The Brewmaster is really really good, and this close to Great. Just needs links to other models in the Building a Crew, a list of his Strategies and Schemes, what's in his starting box (or, you know, what will be in it), and a Playing Against The Brewmaster section.
  8. Som'er is good and almost great. Can someone finish off the incomplete parts? The article could use descriptions of the Upgrades and how to use them, what Strategies and Schemes he likes and hates (and how to accomplish them), what's in his starting box, and a list of crew to expand from there. And a Playing Against Som'er section.
  9. Ophelia looks really nce, and is almost in Great shape. Can someone pick this up? Ophelia page needs art. Some upgrades still need discuss or summary. If there are Gremlin Generic upgrades she'd never want to take, it's probably okay to pull them. Maybe some discussion on Strategies and Schemes, if only notes about which ones she especially likes and hates, and tips on how to accomplish them. The Building a Crew needs some more notes. The first note on Lenny looks great. Still needs a Playing Against Ophelia section.
  10. Can someone add art to the Hamelin page? Otherwise it looks solid. (Mind you, I wrote that article, so maybe I'm biased. )
  11. The Collodi page looks fantastic, and is almost a Great article. It needs art (even if it's just v1.5 art), and the sections on other models should include links to those articles. If someone can do that, I'll totally upgrade that article to Great.
  12. The Dreamer is a great start, but I think it could use improvement. Anyone willing to pick this up and continue work with it? The Dreamer notes: This page stil needs art, and a summary. Need a link to Lord Chompy Bits. The Upgrade section should give advice on choosing upgrades, and especially picking between the two Limited Upgrades. I've heard that there are usually two styles of playing: either as a support/buff model, or non-summoner that focuses on Lord Chompy Bits. How does each play out? How can you make each most successful. It would be great to include Ratty's excellent summoning chart in this page. It may also be worth noting the trick where you can use Mr. Tannen to buff up your Masks, so you can use Dreams of Pain summon Teddy with a 13 or Red Joker. A list of Strategies and Schemes would be nice. A list of Nightmares would be great, along with how you would use each in a Dreamer Crew. Definitely needs links to other model articles. How do you use Daydreams? How do you use Alps? There should be a Tactics & Tips on Waking: An explanation of the mechanics, a list of things that affect it, and then advice on how to manage it and use it properly.
  13. My notes on Jakob Lynch. Anyone willing to polish this one up and bring it to Great? Jakob Lynch notes: Art would be nice! There should be a Tactics and Tips section about Brilliance, listing all the ways his crew can give it out, and the ways they benefit from it. The Building a Crew section should link to other model pages. Still needs a Playing Against Jakob Lynch section. Jakob Lynch's card manipulation tricks should be pulled out of Offense and made into a separate Card Manipulation subtopic under Tactics and Tips. Maybe some advice on picking Upgrades, since they all look good and it's hard to figure out when you would want each, and which go together well. Which crew are auto-includes, and which can you do without? What Strategies and Schemes do you want? What can you do to improve those he has difficulty with? How does the crew all fit together? What does Lynch usually do himself? What does he use Huggy for? What does he leave to the rest of the Crew?
  14. My notes on Zoraida. Anyone willing to pick this up? The page could use some art. Zoraida's Offense section feels really incomplete. I like the description that's there, but the page should definitely talk more about her oblique attack methods: Obey and Bewitch and the Upgrades and the Voodoo Doll. The Voodoo Doll kind of deserves its own section in Tactics and Tips. Maybe include how to use it, when to use it, and tricks for getting more damage (like the way you can get double damage by giving the Voodoo Doll Burning or Poison, since the target gets the condition as well, then gets the damage the Voodoo Doll takes from the condition.) There should also be a section in Tactics & Tips for card manipulation. She has several tricks for it! It would be nice to list them all, and how to use them together. (Bewitched, Crystall Ball, etc.) Leading a Crew should mention Swampfiends and Dolls and how she affects each. There should be summaries of her starting box and what they add to a Zoraida crew, plus links to other models. The page definitely needs more information on how to play her when leading a Gremlin Crew. What Gremlins do you hire? Also, maybe talk more about what WP<4 models she can hire, and which ones have special synergy for her. The Upgrade section is incomplete. Several need a summary of what they do, when you'd take them, and how to use them.
  15. My notes on Rasputina. Could someone pick this up? This is a really solid article. Good bordering on Great. The page does need art. I feel like maybe the Resilience section should emphasize Sub Zero a little more. It's such a powerful and surprising defense that people may not realize it. Pull it to the top of Resilience and say how to use it, perhaps? I also think the Resilience section needs a summary at top that pulls it all together. The Offense section could also use a summary that pulls it all together and describes how her attacks work. There should be a Strategies and Schemes section, with information about any strats or schemes she's especially good at, anything she needs help with, and how to achieve some that might not be obvious. A few models listed don't include links. It would be nice to have those. Maybe mention some of her other models, especially Wave 2 models? Silent One? Snow Storm? Blessed of December? When do you use them? What do they add to a Rasputina Crew?
  16. Here are my notes for Ramos: This is a really solid article, Good bordering on Great. If someone could update to polish it up, it will be totally perfect. How do you pick between Totems? I see several here. Which is best for which situations? The Ramos article needs art. The Resilience section needs to be fleshed out. Summarize the abilities listed, talk about what they end up being, and talk a little about how to use them. I have heard that Ramos is incredibly difficult to kill, in the top 3 for resilience of any Master. Is this so? If so, how does it work? The page definitely needs a Playing Against Ramos section. How do you deal with Spiders? Is it possible to kill him, and if so, how? I have heard people talking about a Ramos Crew as a "slowly rolling indestructible wall of steel." How specifically do you set that up? It seems like a combination of Crew buffs, but what specifically do you do?
  17. Marcus is looking close to done. dgraz, if you're reading this, I hope you don't mind editing notes! If someone could work on this, that would be awesome. Here are my notes: Marcus page still needs art. This is a clean and easy to read page. Really nice work. The Upgrade section could maybe call out the two Limited Upgrades, list them up top, and start with some information on how to pick between the two. I feel like maybe "Actions" should be retitled to "Beast Synergy" or something like that, since a lot of what's in there is talking about that synergy, and it's a key part of how to play Marcus well. A lot of informaion about the Crew tactics and tips should be moved into individual models. This section inmarcus should just summarize what the model can bring to a Marcus Crew, and then link to the individual models. There's a lot of great information in this Marcus article that should instead go into the Myranda and Jackalope articles. The Beast List is great, but should include links to other pages. This page still needs a Playing Against Marcus section.
  18. Can someone pick up and work on Yan Lo some more? I have him listed as a Good article, because there's so much great information, but I think he could definitely benefit from more editing and work. Here are my notes: This page has a lot of great data, but the formatting is kind of hard to read and absorb, and quite different from the other tactica pages without much advantage. This page needs Yan Lo art. This page mostly seems to be a cut and paste of his abilities, with commentary for each. It would be better to format this more like other PMF tactica pages: Overview, Mobility, Offense, Resilience, Tactics & Tips, Leading a Crew, Playing Against Yan Lo. The Abilities section should probably get split up into other sections instead. There should be a section in Tactics and Tips about Chi, which includes information abou Harvest Chi and Focus Chi. The hiring section should include a discussion of Infiltration. Lightning Dance should be moved to Mobility section I think. There should also be a Resilience section. The Ascendant Upgrades are included in the article, but really what this page needs is a brief summary of each, then an explanation of when you would use it. Advice on how to pick between the three would be really helpful here. I kind of imagine that the Tactics and Tips should have three sections: one on Chi (including a list of how to get it, and how you can use it), one on Ascendant Upgrades (how to pick between then, how important it is, what kind of timing to expect), and one on Summoning (an explanation of how his Summoning works, since it's so different from other Masters, and what's the best way to use it.) Most of the information on each of his Core Crew should be pulled into a separate article for each. This page should summarize a little, mention how you'd use them with yan Lo, and then link to those models. The page also needs a section on Playing Against Yan Lo, and a section on choosing a crew. The page should include links to each of the other models, and mentions of other models that work well with him (with links to those articles too, even if they don't exist yet.)
  19. Moxypoo, this is fantastic work! Well done! Here are some notes I had looking through the page: The page seems to be using a different font from the rest of the site. Can you change it to the default? It's a little hard to read. The page also needs Tara art. The Upgrade section should maybe mention at the top any upgrades that are auto-includes, and what other Upgrades might be good choices. How does she play differently as a Resser vs. Outcast? How much do different Upgrades matter for that? What are her best Crew choices? One thing I hear a lot about Tara is that she wants to bury a model and then drop it. Can you do this without a Death Marshall? Are there other possible choices besides Killjoy, Taelor, Nothing Beast, and Desolation Engine? (Bishop? Montresor?) Any to recommend for a Resser Crew? (Dead Rider? Rogue Necromancy?) The page definitely needs links to other models. I've heard that you should try to give only one enemy Fast, and only when you're about to Kill that enemy. Is that true? How do you make that happen? Are there ways you can get debuffs to make Tara's difficult Offensive attacks work better? How do you use Void Wretches? It feels like they provide a lot of Tara's objective-grabbing and healing support, but that there are some tricks to make that work better. Maybe list some of those tricks. Tara feels like she's got a long list of really clever tricks you can do with her. Maybe ten or so, and I think the article details about four of them. It would be nice to detail as many of those as possible: how each works, and when to use it. The whole topic of hand-emptying seems to trip people up. I've seen new Tara players waste resources because they believe they're supposed to empty their hand as quickly as possible. Maybe this deserves its own section in Tactics & Tips? How to discard, when to discard, how much to discard? It would be good to make some lists of things that matter for her most common tricks: one list of everything that can bury, and all the things you can do with a buried model. One list of all the ways to to give an opponent Fast, and all the things that debuff a Fast opponent. Maybe some advice on picking a Totem. Many don't like Karina. How do you use her effectively? What are other good alternatives?
  20. Can someone take on Seamus and polish him up a little? Here are my notes: This page needs some art. The Mobility section is a little hard to read. Maybe break it up into multiple paragraphs, divided by topic. The Offense section looks good, but could use a little formatting. There should be a little more about Tactics and Tips. Some things that come to mind: how do you play him as a sniper? How do you use his Belles to help him get the most out of his play? How often do you use the Copycat Killer and the Hat? Strategies and Schemes should mention any schemes or strategies he does easily, any he needs help with, and suggestions for how to accomplish those. How does he use Corpse markers? How do you pick between those uses? Needs a Starting Seamus section, with what's in his box, and what to add from there. How good are Dead Doxies? Any other models you want to add. It would be good to include links to individual models in his likely Crew. This page also needs a Playing Against Seamus section.
  21. Can someone polish up McMourning? McMourning looks really nice, but there are maybe a few things it needs to improve. The Crew section needs more information and links to Crew members. What Crew comes in the box? How do you use these? What else do you want? The Builds section is really helpful. Maybe it should be reformatted into sections instead of a bulleted list, with the section about there being something in between the two as a top introduction section? The bulleted list is a little difficult to read. How do you use him differently for Guild vs. Resser? How do you keep McMourning alive? Any suggestions for Mobility tricks? This page also needs a Playing Against McMourning section. Also! The page could use some McMourning art.
  22. Can someone pick up Sonnia Criid to improve the page? Here are my notes: This page still definitely needs art. The formatting on this age is a little weird. I think it may be using another font from Copy and Paste? It's actually quite difficult to read. What can you do to add Mobility for Sonnia Criid? Right now, some of this is just a list of her abilities and summaries of how they work. It would be good to get a better impression of what choices you should expect to make when you're playing her, and how to choose wisely. Maybe a Tactics & Tips about how to give Burning to targets, and what it does? Are there any auto-include Upgrades for Sonnia? The Tactics & Tips has a really good start, and Building a Crew has good information. The Upgrades needs more description, as well as suggestions on when to pick which Upgrades. What Totem should you use with her?
  23. Can someone pick up Lady Justice to flesh it out more? This article has all the foundation sections with some explanation. It would be great to add more! Here are my notes: I feel like there are some mobility tricks available to lady Justice's Crew. The Judge has something to speed her up, I think? And there's the Pine Box your own models trick? It would be great to include some of these. From what I've seen, a lot of the things that make a Lady J player really good is learning how to deliver Lady J to her victim quickly. How do you go about that? It would be nice to mention more about her Resilience. Do you use Juggernaut every turn? How much do you need to worry about her dying? How much does the threat of Riposte discourage attackers? Which Upgrades are auto-takes? Are there any to avoid? Movement Tips should move up to Tactics and Tips, and maybe should get expanded more. It would be good to link to individual models when discussing them. There should be a section on what's in her starting box, and what to add from there. Also, it would be nice to talk about the main core crew of a Lady J Crew (Scales of Justice, The Judge, Death Marshalls, The Lone Marshall). What does each of them give to Lady Justice? Link toeach, too. How does she accomplish objectives? What Schemes and Strategies are good for her, and which ones are hard? How do you decide what you want Lady J to go after. Lady J is traditionally the anti-Resser Master. Is that still true? What tricks and abiltiies do she and her Crew have that help against Ressers and Undead?
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