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Posts posted by Legba

  1. 4 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    If you like soulstones in your cache you could also drop both hounds to add a watcher and the neph. 


    The hounds were there for scheme running (I know a savvy opponent will just kill one of the hounds and then no more scheme running) I dont have a watcher yet but I found a online store that sells singles from box sets!  



  2. 1 hour ago, Ludvig said:

    It's anextra activation and that mobility will not let you down. Being able to shift tempo and get places out of activation is generally very strong in this game. If some nasty enemy gets you out of position the neph can pull you back or you can move Fancisco to a place where he can put el mayor on someone instead of wasting it that turn. Being able to get Perdita further up is also helpful for alpha strikes.


    I have learned not to overextend while playing Lynch who has such limited range and while he is kind of a one trick pony (Pay for blood, final debt) he does that well.  But he is SLOW and I think I am going to like having Dita's much longer range.  So I can definatly see where any free movement is good.  it will just mean a ss pool of 3 instead of 6

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    Drop Santiago and Diestro and you have points to spare or can put the hair trigger on someone else. Diestro looks super cool but Francisco is already the one model your opponent WILL take out turn one or two unless you play him extremely cautiously. If you do that you don'tget any benefit from Diestro so it's sort of a lose/lose situation for you since you aren't forcing hard choices on your opponent but yourself and you are just making it even more obvious what the proper play is for them.

    Tormenta di plomo and dampening field are also basically just wasted soulstones in your list. Nino will never be close enough to use plomo and alive at the same time. Hair trigger can be nice on him though, he has excellent range even unfocused and plus flips with rapid fire will get shit shot or force out decent enemy cards.

    Perdita will most likely never ever use dampening field unless you expect to face Sebastian. Her other (0)s are just too good and since your crewcan push each other around so much they rarely need to worry about auras. Whatever Perdita would like to shut down can very likely be killed by her or Francisco in a single activation.

    So something more like this:


    50 SS Guild Crew
    Perdita Ortega + 3 Pool
     - Trick Shooting (2)
     - Vengeance Bullet (1)
    Francisco Ortega (8)
     - Wade In (1)
     - Diestro (3)
    Brutal Emissary (10)
     - Conflux of the Hunt (0)
    Nino Ortega (7)
     - Hair Trigger (1)
    Guild Austringer (6)
    Brutal Effigy (4)
    Guild Hound (3)
    Guild Hound (3)

     (exported from CrewFaux)


    Having not played her much or much Malifaux in general I am so unsure of what is the best way to go.

    Thanks for the tips 

    • Like 1
  4. So something more like this:


    50 SS Guild Crew
    Perdita Ortega + 3 Pool
     - Trick Shooting (2)
     - Vengeance Bullet (1)
    Francisco Ortega (8)
     - Wade In (1)
     - Diestro (3)
    Brutal Emissary (10)
     - Conflux of the Hunt (0)
    Nino Ortega (7)
     - Hair Trigger (1)
    Guild Austringer (6)
    Brutal Effigy (4)
    Guild Hound (3)
    Guild Hound (3)

     (exported from CrewFaux)


    Having not played her much or much Malifaux in general I am so unsure of what is the best way to go.

    Thanks for the tips 

    • Like 1
  5. Good advise all thanks for the tips

    Slowly formulating a list

    50 SS Guild Crew
    Perdita Ortega + 5 Pool
     - Trick Shooting (2)
     - Dampening Field (1)
    Francisco Ortega (8)
     - Wade In (1)
     - Diestro (3)
    Santiago Ortega (7)
     - Hair Trigger (1)
    Nino Ortega (7)
     - Tormenta de Plomo (1)
    Guild Austringer (6)
    Brutal Effigy (4)
    Guild Hound (3)
    Guild Hound (3)

     (exported from CrewFaux)


    Not sure if this is the way to go or not I know  the strategies are squatters rights take a claim and headhunter which I'm told are very interact heavy  so Nino, Santiago is there only as I have the alt Santana to field and I know that's not a good reason but what the hell!


    Feel free to recommend any tweaks, I dont have repoters or watchers cant justify buying a whole box for 1 or 2 models

  6. So dipping into the Guild pool (Lured in by a Dita crew I picked up and had pro painted) and have an impending tournament.  Not being an expert by any means any recommendations from those more learned than myself?  I am still relatively new to the game and have mostly been playing Mr. Lynch.

    I have the whole family

    and one Austringer and can or will get what I need.


    Thanks for the advice and assistance!



    • Like 1

    Kobayashi, and anyone else for that matter, have you considered the possibility of the "other projects" being vaporware, harvey the rabbit, or just plain oh so much smoke and mirror?  

    I personally don't care and have NO proof that this IS the case, but the argument can be made that they saw pledges dropping fast and made a decision to SAY they were doing so to increase interest and garner support, IE,  "Look we are so committed we are shelving everything else to do this"  Now why this matters to some as a reason to back or not I am not sure.

     I am backing TOS and am looking forward to it but I am not so much worried about Wyrds inner workings, way I see it everyone wants something for nothing and to get backers they are going to have to give a few "Freebies" because as backers we have to  consider that the cash is gone and you don't have anything to show for it for a year.

    nature of the beast I suppose.


    Oh Well Looking to seeing the world burn and having 18 portals on the table and having an opponent going "where is he going to come from!"



    • Like 1
  8. 28 minutes ago, wizuriel said:

    I would like to see some limited guard upgrades that make the guard actually feel like they are guardsman. 



    Sanitation Division 

    Limited Rare 1  Guardsman

    0 SS

    We Need More Men: For ever guardsman hired reduce the cost of a Guild Guard by 1SS

    No Slacking Off: :aura3 Friendly Guardsman models can not be pushed, placed or buried by enemy actions unless the opponent discards 1 card

    Welcome to the Sanitation Division: All friendly Guardsman models in :aura3 gain the following ability Taking Out the Trash: At the start of this models activation it can remove all corpse and scrap markers in :pulse2 of this model. This model heals 1 wound if at least 1 marker is removed from this ability



    Immigration Division  

    Limited Rare 1  Guardsman

    0 SS

    We Need More Men: For ever guardsman hired reduce the cost of a Guild Guard by 1SS

    No Slacking Off: :aura3 Friendly Guardsman models can not be pushed, placed or buried by enemy actions unless the opponent discards 1 card

    Welcome to the Immigration Division: All friendly Guardsman models in :aura3 gain the following ability Entry Papers: Once per turn when an enemy model is summoned or unburied within :aura6 of this model, this model may make a (1) AP attack action targeting the enemy model. 



    Limited Rare 1  Guardsman

    0 SS

    We Need More Men: For ever guardsman hired reduce the cost of a Guild Guard by 1SS

    No Slacking Off: :aura3 Friendly Guardsman models can not be pushed, placed or buried by enemy actions unless the opponent discards 1 card

    Cordon: At the start of this models activation for every friendly guardsman in :pulse4 you can place 1 50MM Under Patrol Marker within 6" of this model. These markers are Ht 0 severe terrain and are removed at the start of this models next activation

    While I don't play Guild, my son does and these upgrades would work well and be thematic too boot!  

    Good work!

  9. 14 minutes ago, ringsnake said:

    Yes, it was helpful, thank you. I've seen a trick with sidewalks that should work, putting down a thin sheet of MDF, foam, or something else to cover an area bigger than the buildings you plan to use. That area becomes the sidewalk when the buildings are put down on top of it. I'll look into premade buildings, but I try to be frugal, and most pre made terrain breaks my budget. 

    My idea with the canals was influenced by pictures like this:


    I personally like river/ Canal boards, just make sure to have LOTS of bridges to cross and define exactly how they influence game play (ie shallow no effect, sewer you just smell bad, toxic / hazard 2 damage if in at end of turn)

    Saw this store:


    on another post and I LOVE the paddle boat, but for your board maybe the launch?

    I have done white glue (watered down a bit) and just dirt as a texture then paint it your colour of choice, by far the least expensive.  But woodland senices makes flock in all shades!

    if you are not keen on painting buildings or scratch building 

    These are not the Malifaux line but the church would look fantastic!



    Also these:



    Good luck and make something unique and dont be afraid to go for it!  if it is too much you can always change it and do it a bit different!  Have FUN that is most important!

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