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About fredgar4

  • Birthday 09/27/1973

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  1. Y'all are completely right. It was Misaki. This was my first time vs 10thunders and me being a Factionist... they all looked the same. ;o) I just went back and edited it. Thank you for that!
  2. 1. I believe they do get the fire token before they are removed. pg. 16 of the m2e pdf. states "after damaging" happens after damage and applied before the model is removed if killed from that attack. 2. This depends on who actually had priority that turn. pg 19 of the m2e pdf. under End Phase states: "....if models from both players are affected, the first player will resolve their effects first." hope that helps
  3. I shelved malifaux for about a year as I wanted to focus on my warmachine army for awhile. During that hiatus the gaming group at my store started to die off. Lynch apparently killed it. I was not paying much attention so I can not get into details only hearsay, but I will save that for another discussion. After reading the info about m2e on these forums, I decided to dust off my malifaux and try them out. I enjoyed the rule system previously, but I definitely saw faction disparity especially in timed formats. What I am hoping for is a more balanced game for tournament play. I have only played 2 games so far and have no information on balancing, but here was my impression of the game in general. 1) The game felt a bit faster. I cant say it was faster, because all our card info was on our phones so we had our heads buried in our phones for about 1/2 the match. But I felt it went pretty quickly. 2) I loved the new soul stone rules. Previously, certain masters were pretty much untouchable and do what ever they wanted without fear. I feel the new soul stone rules make the game more defensive. SS usage for defense is pretty strong and when you couple this to limiting the offensive usage makes defense very viable. And while I feel that the masters in use were still very strong, they were not over the top. 3) I also felt the rules were "cleaner". There were less loop holes and potentially less rules exploits. 4) The game had the same feel as I remember, but with a smoother ride. And due to what I said in #3 above, I get the feeling that maybe that players will be able to shift toward actually using tactics instead of just combos and such. To this point I really enjoyed the games I played in the new system. I need further testing vs other factions and casters to determine if any of my speculation above is right or just wishful thinking. Here is some of the info from our games. Game 1 Sonnia vs Misaki 50ss Line in the sand I dont remember the schemes. I chose placing markers next to their master and one where you place them on the center line. Sonnia - make walls -reincarnate Sam - burning +4 judge executioner 2x witchlings austringer 6 SS I dont know Mei Fangs info as well Misaki + 3 upgrades Otto medium based henchman that does damage if you change w/i 3" 2 ninjas with throwing stars 2 "blind" bowmen <-- these guys were very good flaming multi tailed cat thing totem 2 soul stones ( this I actually know ) We used the exact same list in both games to save time. Sonnia won the first game. 2/3/0 vs 0/0/0. This game ended early. Beginning of turn 4 i believe. The game appeared that it reached the point of no return. The Sonnia crew was able to out attrition and we ran short on time. I believe this had to do more with me having a better grasp of how the new Sonnia crew works, while my friend was still dealing with the new changes to Mei Fangs crew. Game 2 Scenario where you generate points by killing 2 enemy models per turn. I (Sonnia) chose assassinate and murder protege. Misaki chose.. getting into my deployment zone and placing markers on center line Once again we called it a bit early due to time, but Sonnia had a strong lead. Sonnia victory 2/3/3 vs 0/1/0. Mei Fang probably would have scored more if we continued. When Misaki died to 8 burning counters from Sam, we called it. Thoughts on my guild models: Sonnia - She is still fun. She now plays the patient spider game.. wait for it...wait for it.. ok something is on fire and or grouped up. Blam Blam. Sam - eh.. not sure. He feels less offensive with the same super squishy feel. His melee weapon now does more damage than his ranged, but he is geared toward ranged. I'd like it better if you flip flopped those. executioner - didnt have the opportunity to utilize his (0) ability. He hits like a tank when hits.. He was usually going after their nastiest models so.. didnt hit much but when he did... Judge - i love this bullets and blades and such are triggers now instead of spells. I like him a lot. witchlings - less over all models. Them gaining pillows for weapons and losing most of their other abilities means they have completely different roll. Apply fire and do a little wounds and plant markers. I didnt expect them to do anything other than that. They did that well enough Austringer - very nice. out of time.. Thanks for letting me vent this from my head.
  4. That is what I was thinking. Thank you very much.
  5. Hello everyone, I have a question about abilities. (I am new to Malifaux, but not to table top minis.) I went down to a local store and was asking someone about the game. I had been reading quite a bit about it the game but at that point I had not tried it yet. A guy showed me a quick demo. He said something that I just didnt sound right. I wanted to find out the real answer before I corrected him so... He was using McMourning and during his activations he would use his ability (+1) Passion for his work ability. He was stating that he could use it multiple times during each activation. Now I am new and am not very clear on the rules, but from what I understand that would not be possible. The 2 reasons I assume someone cant do that is: 1) you may not gain the benefit of same ability more than once per activation (pg 36ish of little rule book). So I take it that the wording.. model receives Fast could only apply once per activation. 2) that the (+1) means that you could only do that ability once per activation. I am asking so that I have a better understanding of the rules in general.
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