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Nephilim Nate

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Posts posted by Nephilim Nate

  1. You have to declare a charge. It doesnt mean that the model you charge has to be in range. Simply charge an enemy model, move your Cg towards them, and hope they are outside your melee range.

    Well just saw 'Charge enemy model' so you only bash your on model if it's in Melee range not charge and bash.

    Then Tograth if you end outside of Melee range because of 'Called to Slaughter you activation immediately ends.

    So you can suffer 2wds and activation ends or you can charge nearest miss and activation ends is this right?

  2. Although they need to strike (or is it Charge?) a model at the beginning of their Activation, if through poor planning or devious opponent shenanigans that means they are going to hit one of your models first, have them use Bash :)

    Good call, had not really thought of that, hadn't even thought about hitting my own models.

    Any other tips?

  3. Hi all,

    Just got aVik's and wondered if people had found her to be useful?

    I can see the pain they could bring but it seems like it would take a lot of setting up to stop it self imploding.

    Just want thoughts and tips before running avatar as every game counts now with Dead Heat.

  4. Thought I would just share this.

    35SS Vik's Crew.



    Ronin x 2

    Ten Thunders Brother x 2


    Set Vik's up ready to support whoever needs it, send Taelor down middle with some cover then flank with team of 1 Ronin & 1 Ten Thunders on each side. Plus finding having a few extra SS handy meaning you can be a bit braver with Vik's for max damage output.

  5. Thanks for feedback. I kinda agree for the most part, I love Ronin and Taelor.

    However got the models now so going to give them a paint up and run them in a league starting on Wednesday, see if I can find a use. I will report back here.

    I think Misaki must come in handy for a change, if not to stop people going after Taelor. Looking at you and your Grudge Guildmonkey.

  6. Right have played 2 Ten Thunders twice now and there quite fun but still not ovally convinced. I think their 0 actions are a bit to hard and defence a tad low, say that they have just died to Lady J with Cb 9 so could just be that putting me off. The 0 action thing might be cause I want to give them Crab Style but that needs a high mask which the Viks want.

    Any thoughts?

    Also what about Misaki? how do people find her? I've only run her once and she was Grudged by Lady J so she didn't get too far.

  7. Hey,

    Calendar sorted, thanks that is a big help. I just couldn't get my head around everything that was happening and realistically could only make one a month so having them on a calendar to view is great. Keep up the good work.

    I still can't decided as I want to go to everything :Sad_Puppet1:

  8. Hi All,

    I realised as much as I would like to I can't make everything and my brain was hurting trying to decide what to go to so I've made this basic list of the Tournaments coming up in the UK this summer.

    I though if I found it useful others might, I will just say this was just through a quick check through forum and I'm sorry if I've missed anything or got some data wrong, please correct me here.


    Thanks and I guess I will see some of ya here or there.


    P.S. made list but still not sure which I can attend

    Malifaux Dates.doc

  9. I'm sure someone has posted on this before but is it just me or are Ronin great.

    I just can not see a reason to not chuck some in with the Vik's. I'm also beginning to think one 'Next Target' is one of there better abilities. The potential for killing someone and still running onto an objective is great. Plus if you get a few models down the there last few wounds with a bit of luck you can finish them both off even in there up to 6" apart thanks to 'Melee Expert.

    I don't know where I'm going with this but they are Hard to Kill, mixed with Seppuku. Potential Def 8, they ignore armour with a :+fate on damage and always for hire. Plus they have a decent gun.

    Awesome, Just sayin'

  10. I too like Bishop, the cage fighter thing is just kinda cool. I have to say I don't often find a reason to take him but purely for the fact I love Taelor.

    I might bring him out a bit more, if fact I think I took him in my last game....

    I enjoyed the post anyway, I like underdogs and it can even make the game more fun.

  11. G4: Nathan and Andy (poor pirate accents though)

    It's all true, except I don't think I started with the Norfolk accent.

    Anyway, like all would like to thank JO for a great weekend, first Malifaux tournament and I had a great time (even on the first day when thing where not going so well) I will be going to more Tournaments in future.

    It was great meeting everyone, loved the evening shenanigans and went and brought Monty Python Fluxx yesterday and introduced to some new folk. Zombie Dice on the way.

    Hopefully stay in touch with all,


  12. I really like Bishop too, the model and playing with him. I agree he is a bit costly but one thing he does is scare the enemy. People don't want him to get near so as already said he can hold up a flank especially with a good amount of scenery.

    Then with all the triggers he usually pulls something off that nether you nor your opponent expects. You just suddenly see something that can really turn the fights he's in.

    Other than that his defence buffs tend to keep him alive long enough in my experience.

  13. Someone already mentioned use of you control hand, I think this is key. You could say this for all Malifaux but if you've not got many SS then it's more important.

    I've found (not a load of experience but a bit) that with the Vik's you need to have a good poker face and get you opponent burning their SS. So if you ahead and they go to cheat just pick your cards up with confidence so they think they need to burn a SS. The key to this is being in threat range with multiple models and sacrificing a few wounds off each as they all have a highish number of wounds.

    In short I guess that means being aggressive as others have said.

  14. Thanks guy, the clear path was a good point but apart from that I have been playing it right.

    The last game I got a really good feel for the mobility this could offer (I flipped line in the sand so needed it) and noted how beneficial this is with building etc... as you can even push one around a wall into a different room etc...

    Not really got the full benefit before mainly playing on a flat table with forests and bits. On a side note playing on a 4'x4' terraclips sewers is really fun, it does make a big difference to the game to have such complete terrain.

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